The MSc in Biomedical Sciences aims to provide you with a theoretical background and with general academic competences in multidisciplinary research in Biomedical Sciences. You will be trained to become an independent researcher, with a further career in science. Either with a view to obtaining a PhD degree, or to fill a position in an industrial or institutional research environment.
In the Biomedical Sciences Communication specialisation you combine your research training with different aspects of science communication, such as journalism, new media, museology, and information visualisation. The communication part of the specialisation is taught in Dutch.
After succesfull completion of the Masters in Biomedical Sciences you will have acquired thorough research experience, combined with the required theory and the communicative skills necessary to function in an international environment.
All students with a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Sciences are admissible to a PhD programme.
The common part of the programme for all students of MSc Biomedical Sciences consists of:
* A 20-week research traineeship in a laboratory; * A number of theoretical and thematic (Frontiers of Science) courses; * A course on how to write a research proposal; * A course on clinical research in practice; * A course on scientific conduct.
In addition, the Communication specialisation (60 EC) is offered in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities, or with the Faculty of Sciences. Students will deal with topics such as science communication, science journalism, editing and presentation skills, web text & web design, and information visualisation. Students conclude their programme with a traineeship in the field of science communication and biomedicine.
Entry requirements * BSc in Biomedical Sciences in the Netherlands (or abroad) > deficiencies are unlikely, but may occur depending on which bachelor courses were taken; * a relevant bachelors degree (for example Medical Biology, Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Life Science) This implies a bachelors degree obtained at a high level university with sufficient education (about a month of full-time study per subject) in the following subjects: Molecular Cellular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology, Microbiology, Neurosciences, Epidemiology, and Statistics. Several months experience of working in a laboratory is also required > some deficiencies are likely. Admission will be considered; * Hbo Bachelors in Biology and Medical Laboratory Research > premasters programme of one year at LUMC, provided good results were obtained in previous education, relevant modules were taken, and research/laboratory experience was gained. Other hbo-bachelor certificates are unlikely to warrant admission to the pre-masters programme. * proof of sufficient proficiency in English, evidenced by an appropriate testThis requirement does not apply if you have: * completed your education in Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, New Zealand or Australia, or * an International or European BaccalaureateInternational students who want to apply for the communication or education specialisations should have proof of proficiency in Dutch (an NT2-II certificate, or an equivalent qualification in the Dutch language).Students who have a BSc in Biomedical Science from Leiden University do not have to apply for admission.Insufficient previous education? * Insufficient education in a number of the aforementioned subjects may be compensated by sufficient previous education in other subjects relevant for a Biomedical Science education (e.g. Biochemistry, Pharmacology); * Insufficient education in one or more of the aforementioned subjects may be compensated prior to, or at the beginning of the masters programme, by taking (bachelors) courses offered by LUMC (in English if available); * Students with a Dutch bachelor degree in applied sciences (hbo bachelor) may be admitted to the masters programme after a premasters course at LUMC of about one year. All of the above possibilities for candidates with educational deficiencies are subject to a decision to that effect taken by the board of admission. English Language Requirements IELTS band: 6.5 TOEFL paper-based test score : 570 TOEFL iBT® test: 90
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