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The M.Phil. in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion is a nine-month full-time, or one year and nine-month part-time Masters course. The M.Phil. offers the opportunity for advanced study in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion across the full range of disciplines and with a strong focus on research. Students can draw on the expertise of leading scholars from a wide range of subjects, which allows both for specialisation and for interdisciplinary approaches.
The M.Phil. is designed for students who wish to study their subject interest at an advanced level for nine-months full-time, or one year and nine-months part-time, but also to enable those who wish to undertake further research at doctoral level to acquire the necessary skills and understanding. The course has the following streams: Anglican Studies, Christian Theology, Mahayana Buddhism, New Testament and Early Christianity, Old Testament, Philosophy of Religion, Religions in Antiquity, Study of World Religions and World Christianities.
Candidates submit a thesis of between 15,000 and 20,000 words and two pieces of submitted work of not more than 5,000 words which will be an essay or an equivalent exercise. Candidates then chose to do one of the following: a three-hour language examination; an exercise; or an alternative exercise within the candidates's chosen subject area if one has not already been offered.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the M.Phil. students should have acquired:
- an introduction to research methods and skills appropriate to a chosen sub-discipline of the subject, such as will serve both: as a preparation for more advanced research or as offering skills of value to potential employers;
- more advanced and specialised knowledge of some fundamental issues and literatures at the forefront of research in that sub-discipline;
- the ability to construct a substantive, if preliminary, contribution to research on a particular issue within that sub-discipline, through the writing of a thesis.
In order to be eligible to continue to the Ph.D., students must achieve at least a mark of 71 for the thesis and an overall average of at least 71% in the M.Phil. as a whole.
Teaching is by seminars, supervisions, and, as appropriate, classes and lectures. Each module shall normally be taught by four seminars of two hours duration in one term (though some subject areas may provide one-and-a-half hour seminars where there is no essay work being assessed during the seminar itself). Teaching for the exercises varies according to the nature of the exercise. Students may be required to submit preliminary written work for seminar presentations, or practice essays or exercises ahead of their submitted essays or exercises.
The seminars themselves constitute the teaching for the essays arising from the seminar course.
Other essays will be supervised individually. The norm is 2 hours of supervision (distributed between 2 or 3 meetings) per essay.
For theses, the norm is 4 hours of supervision, though that time may be distributed in various ways.
For those students taking the part-time route it is intended that the taught elements will normally be delivered in the first year.
One to one supervision |
Four hours for the thesis; two hours per essay. |
Seminars & classes |
Twelve to Sixteen hours. |
Lectures |
Sixteen to twenty-four hours per year for language papers. |
Feedback will be given on essays or exercises related to the seminar modules when the marks and comments are available. Feedback will be given regarding progress in the thesis during the supervisions given for it. There will also be termly reports on CGSRS.
A thesis of between 15,000 and 20,000 words. The examiners may at their discretion request an oral examination in any aspect of the work submitted by the candidate.
Two pieces of written work, each of which shall be an essay of not more than 5,000 words, or an equivalent exercise related to a student's chosen seminar modules.
If a student does not choose to study a language, a further written exercise.
Written examination
One three-hour language examination (if a student chooses to study a language).
- Magistr (Master's Degree) at Pass level. Diploma Specialista (completed post-1991) with a minimum overall grade of good or 4/5 Bachelor's from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and other prestigious institutions with an overall grade of 4/5 Bologna Bachelor's from other institutions with an overall grade of 5/5, Excellent
- Diploma Specialista (completed post-1991) with a minimum overall grade of Excellent or 5/5 Bachelor's from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and other prestigious institutions with an overall grade of 5/5
- IELTS (Academic) 7.5
- TOEFL Internet Score 110
- £50 application fee
- First Academic Reference
- Second Academic Reference
- Transcript
- Research Proposal. Around 500 words
- Sample of Work. Either one or two essays, or a thesis (whole or part)
- Personal Reference.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
- Global Education
- Gates Cambridge Scholarships
- Barnard Randolph Studentship (Christian Theology)
- Burney & Gregg Bury Studentship (Philosophy of Religion & Christian Theology)
- Hartwell & Sheik Zayed Studentship (Islamic Studies)
- Kirby Laing Studentship (New Testament)
- Peregrine Maitland Studentship (Spread of Christian Religion, comparison between Christianity & other religions, the contact of Christian & other civilisations)
- Philosophy of Religion Studentship
- Polonsky-Coexist Studentship in Jewish Studies
- Shapiro Fund (Jewish Studies)
- Theological Studies Fund Studentship