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Students of this specialisation are able to try out the interesting opportunities offered by a career as scientific communicator or scientific journalist.
Students of this master's specialisation have an excellent opportunity to broaden their studies outside their own specialist field, and during the work placement are able to try out the interesting opportunities offered by a career as scientific communicator or scientific journalist. The experiences and insights gained will be of benefit to those who intend to continue in an academic environment, for example as a PhD candidate in their own specialist field. The ability to communicate about science is an essential skill which all scientists should have mastered! In recent decades, life science research has enabled enormous breakthroughs in our understanding of fundamental molecular and cellular processes and mechanisms of life. The MSc programmes in Life Science & Technology in Leiden and Delft are complementary. Knowledge about genomic organisation, studies of protein-protein interactions and the characterisation of molecular structures have become central in modern life science research and technology. This knowledge forms the basis of the molecular understanding of health and disease.
Programme internationalization:
This programme has a workload of 120 ECTS.
Scholarships / Grants:
Leiden University:For additional information: Website