Corvinus University of Budapest

Budapest, Hungary
Website: Founded: 1920 year Type of University:State 1001+ place StudyQA ranking: 1188 pts. No. Students: 14522 Frgn. Students: 1826 No. Staff: 1576 Languages: Hungarian Phone: +3614825000 Fax: +3614825019
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The name the Corvinus University of Budapest reflects an institution with a human-centred view based on humanist ideology that is committed to the human, science and culture centred traditions and values appropriate to the universitas while evoking a renaissance world, focusing on refinement, details, diversity and value creation. Commitment to the name of the Corvinus University of Budapest means the identification with European values. The establishment of the institution within Hungarian higher education fits well into other economic and social changes that are concomitants of EU membership. The objective is that the connection to European higher education should be a positive and long-term growing process.

The mission of the Corvinus University of Budapest is to maintain an international standard of creating and transmitting values in the form of teaching, research and consulting activities, all in the context of academic freedom. The University strives to operate in a legally and morally unquestionable way. Therefore, the University requires its citizens to comply with the law, respect human dignity unconditionally, protect the natural environment and cultural heritage actively, and eventually, combine high professional skills with responsible work. The Corvinus University of Budapest regards its teachers, students and researchers as the most important creators of value in the institution. The University pledges to promote their creative professional involvement in Hungarian and international scientific life in every possible way.

The common goal of ongoing research and innovative development projects at academic workshops is to improve the quality of human life. Research conducted in fields including knowledge-based economy, economic policy, environmental management, modernization of public administration, social justice, equal opportunities and equal treatment, food security, garden product quality, organic agriculture, urban planning, landscape protection, as well as the image and safety of public spaces all target the creation of better living conditions, an improved quality of life, and the development of social, economic and environmental conditions.

The joint research and innovation objectives of the Corvinus University of Budapest serve the creation of a more viable world. Each faculty contributes to the improvement of the quality of life with the research results of their respective disciplines.

The Corvinus University of Budapest seeks to strengthen its international presence by utilising all potential opportunities for cooperation in international education and research. It is a basic objective of the University to offer an increasing number of foreign language trainings and joint degree programmes. A further goal is to increase student and staff mobility and to take up a more active role in encouraging international research. The Corvinus University of Budapest intends to make the scientific community - both Hungarian and international - respect and appreciate the results achieved by our students and faculties.

  • Business Administration

    The Faculty of Business Administration is the centre for education and research in economics, financial management, management and organization, business, management sciences and management practice.

    The high quality of education offered by the Faculty is guaranteed by the fact that each subject is taught by lecturers who are specialists in the given science or discipline, equipped with the necessary academic and practical knowledge.

    A sign of the international recognition of our educational and research activity was the fact that in November 1996 the University became a member of the CEMS (The Global Alliance in Management Education).

    The Faculty of Business Administration is also member of PIM, EDAMBA, EFMD and CEEMAN.

  • Economics

    The basic aim of the Faculty is to provide education and research in the field of Hungarian economic policies embedded in a global and European context. After graduation, the students are equipped with the necessary knowledge to take an active role in the forming of economic policy at a global, a European and national levels. The Faculty offers a wide range of relevant topics in the fields of world economy, the European Community and the CEE region, thereby providing the necessary knowledge for those individuals who wish to embark on a career in international or domestic institutions of economic management or governmental agencies.

  • Social Sciences

    The Faculty of Social Sciences has been rated to be the country’s leading university institution for study of the social sciences. The staff’s outstanding teaching quality and the innovation of its research are responsible for the academic reputation. Departments explore theoretical developments and apply social science research to practical concerns in teaching. The four institutes are centres for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs. We pride ourselves as having an important role in training teachers, including future university teachers. We not only conduct research in the social science but also encourage our researchers to collaborate with other internationally renowned universities and extend the boundaries of social science research across disciplines.

  • Food Science

    Scientific and educational studies are covered by the 12 departments and the Pilot Plant of the Faculty. At present degrees are awarded at the levels of Food Technology Engineer (BSc) and Food Engineer (MSc). The program of Food Technology aims to train students to become experts who have multifunctional technical knowledge and practice of production, thereby enabling them to start new private enterprises and to solve production and management tasks. The objective of the program of Food Engineering is to teach the scientific principles and practice of food processing. The students learn biotechnology, preservation, packaging, food quality assurance, nutrition and environmental engineering systems. Furthermore, they are required to know and have real practice in planning and management.

  • Horticultural Science

    The aim of education is to provide excellent skills in each branch of sustainable horticulture, based on up-to-date knowledge in natural sciences and to raise specialists who are familiar with the Hungarian and foreign horticulture, their latest scientific results and practical skills. A special role is given to the ecological approaches, quality aspects and integrated technologies. After graduation, the students will be able to organise and lead the production of horticultural enterprises of different sizes and character, to carry out the tasks of counsellors, engineers and to take part in research and education.

