Informatics has in recent decades become an increasingly important part of the infrastructure of society and permeates daily life in many different ways. In order to address future societal challenges, there is a long-term need of relevant and leading-edge research and development in informatics.The Research Master in Informatics is unique in Sweden, and is for you who feel strongly about contributing to research and development in the field and want to show the way to the future information society.Research in informatics addresses how information is represented, processed and communicated in artificial and natural systems, and how such systems are developed in order to achieve usable and effective applications and solutions.As research in informatics is crucial for the development of society, competent people are needed who can contribute to research and development in both academia and industry for a very long time to come.What do you study on the Research Master in Informatics?During the study programme you will be given the opportunity to individually focus on your own chosen specialization in informatics. You will undertake a major individual project with scientific relevance which is linked to an ongoing research project at one of the research groups within the Informatics Research Centre at the University of Skövde. During the project you will be included as a member of the research group and get the opportunity to participate in activities, attend and present at seminars, meet with visiting scholars, and engage in other activities that contribute to learning, as part of an "internship".You will have two supervisors who will provide you with qualified supervision and ongoing feedback on your work. You will in collaboration with your supervisors before each new semester agree on concrete learning activities to be undertaken in order to fulfil the goals of the study programme. You will continuously document completed learning activities (such as written texts, literature reviews, data collection, methodological approaches, presentations, short reflections on participation in seminars, etc.). Over time, the master thesis will become the most important document, which will be developed throughout the entire duration of the study programme and be completed in the fourth and final semester.What are the career opportunities after graduating from the Research Master in Informatics?After completed studies you are prepared for a graduate program (towards a PhD) and a career involving research and development-intensive activities in the surrounding community, such as in some highly specialized and leading international IT company or in more traditional companies and organizations engaged in IT-intensive business. Examples of such organizations with which researchers in the research centre collaborate are Eclipse Foundation, Ericsson, IBM, IKEA, InUse, Microsoft, Saab, Volvo, and other leading companies and organizations engaged in IT.
This research integrates:
computational aspects: fundamental theory and methodology for how information is processed, represented and communicated in computer systems,
cognitive aspects: how information is processed, represented and communicated in natural systems, and how humans interact with different types of information technology, and
socio-technical aspects: how IT systems are used and developed to ensure usability for individuals, organizations, or society
The University of Skövde offers a small number of scholarships to students who are attending a Master's programme at the University and who are liable for tuition fees. If you are an exchange student, please contact your home university for information about thescholarships they provide.1. UHR ScholarshipsThe University of Skövde administrates some scholarships funded by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) to students liable to pay tuition fees attending a master's programme at the University. The scholarships are tuition fee waivers of 31,250 SEK per semester (50% of the tuition fee), and the amount is automatically deducted from the tuition fee when you receive your invoice. The scholarships are granted for one academic semester. 2. HS ScholarshipsThe University of Skövde offers a small number of scholarships to students attending a master's programme at the University who are liable for tuition fees. The scholarships consist of tuition fee waivers of 25,000 SEK per semester, and the amount is automatically deducted from the tuition fee. The scholarships are granted for one academic semester.Conditions: Both UHR and HS Scholarships can be extended to a subsequent academic semester provided that the students study results are satisfactory. The scholarship granting criterion is academic merit. The scholarships can only be awarded to tuition-paying students. Please note that you have to be able to finance the remainder of the tuition fee yourself, and to cover all the living expenses during your stay in Sweden.How to apply for a scholarship at the University of SkövdeFirst apply for one of studies at the University via University Admissions. You must apply for one of our masters programmes at the Swedish official online application service University Admissions. Then apply for a scholarship at the University of Skövde by filling in the online scholarship application form available on this webpage. Please note that you will need to provide us with the application number you received from the University Admissions website.3. Other types of scholarships for international students
Scholarships offered by the Swedish Institute
Scholarships for exchange students from the EU, EEA and Switzerland
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