British Cultural Studies

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Local:$ 244 Foreign:$ 244  
1001+ place StudyQA ranking:6113 Duration:24 months

Photos of university / #unibuc

The British Cultural Studies (BCS) MA Programme is hosted by the British Cultural Studies Centre (BCSC) and was founded, under the auspices of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, by the British Council. Since 1993, the year of its foundation, the programme has seen curricular reshuffles and adaptations to meet with societal developments and students’ expectations.

Interdisciplinary and internationally recognized, the programme is taught exclusively in English by Romanian and British specialists and comprises 2 main components: Britishness in various institutions (the English, Irish, Scottish mindcast; historical and institutional developments; the national character of the UK; media culture); individual/collective identity and the public space (the public sphere, political life, visual culture, religious specificity, public relations, international intercultural relations).

The relaxing atmosphere of the place, the interactive methods used and debates ‘over a cup of tea’ increase the sense of pleasurable enjoyment.

Courses taught cover an extensive area, among which: Cultural Identity & the History of Ideas; Cultural Anthropology; A Sense of Britishness; Modernity Studies; Media Culture; Discourse and the Public Sphere; Postcolonialism & Postcommunism; Identity Construction; Imagology; Area Studies; Cultural Management & Business Development.

Occupational opportunities: diplomacy, cultural management, PR, media, business, British Council, the UK Embassy, education (Cultural Studies is a discipline taught at secondary school level as well).

Admission by interview (candidates can be graduates of any higher education profile). Massive encouragement to interdisciplinary approaches, to enable BCS graduates to cope with international requirements.Following Romania’s adhering to the European Union and in accordance with Law 316 from July 12, 2006, the citizens from the European Union as well as the citizens from the Swiss Confederation and the European Economic Region may study at Romanian Higher Education Institutions in the same conditions as Romanian students do, that is : They have to pass an entrance examination for all study levels ( Bachelor, Master, PhD), at the same dates and the same subjects as Romanian students. The study fees are the same as for Romanian students, to be paid in Romanian currency (Ron). The fees may be updated every year. The admission sessions usually are in July for Bachelor studies and in September for Master and PhD studies. The exact examination data are available at every faculty of the university (they might differ slightly from one faculty to another). In order to register for the entrance examination at any of the faculties of the University of Bucharest, the file must contain the following documents: Certificate of equivalence of study documents High school diploma + school records, in original and endorsed copies Birth certificate, endorsed copy Health certificate Three photos size ¾ Passport or any other ID, in copy Proof of payment for the examination taxes
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