Study program of integrated academic studies in Pharmacy to acquire academic title of Master of Pharmacy, lasts 5 years and performs in 10 semesters with a total of 4065 hours of instruction. Classes are held in the form of lectures, practical exercises, seminars, field trips, themed workshops, undergraduate practice and students research work in function of producing their graduate thesis.
Total engaging students through all provided forms of education is expressed by the number of 300 ECTS credits. Implementation of ECTS was done according to non-modularised system (subjects can have different number of points so that the total number of credits in one academic year is 60). Number of credits for each subject was determined by comparing the set of tasks which students need to do to accomplish learning goals and outcomes. Student provides scores for the course after passing the final exam.
During I, II and III semester students generally acquire knowledge in basic sciences relevant to the study of pharmacy and basic medical sciences. While IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX semester teaching is oriented to pharmaceutical professional courses and subjects of medical sciences that are closely related to pharmacy. During the X semester students can start working on their graduate thesis under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the Statute and corresponding Regulations. During the X semester, students perform undergraduate practice in pharmacies of public and hospital sector.
Elective courses are scheduled in V, VI, VIII and IX semester. The curricula of elective courses are designed to allow students to expand their knowledge on some topics that are less processed within the required subjects, improve their informatics, gain a good basis for doing research work and to be appropriately introduced with the basic principles of pharmaceutical and clinical medicine.
Classes in all courses take place in one semester in accordance with the teaching plan.
The most important methods of teaching are:
1. interactive theoretic lectures
2. students practical work in laboratories
3. seminars
4. fieldwork
Interactive theoretic lectures feature a discussion of teachers and students on the topic that is the object of lectures and provides students a better understanding of the material in comparison to traditional methods of theoretical teaching ex cathedra. This type of teaching is characterized by the use of multimedia presentations as the most modern means for displaying the instructional content.
Students' practical work in the laboratories is performed as a demonstration of specific skills or procedures with the active participation of students and as an independent experimental students work with the defined goal (the result of analysis, synthesis of preparation, etc.).
Production of term papers allows students to rehearse the independent use of literature, electronic databases and presentation of selected topics that they have dealt with minimal help of subjects teachers and assistants.
Field work enables students to carry out activities that could not be adequately realized in the laboratory (e.g., collection and processing of plant material) or to learn about certain aspects of the profession in real conditions (e.g., visits to manufacturing plants).
The purpose of the study program
Study program of integrated academic studies in Pharmacy is based on the Law on High Education of the Republic of Serbia, principles of European high education contained in the Bologna Declaration, opinions and recommendations of international professional and academic associations in the field of pharmacy and, above all, society needs for highly educated staff who can follow the rapid development of science and practice in the field of pharmacy.
This study program promotes the principles which are generally accepted by the academic community in developed countries:
- - Rationalization and modularisation of curricula,
- - Implementation of ECTS,
- - Initiation of new types of teaching and new methods of teaching,
- - Insistence on continual work of students,
- - Implementation of quality control mechanisms for curricula and methods of teaching,
- - Participation of students as partners in the educational process.
The study program has a clearly defined purpose, namely:
- - Efficient studying,
- - A higher level of professional and scientific competence of graduate students of pharmacy as a general social and national interest,
- - Alignment of the curricula with programs of European high education institutions involved in education of pharmacists (in terms of quality, scope and methodological approach), which would provide greater mobility of students and teachers,
- -Implementation of standards in the process of evaluation of knowledge, skills and professional competence which are comparable to standards of the European Union, in order to equalize pharmacy students to their colleagues in the European region.
- Introduction to medical Biochemistry with the Basis of Scientific Research
- English in Pharmacy
- Biophysics
- Biology with Human Genetics
- Anatomy
- General Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Histologija
- Botanika
- Neorganska hemija
- Fizicka hemija
- Analiticka hemija I
- Organska hemija II
- Analiticka hemija II
- Instrumentalna farmaceutska analiza
- Molekularna biologija ´celije
- Opta biohemija
- Imunologija
- Fiziologija I
- Farmaceutska neorganska hemija
- Fiziologija II
- Mikrobiologija
- Farmakognozija I
- Farmaceutska organska hemija I
- Bromatologija
- Statistika u farmaciji
- Izborni blok 1
- Farmakognozija II
- Farmaceutska organska hemija II
- Neuronauke
- Patofiziologija
- Farmakologija
- Izborni blok 2
- Izborni blok 3
- Neurofarmakologija
- Dijetetika
- Medicinska biohemija
- Farmaceutska tehnologija I
- Izborni blok 4
- Izborni blok 5
- Analitika i kontrola lekova
- Fitoterapija
- Farmakokinetika sa farmakodinamikom
- Farmaceutska tehnologija II
- Kozmetologija
- Endokrinologija
- Izborni blok 6
- Izborni blok 7
- Farmakoterapija
- Toksikologija sa analitikom
- Biofarmacija
- Farmaceutska biotehnologija
- Farmaceutska etika i zakonodavstvo
- Izborni blok 8
- Izborni blok 9
- Industrijska farmacija
- Interakcije i neeljeni efekti lekova
- Farmaceutska praksa
- Izborni blok 10
- Izborni blok 11
- Izborni blok 12
- Klinicka farmacija
- Studijski istraivacki rad
- Diplomski rad
- Strucna praksa
- Steroidna jedinjenja, primena i zloupotreba
- Farmaceutski preparati na bazi algi gljiva i liajeva
- Alergene biljke
- Koordinaciona jedinjenja
- Menadment u zdravstvu i farmaciji
- Ambalani materijal farmaceutskih preparata
- Radiofarmacija
- Etika u predklinickim i klinickim istraivanjima
- Zelena hemija u farmaceutskoj industriji
- Nanohemija u farmaciji
- Dijetetska hrana i dijetetski suplementi
- Sinteza farmakoloki aktivnih jedinjenja
- Poslovni engleski jezik
- Reproduktivna endokrinologija
- Farmakoepidemiologija
- Farmakoterapija bola
- Dermatokozmeticki preparati
- Farmacija u stomatologiji
- Informacioni sistemi u farmaciji
- Zavisnost i zloupotreba lekova
- Biljni ekstrakti u kozmetickoj industriji
- Komplementarna medicina
- Farmakoterapija u ginekologiji i akuerstvu