Population Studies

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Local:$ 2.21 k / Year(s) Foreign:$ 12.5 k / Year(s) Deadline: May 1, 2025
80 place StudyQA ranking:2337 Duration:24 months

Photos of university / #universityofgroningen

This Research Master's programme is a mix of a compulsory foundation and an individual route in which you can specialize further in terms of both content and methodology. In the core modules, you learn to define your own position as a junior researcher. We offer you an unique approach to the study of religion. Pluralism, for example, is an important characteristic of all our research. In the study of the three monotheistic religions, considerable attention is paid to alternative movements. We research how religion is embedded in culture. The global and diachronic perspective of our research is also represented. It is important to conduct research not only from Western and modern perspectives, but also from other cultural and historical ones. The individual route comprises three elements: electives, research traineeships, and writing a thesis and a research proposal. The electives are designed to equip you with in-depth knowledge of specialized subjects, together with subject-specific skills and methodological knowledge. The final specialization occurs in the Research Master's thesis, which forms the basis of a PhD thesis proposal or an application for research funding.

Instruction modes

literature study, oral presentation, research, traineeship, research proposal, tutorial, lecture, group assignment, portfolio, self evaluation, individual assignment, practicum, self study

Accreditation: NVAO, NVAO

Erasmus Mundus program: This is an Erasmus Mundus program.

Admission requirements

Sufficient knowledge of English: a TOEFL score of at least 600 (paper), 250 (computer) or 100 (internet), or a minimum score of 7.0 in IELTS (International English Language Testing System; overall; 6.5. on parts) is required. Native speakers of the English language, as well as Dutch applicants with a VWO certificate, are exempt from this requirement.

Other requirements

  1. taaltoets cijfer Sufficient knowledge of English: a TOEFL score of at least 600 (paper), 250 (computer) or 100 (internet), or a minimum score of 7.0 in IELTS (International English Language Testing System; overall; 6.5. on parts) is required. Native speakers of the English language, as well as Dutch applicants with a VWO certificate, are exempt from this requirement.
  2. taaltoets cijfer een (Engelse) taaltoets is alleen van belang indien je geen VWO-diploma hebt
  3. vooropleiding (ISPAC: vereiste vooropleiding) BA in Theology or Religious studies or BA in a related area in Humanities, Philosophy or Social Sciences.
  4. vooropleiding (ISPAC: vereiste vooropleiding) WO-bachelor Theologie, Religiestudies of gerelateerd aan Letteren, Wijsbegeerte of aan Sociale Wetenschappen (bijv. culturele antropologie, sociologie of psychologie) geeft toegang tot dit masterprogramma.
  5. schriftelijk verzoek Students have to apply for admittance to the programme by a admission form and a motivation letter.
  6. schriftelijk verzoek De student moet een sollicitatiebrief schrijven en hierin zijn motivatie aangeven om deze opleiding te willen volgen.
  7. intake gesprek After selection based on the motivation letter, the grade list and other information, an interview with the student is part of the procedure.
  8. intake gesprek Na een voorselectie op basis van (o.a.) de sollicitatiebrief, de cijferlijst en de overige informatie, wordt een gesprek met de kandidaat gevoerd.
  9. gemiddeld cijfer On average, grades for Bachelor-2 and Bachelor-3 courses should be 7.5 or higher (on a scale of 1 to 10). The quality of the bachelor's (or master's) thesis is very important.
  10. gemiddeld cijfer Het gemiddelde cijfer van de vakken uit het tweede en derde jaar van het bachelorprogramma moet minimaal een 7.5 zijn. De kwaliteit van de bachelor- (of master)scriptie weegt zwaar.
  11. cijferlijst Certified transcripts should testify to the candidate's competences.

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