Psychology (EN)

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Local:$ 2.21 k / Year(s) Foreign:$ 8.92 k / Year(s) Deadline: Jan 15, 2025
80 place StudyQA ranking:4354 Duration:36 months

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* industrial and organizational psychology * cognitive psychology and psychophysiology * clinical neuropsychology * clinical psychology * developmental psychology * applied social psychology The programme offers a thorough training in methodological and statistical knowledge and skills. The specializations correspond to the different directions in the Master Programme of Psychology and the career opportunities described in the various contexts there. In Groningen you can study Psychology in Dutch or in English.

Instruction modes

literature study, internship, research, research project, research proposal, tutorial, lecture, working group, group assignment, individual assignment, practicum, self study

Accreditation: NVAO

Erasmus Mundus program: This is an Erasmus Mundus program.

Admission requirements

In contrast to earlier information the Psychology programme will get a numerus fixus for 2017-2018. As with all numerus fixus programmes prospective students have to register through Studielink until 15 January. After that there will be a selection procedure. Important key facts: * The numerus fixus is determined on 600 places. * The deadline for registering at programmes with a selection, including Psychology is fixed by law on 15 January. * Registration for 2017-2018 is possible from 1 October 2016. * More information:

Other requirements

  1. ingangstoets In contrast to earlier information the Psychology programme will get a numerus fixus for 2017-2018. As with all numerus fixus programmes prospective students have to register through Studielink until 15 January. After that there will be a selection procedure. Important key facts: * The numerus fixus is determined on 600 places. * The deadline for registering at programmes with a selection, including Psychology is fixed by law on 15 January. * Registration for 2017-2018 is possible from 1 October 2016. * More information:
  2. minimum kennis (ISPAC: overige vereisten) Although formally speaking we do not distinguish between different VWO profiles, we strongly advise a firm background in English, mathematics and biology. In the bachelor, there is a strong emphasis on scientific research. On the basis of courses in statistics and methodology, you learn how to perform good and ethical research and to evaluate the reliability of your results. Many students experience difficulties with statistics, so it is important to realize in advance that this is part of your studies.
  3. vooropleiding (ISPAC: vereiste vooropleiding) If you hold an EU secondary school diploma comparable to a Dutch vwo-diploma you are also admissible (i.e. Abitur, International Baccalaureate). A rule-of-thumb for students holding an EU-diploma (no rights may be derived from this): If your diploma gives admittance to universities in the country of origin of your diploma, then it also gives admittance to universities in the Netherlands. Starting from the 1st of September 2015, students who finished their first year of an applied university programme (hbo in Dutch), cannot automatically be admitted to the Bachelor of Psychology. The admissions board may ask for supplementary requirements. Please contact the academic advisor for more information. More information about the matching procedure:

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