Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: German
Deadline: Jun 15, 2025
83 place StudyQA ranking:2218 Duration:2 semestrs

Photos of university / #unifreiburg

The EUCOR - Master of Laws is a consecutive study course for graduate students who speak German and French fluently.
The contents of the course are mainly legal questions which are dealt with from a German, French and Swiss angle. Students will be able to acquire and to adopt methods of comparative law. Additionally, the Master's thesis is written in an international context with the objective of carrying out scientific work in international relations.
Upon successful examination, participants will receive a triple degree from the three EUCOR universities in Freiburg, Strasbourg, and Basel.

Educational organisation

Within the course, students must achieve 60 ECTS by means of oral or written exams at the three universities and for the Master's thesis. Exams are held in different modules: private law, public law, criminal law, and international law.

Topics of the modules are:
1. Legal history and comparative law
2. Process of European and international law
3. Criminal law and criminology
4. Commercial and business law
5. Media law and intellectual property
6. System of German administration law
7. Basics of national and international public law

Forms of assessment

Mainly written exams and the Master's thesis
Four ECTS are awarded for exams, the ECTS for the Master's thesis depend on the university at which the student chooses to write the thesis.

Language requirements

Applicants must provide proof of their fluency in German and French: either German corresponding to native language level and French level B1 or French corresponding to native language level and German level DSH-2/TestDaF (4 pts) are required.

Required DSH / TestDaF


Academic requirements

First German state exam or equivalent foreign exam in law

Enrolment fees

145 EUR per semester

Costs of living

Participants must make sure in good time that sufficient funds are available to finance their participation in a course of study. The average cost of living in Freiburg for one month is currently approx. 800-900 EUR. Some details:
  • Student accommodation costs approx. 280-450 EUR (monthly).
  • Private expenses amount to around 350 EUR (monthly).
  • Health insurance is available for approx. 45-90 EUR (monthly).
  • Transport: A special student fare for regional transport costs approx. 89 EUR (per semester).

Services and support for international students

In addition to services and support offered by each coordinator of a course of study, the International Office organises a special four-day orientation session, which generally takes place two weeks before the beginning of the semester. This orientation session includes information about various aspects of everyday life (e.g. accommodation, work opportunities, etc.), presentations and visits to important institutions (e.g. the university library) and opportunities for socialising with other international students. During the semester, the "International Club" (coordinated by the Studierendenwerk (Student Social Services)) offers a great variety of events, trips, and services for international students in cooperation with the International Office. Furthermore, the UNIKOS team, a group of international students who have been studying at Freiburg University for some time, give practical advice and can be approached for help in several languages.


As Freiburg is an attractive city, finding a suitable place to live can take a little time. Only a small proportion of students can be offered a room in a student dormitory. The Studierendenwerk (Student Social Services) is in charge of the student dormitories. Applicants must expect a waiting period. In addition to these dormitories, several independent dormitories are listed on the university website. The Studierendenwerk also offers a list of available private rooms and the International Office can be contacted for further assistance in finding accommodation (
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