Photos of university / #uniofbuckingham
Buckingham is Britain’s oldest independent university, created over thirty five years ago to show that independence provides a better education than does direction from the state: and since 2006 the University has been leading on the National Student Survey, which is a national poll of undergraduate students conducted for the Government by the independent research organisation Ipsos MORI. The survey is important because it is an indicator of the satisfaction levels of our students. Being highly voted for eight consecutive years is an endorsement of the value of a University of Buckingham degree and, most importantly, it reflects our students' view of the quality of life at the University.
Here at Buckingham Business School (BBS), we always put our students first. Our degrees are tailored to give students a global, ‘real world’ perspective and are highly regarded throughout the world. We place a high emphasis on innovation in course design and believe strongly in stimulating an entrepreneurial mindset.
We are constantly striving to provide the best possible education and experience for our students, and to give you the best start in your business career. We pride ourselves in the personalised and small group teaching approach so you won’t get lost in a crowd. At the Buckingham Business School, you are a person not a number.
The University of Buckingham is the largest and leading provider of teacher training in the UK for the independent school sector, and we are now training more and more teachers from the state-maintained sector and from abroad.
If you are already employed or soon to start employment in a school, but do not have the PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) or QTS (Qualified Teacher Status), then one of our courses will be right for you. There are a number of routes to gaining the PGCE and QTS with us including a 12-week Assessment Only Route for more experienced teachers.
All of our courses allow you to gain the qualification whilst working at your school. Our fees are designed to be highly competitive. Our quality is second to none.
For further information and application details, click on the relevant course title to the left. You will find the answers to most questions within these pages, but please do get in touch with us should you wish to.
Studying the Humanities is sometimes falsely characterised as a type of indulgence – ‘consumption’ in the language of economists rather than ‘investment’. Even by the narrowly utilitarian standards of modern discourse, however, this view is mistaken. The market rate of return to a trained and ‘humane mind’ is probably much higher than is commonly supposed. The skills developed from studying the humanities – clarity and precision of language, knowledge of cultural evolution and historical change, the ability to communicate with others and to construct clear lines of argument – are of the greatest importance for all kinds of worldly success. “The light of all humane minds is perspicuous words”, asserted Thomas Hobbes. The development of “humane minds” remains the ultimate objective of Buckingham’s School of Humanities; but, where appropriate, assisting students to pursue their future career goals is also of central importance.
The School of Humanities has the largest number of students of all the schools at Buckingham, and spreads across the widest range of subjects from Economics to Literature, Military History and Decorative Arts. If you have ever considered studying an Arts or Economics degree, with small group teaching, students from around 80 countries, and flexible study options, then follow the links on the left for more information.
Two other elements underpin this success:
Our intensive degrees, completing a 3 year qualifying law degree in 2 years and an LLM in a further 9 months; this certainly impresses future employers; and
Our highly qualified and experienced academic staff, over 25 in number, all of who teach and give personal guidance to our 400 or so students.
Indeed this could all be expressed in a formula:
Time = Intensity
Staff = Attention
Intensity + Attention = EmployabilityAnd on the subject of Employability, despite the School being under 40 years old, our alumni have already occupied a remarkable range of posts from local solicitors, barristers and business owner / managers to Judges, Attorneys-General, Ministers of Justice and of Human Rights and even a Head of a Civil Service around the world.
It is a great privilege to be the first Dean of the University of Buckingham Medical School. Medicine today poses considerable challenges. Aging populations, innovative technology and a far more consumerist approach to healthcare in all societies is changing the educational requirements for doctors globally. We are creating novel courses to meet the demands of the new age giving our students the ability to be more effective throughout their careers.
The School of Science comprises the Departments of Applied Computing, Psychology and Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolic Disease. Our staff-student ratio on taught programmes is 1:11.3 and contributes to Buckingham being ranked top for student satisfaction in the National Student Satisfaction Survey (2006-2013). You will interact with nationally and internationally acclaimed academics and dedicated teachers within our tutorial teaching system. Our courses are leading-edge and will prepare you for employment in today’s rapidly changing world. Similarly, our research students in Applied Computing, Psychology, and Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolic Disease are undertaking projects of real importance and international significance, supervised by internationally recognised experts.
On 27 May 1967, The Times published a letter from Dr J. W. Paulley, which said, “Is it not time to examine the possibility of creating at least one new university in this country on the pattern of those great private foundations in the USA, without whose stimulus and freedom of action the many excellent state universities in that country would be so much poorer.”
This idea was taken up by a number of people in the business and academic worlds and three London conferences followed, two in 1968 and one in early 1969. Active supporters included Max Beloff, then Gladstone Professor of Politics at Oxford and later first Principal of the University College at Buckingham, Professor Harry Ferns and Ralph Harris. Harry Ferns and Ralph Harris were both prominent members of the Institute of Economic Affairs, an organisation whose ideas have played a major role in the development of the University.