  • Landscape Architecture

    The Faculty of Landscape Architecture was established at the University of Horticulture and Food Industry in 1992, with the mission of providing graduate and postgraduate (PhD) studies in landscape architecture. Students pursue one of three specialties: garden and open space design, landscape protection and reclamation and landscape/regional planning. The Faculty is the only place for landscape architecture training in Hungary. The training has always followed the trends of the European development of our profession. The curricula have been modernised several times, and we have introduced a new training structure and new courses.

1853. The School for Practical Gardening (1853-1860) was the first institution of horticultural professional training in Hungary. The school was founded and managed by the well-known horticultural scholar and publicist Dr Ferenc Entz (1805-1877), who was also a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS).

1894. Royal School of Horticulture. The School became a real higher education institution in 1894 as the Royal School of Horticulture.

1948. The modern economist training began in 1948, when the Hungarian University of Economics was established as a separate universitas.

1956. A defining personality of this era was Imre Nagy (1876-1958) lecturer of the university, martyred prime minister of Hungary, ember of the HAS and lecturer of agricultural politics (1948-55, 1956).

1968. Kálmán Szabó (1921-2007), rector, professor, member of the HAS, who not only was one fo the developer of Hungarian economic reforms.

University of Horticulture was established in 1968.

2000-2003. As a result of an integration process going on during these years, the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and the College of Public Administration merged in 2000. The faculties of the former University of Horticulture and Food Industry, the traditions of which go back one and a half centuries, joined the institution in September 2003.

2004. By virtue of the resolution adopted by the Hungarian Parliament, the University took on the name "Corvinus University of Budapest" as of September 1 of this year.

2008. 60th Anniversary of KÖZGÁZ. The name "KÖZGÁZ" is an abbreviation the people have always used no matter what the official name of the University was. Over these 60 years KÖZGÁZ has always focused on the same disciplines in the same building in an unchanging academic atmosphere.

2012. By virtue of the resolution adopted by the Hungarian Parliament, the Faculty of Public Administration became the part of the newly established National University of Public Administration. Corvinus University of Budapest operates with 6 faculties from this year.

The following English language programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration recently have undergone an EPAS (European Programme Accreditation System) accreditation assessment by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development). 
The Business and Management programme has been accredited for 5 years. 
The Executive MBA programme has been accredited for 3 years.
(For more information on EFMD and EPAS, please visit EFMD’s website.)

The Master in Public Policy and Management programme of the Faculty of Economics has been accreditted for 7 years by the European Association for Publich Administration Accreditation (EAPAA). The programme is available also in English language.

Student Council

The Student Union is a special unit among university bodies. Its central responsibility is to represent the students’ interests. Its members are elected annually. Each faculty has its own SU board, which are coordinated by the University Student Union (EHÖK).

The SU’s jobs are threefold: representation of students, communication and other services. The SU is present with 1/3 of the votes at all important decision-making meetings of the university, such as the Senate, the Faculty Councils and the Committees. Students with education-related issues should turn to the Student Union for help and assistance. As for communications, the Student Union has the responsibility of informing students about university news and changes in regulations. Other services include organizing amazing events and professional lectures, which are a huge part of student life.


AEGEE is present in more than 200 cities with 13 000 members. As a unique European organisation, it only operates on local and European level and not on a national one. AEGEE’s aims include promoting international mobility, protecting democratic values and human rights, promoting a unified Europe and creating an open-minded society.

In order to achieve these goals, AEGEE organises summer universities, exchange programmes, trainings and conferences. These events are organised by local students and attended by young adults with various European nationalities. Members of AEGEE-Budapest can attend these events and participate in the organisation’s life, the weekly meetings and community programmes. There is a camp every six months and weekend training programmes. Members can also help, participate or initiate organising the international events.


AIESEC, as the UN acknowledged, is the world’s biggest international non-profit organisation which is run by students. It is present in more than a 100 countries, on 1600 universities, with 50 000 members. Hungary joined this network in 1972, and by now we have 12 offices in 8 cities.

The profile includes a young, dynamic team, improving their skills and managing the International Internship Programme.

There are two kinds of membership at AIESEC. As a long term member, students have the opportunity to explore their potentials and enhance their skills for the benefit of their future career. During the AIESEC years, they are going to be able to participate in internships and tasks that allow them to improve and test their theoretical knowledge in practice. The other membership type is the participation in the International Internship Programme. Within this program, they can apply for various internships in 110 countries from all over the world, in the not-for-profit, state or corporate sector. There is a choice of thousands of opportunities in the online system in a number of fields: management, social development, IT and education.

Hungarian Model United Nations Society

The Hungarian Model United Nations Society was established in 1997 by students from CUB and ELTE. Since 2009, we organise the annual Budapest MUN in cooperation with students from CEU. Students become part of a grand situation game; they can walk in the shoes of decision-maker politicians and can try, without consequences, what it is like to participate in serious negotiations.

