Information System Security Management

Study mode:On campus Languages: English
StudyQA ranking:2985 Duration:2 years

In all sectors of the economy, there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals with expertise in information security. The Master of Information Systems Security Management (MISSM) meets these needs by providing in-depth education in security protocols, design, software, and management. Students explore protection strategies, including the planning, design, implementation, and management of complete network security solutions in multiple operating-system environments and configurations. Graduates will be able to assess and implement necessary safeguards to ensure the security of information systems. Program content includes network security policies, standards, and management; building and maintaining security firewalls; cryptography; international and national information security laws; ethics; disaster and recovery planning; risk management and analysis; and forensics.The MISSM program is delivered in a continuous learning format, consisting of seventeen courses including a research component. The program is normally completed over four semesters. The intensity of the program (a) allows students to meet their educational goals in an efficient and timely manner and (b) enables students who possess a more general degree to focus on the specific knowledge and skills required in the emerging field of information systems security. The program is open to both full- and part-time students.

Field of study: Computer and Information Systems Security

Course based: yes

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