Kiel University

Bielefeld, Germany
Website: Founded: 1665 year Type of University:Public 251–300 place StudyQA ranking: 835 pts. No. Students: 24947 Frgn. Students: 1996 Languages: German Phone: +4943188000 Fax: +494318807333
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About CAU

The University of Kiel (German: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, CAU) is a university in the city of Kiel, Germany. It was founded in 1665 as the Academia Holsatorum Chiloniensis by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp and has approximately 24,000 students today. The University of Kiel is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. Until 1864/66 it was not only the northernmost university in Germany but at the same time the 2nd largest university of Denmark.

History of CAU

The University of Kiel was founded under the name Christiana Albertina on 5 October 1665 by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. The citizens of the city of Kiel were initially quite sceptical about the upcoming influx of students, thinking that these could be "quite a pest with their gluttony, heavy drinking and their questionable character" (German: mit Fressen, Sauffen und allerley leichtfertigem Wesen sehr ärgerlich seyn). But those in the city who envisioned economic advantages of a university in the city won, and Kiel thus became the northernmost university in the German Holy Roman Empire.

After 1773, when Kiel had come under Danish rule, the university began to thrive, and when Kiel became part of Prussia in the year 1867, the university grew rapidly in size. The university opened one of the first botanical gardens in Germany (now the Alter Botanischer Garten Kiel), and Martin Gropius designed many of the new buildings needed to teach the growing number of students.

The Christiana Albertina was one of the first German universities to obey the Gleichschaltung in 1933 and agreed to remove many professors and students from the school, for instance Ferdinand Tönnies or Felix Jacoby. During World War II, the University of Kiel suffered heavy damage, therefore it was later rebuilt at a different location with only a few of the older buildings housing the medical school.


Institutional Accreditation or Recognition - Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Verkehr und Technologie des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

Services of CAU

Living in the dormitories of the Studentenwerk, BA/ MA-studies only

The International Center accepts applications only from the following students:

  • participants of the Erasmus exchange programme
  • stipend holders of Kiel's partner universities (England, France, USA, Poland, Russia, Japan, and Korea)
  • stipend holders of the City of Kiel (Stadt Kiel - Stipendien)
  • DNSZ - stipend holders
  • DAAD students and scholars of the Nordelbische Kirche

The rent in the various dormitories is currently € 190,00 to € 230,00 per month.

The renting periods in the dormitories are currently at least six months. The renting contracts always have to be signed for these six months.- for the winter semester (application deadline 15th June ) from 1st September  of a given year until 28thFebruary  of the following year. - for the summer semester (application deadline 15thJanuary ) from 1st March until 31st August  of the same year.

In order to apply for a room in the dormitories please submit the form for applicationbefore the deadlines expires and send it via snail mail or fax to the International Center.

BA/MA students must apply directly at the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein (housing administration)

PhD student accomodation

There are currently no offers for accomodation for PhD students by the "Studentenwerk". Please do not apply for accomodation through the "Studentenwerk" or the International Center.

Instead, please contact the other dormitories in Kiel, listed beneath.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our PhD tutor

Financial assistance of the International Center

1. Interim Financial Aid (Überbrückungsbeihilfe or Abschlussbeihilfe of the DAAD)

In exceptional cases international students from outside the EU can apply for an interim financial aid during the final examination period. Students who are married to an EU-citizen or who have an unlimited residency permit for an EU-country cannot apply for the programme.

The application can be obtained from the International Center. This type of financial aid is granted to those students who

  1. are in a situation of financial emergency for which they themselves are not responsible,
  2. have sucessfully carried out their studies, and
  3. have a well-founded prospect of passing their examinations by the end of the given financial assistance period.

The interim financial aid can be granted before the final examinations (i.e. Bachelor, Master, Staatsexemen ). Due to the high number of applicants, an avarage amount of 3 months is usually granted. Certain exceptions apply to medical students. Additional information, including the necessary application forms, are available at the International Offices of Universities in Schleswig-Holstein.

The selection of stipends is done by a committee that consists of representatives of the International Center of CAU, the Studentenwerk and the AStA.

Contact at Kiel University
International Center
Jan Bensien
Tel.: 0431-880 3716

2. Interim Financial Aid for Doctoral Candidates

In exceptional cases international doctoral candidates can apply for an interim financial aid during the final period of their docotoral studies.

The application can be obtained from the International Center. This type of financial aid is granted to those students who

  1. are in a situation of financial emergency for which they themselves are not responsible,
  2. have sucessfully carried out their doctoral studies and are expected to finish thier doctoral studies within the next 6 months,
  3. have a well-founded prospect of finishing their doctoral studies successfully.

Due to the high number of applicants, an avarage amount of 2 months is usually granted.

The selection of stipends is done by a committee that consists of representatives of the International Center and the Graduate Center of CAU.
Contact at Kiel University
International Center
Jan Bensien
Tel.: 0431-880 3716

3. Stipends of the DAAD for students and doctoral candidates who are exceptionally involved in international activities

In exceptional cases international students and doctoral candidates can apply for a stipend when they are involved in international acivities that support the integration of international students.

This type of financial aid is granted to those students who

  1. have sucessfully carried out their studies and
  2. show exceptionally involvement in the international context of CAU, especially in helping with the integration of international students and doctoral candidates in close cooperation with the International Center.

The selection of stipends is done by a committee that consists of representatives of the International Center and the Graduate Center of CAU (doctoral candidates) and the Studentenwerk (students).

Contact at Kiel University
International Center
Jan Bensien
Tel.: 0431-880 3716

University Endowments

There is a limited number of endowments at the University that offer financial assistance also for international students:


In the course of the "Deutschlandstipendienprogramm", students at all levels of their study program and from all fields of study,  can receive a one-year grant with a monthly stipend of Euro 300,-- . Eccelent academic qualifications are necessary. (German only)

Student Parishes and Organizations

Financial aid packages similar to the interim financial aid are granted by the Protestant and Catholic student parishes. In addition, an organization sponsoring international students in Kiel offers financial assistance to students in difficult situations. These organizations can be contacted through the International Center.

Förderung nach dem Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAFöG)
Information is provided by the  BAFöG-Amt
Tue 13.00-16.30 h
Thu   9.00-12.30 h
Studentenhaus, Westring 385 or at (German only)

Other Academic Stipends

Various academic stipends are also available for international students who are not eligable for a BAFöG grant. Several foundations offer such stipends, for example the German Academic Exchange Service Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD); however, these stipends are awarded only in a few exceptional cases to students who have already begun their studies at a German university.

Kiel University on map:
Study programs at :
Deadline: Feb 1, 2026
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 6180
Deadline: Apr 1, 2025
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Deadline: Feb 1, 2026
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Deadline: Jun 1, 2025
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Deadline: Apr 1, 2025
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Deadline: Jul 15, 2025
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Deadline: Sep 1, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Languages: English
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Deadline: Feb 1, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
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