Apart from its initial goal of modelling the UN, the society now considers it a responsibility to build a connection between the UN (with its specialised agencies) and the Hungarian youth, and to provide an informative forum on the UN and other international organisations. This manifests in various lectures and a competition for high school students on UNESCO. We also send students to youth programs and exchanges in Europe as a partner of Mobilitas National Youth Service.

ESN  Erasmus Student Network Corvinus 

ESN Corvinus grew out of “Erasmus Working Group”, a team within AEGEE, in 2007, when it was founded as a separate student organisation and joined the ESN network, which is present at 361 European universities.

The organisation is not for profit. It is responsible for organising programs for incoming exchange students, helping them to fit in and manage their lives in a foreign country. ESN cooperates with the International Office at all times.

The number of incoming exchange students grows every year; at present, it is over 300 per semester. Corvinus University of Budapest is the No. 1 university in Hungary which receives the most exchange students.

ESN has 50 helpful student members, who commit their free time to help international students.


The Information Technology Center (ITC) is in charge of maintenance of all computers installed at Corvinus University. The aim of ITC is to improve the university’s qualities and effectiveness through the implementation and maintenance of information technology.

CUB’s computer network consists of about 1200 computers in auditoriums and other various places throughout the premises. Some university computers are for research, administrative and executive purposes, others, which are in specialised computer labs, may be used for general or thematic study. Computer labs are accessible for CUB students in accordance with the assigned timetable.

The Career Development Office at the Corvinus University of Budapest was the first one of its kind in Central-Eastern Europe when it was established in 1996.

The mission of the Career Development Office is to connect highly trained students and the academic and business world, and to establish an employment culture where students receive help in finding the most suitable job in terms of interests and knowledge, by promoting the means of conscious career building.

Originally, we were only supporting students from Corvinus University, but in the last 8 years we have extended our services over every student and graduate who comes and asks for our help.

Our activities:

Job offers and internships

Company information system and Employee database

Course in career management and seminars in skills development

Career consultation (personal and group sessions)

Organising corporate programmes: company presentations, factory- and headquarters visitations

Pre-selection and preparation of selection decisions

Career fair in the Spring and in Autumn (“KarrierExpo”)

Academic research: twice a year, “Job preferences of young graduates”

The Welcome Center was opened by Dr Tamás Mészáros on 30 March 2011. This is a separate room for visiting professors, to facilitate professors adapting to a new working environment. Corvinus University of Budapest established the Welcome Center within the framework of the university’s internationalisation strategy. The project, supported from EU Funds and managed by the International Office, includes the following:

Room for visiting professors

Guide for visiting professors (in English)

Online database (registration, tenders)


Prestigious university in Hungary and the region:

Excellent reputation, which has been proven in various domestic and international rankings.

Award for the excellent education making the management profession globally competitive.

The highest index of satisfaction among the employers concerning the students having graduated from Corvinus University.

Academic excellence:

3-cycled programmes with focus on Master's in foreign languages.

Internationally accredited programmes (in the EPAS system).

Aim: to reach international standards in education and provide competitive degrees on the European and global market.

Unique in Hungary: degree programmes in landscape architecture, public administration and food science.

The wide range of interesting courses at Corvinus offer a unique experience of academic content, working with Hungarian and international students and exposure to practical problems of Hungarian and regional issues.

The teaching professors have a great experience in conducting classes not only in the Hungarian environment, but several of them are regular visitors at other European universities and Business Schools in the United States.

A lot of emphasis is put on learning versus teaching at Corvinus. Learning also means exploration, often putting the emphasis rather on questions than answers, dilemmas instead of clear-cut solutions.

Nevertheless, Corvinus is solid on academic theory and making students work hard. After all, rest feels good when serious accomplishments are achieved!


According to the Financial Times European Masters in Management Rankings  the CEMS degree that is offered also at Corvinus is regularly the first or second most recognised programme in this field.

According to the different domestic rankings the University and its faculties are all featured among the best.

Student life - international atmosphere:

Every year about 1,500 international students choose to study at Corvinus University.

Corvinus University of Budapest on map:
Study programs at :
Local: $ 1.54 k / семестр
Foreign: $ 2.07 k / семестр
Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Duration: 6 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 3037
Local: $ 1.82 k / семестр
Foreign: $ 2.55 k / семестр
Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 2497
Local: $ 1.54 k / семестр
Foreign: $ 2.07 k / семестр
Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: Blended
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 1822
Local: $ 1.54 k / семестр
Foreign: $ 2.07 k / семестр
Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Duration: 6 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 2313
Local: $ 3.02 k / семестр
Foreign: $ 3.02 k / семестр
Deadline: May 31, 2025
Duration: 6 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 3268
Local: $ 1.82 k / семестр
Foreign: $ 2.55 k / семестр
Deadline: May 31, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 2084
Local: $ 3.43 k / семестр
Foreign: $ 3.43 k / семестр
Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 2385
Local: $ 8.32 k / год
Foreign: $ 8.32 k / год
Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 2386