A suitable site was found in Buckingham and on 29 March 1973 the University College at Buckingham (UCB) was incorporated, in the form of a non-profit making company registered as an educational charity. The Council of Management held its first formal meeting on 3 April 1973. Lord Hailsham, the Lord Chancellor, became the first Visitor of the College and laid its foundation stone in May 1974. UCB was formally opened in February 1976 by the Rt. Hon. Mrs Margaret Thatcher, MP, as former Secretary of State for Education. It had 65 students.
From the outset it was essential that the academic standards for Honours degrees were directly comparable with those of the established British universities. The term ‘Licence’ was used to describe the qualifications of Honours level awarded by the University of Buckingham and it was decided:
that degrees would be externally examined in precisely the same way as other universities, using examiners drawn from the ranks of Britain’s most reputable academics.
that an Academic Advisory Council would be set up, consisting of 37 senior British academics and an International Advisory Council of 52 distinguished overseas university professors with a wide range of experience and influence.
As a result of the high standards set, recognition by distinguished associations followed swiftly. The Law Society, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Institute of Bankers and many more all accepted the Licence.
The Chandos Road Building, formerly the Milk Factory
In March 1983 the College was incorporated as The University of Buckingham by grant of a Royal Charter, just seven years after it opened, satisfying the Department of Education and Science and the Privy Council that the standard of education was at the highest level. Following this grant, the customary nomenclature of Bachelor’s Degree (BA, BSc, LLB) was used. By 1984 student numbers had increased to 500 – the demand for places had never been higher, with a ratio of applications to acceptances at 8:1.
The three year period 1982-1985 brought great changes, not only as a result of the Charter but also in the development of the campus buildings. The comparatively small size of Buckingham, with steady rather than explosive growth, has been a blessing and has made it easier for the ideas of the University’s founders to be tested, not only in academic terms, but also in admissions policy, buildings and organisation.
Buckingham sees itself existing side by side with the state-controlled universities, but it does seek to influence by its example the content and method of higher education, and to provide students with an alternative to institutions in the public sector. It now rests on firm foundations, providing traditional small-group Oxbridge-style teaching alongside the best of the new technology in a community which has the vitality of an independent enterprise. It became a registered charity on 4 May 2011, registered charity number 1141691.
The University underwent an Institutional Review by the QAA in August 2012. QAA confirmed that the University meets UK expectations for the three areas covered by that Review: the academic standards of our awards, the quality of our students’ learning opportunities, and the enhancement of our students’ learning opportunities. QAA commended as an area of good practice our small-group tutorial system and the culture of personal attention.
Read the 2012 QAA Review Report for Buckingham and the University’s Action Plan for addressing the Review Team’s recommendations.
Find out more about the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) Investigation (published in March 2015).
Student Dining
Throughout the day, there are hot and cold snacks available, speciality teas and coffees and a wide range of cold drinks to eat in or to take away. At lunchtime we serve a variety of freshly-made meat, vegetarian and pasta dishes. There are a number of Fast Food Menus to choose from where items are cooked to order and can take approximately 8 to 10 minutes. If you are in a hurry you can choose from a variety of freshly made sandwiches and wraps, home-made cakes, or the Deli Bar. The Refectory is open until 17:30 Mondays to Friday in term time. There are “Meal Deals” and “Special Offers” available on a regular basis. Out of hours, there are vending machines dotted around the campus.
Breakfast 08:30 – 11:45
Lunch 12:00 – 14:00
Call orders 12:00 – 17:30 + Hot meal from 16:30 to 17:30
Deli Bar 10:30 – 14:00
And, if you fancy something to remind you of home, just bring in a recipe and the catering staff will be delighted to put it on the menu!
Top up your Catering Card
CaféDirect Coffee Shop, Verney Park
CaféDirect at Verney Park serves freshly ground fair-trade coffee and a wide range of other fair-trade products which are available to eat in or take away. Items for sale include cakes, Danish pastries, breakfast rolls, paninis, pane tascas, tostatos, meat and vegetarian pies (hot and ready to eat in minutes!), fresh sandwiches, salads, fruit, soft drinks and much more.
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 08:00 – 16:00 (hot food served 10:00 – 14:30)
Theme days and special events
Throughout the year, our speciality theme days are popular and fun. We try to cater for our many nationalities so themes are very often cultural in flavour, with authentic menus from the world’s cuisine. Themes have included Mexican Day, Mardi Gras and Asian Wraps.
Daytime and evening BBQs are often held throughout the summer, some alongside events in The Bar, such as our Calypso barbecue with steel band.
We also cater for special University events & for the SU Societies . For example, the Law Society’s hot Indian buffet and the Osaka students’ oriental buffet.
The Bar
You can find the Bar in Tanlaw Mill. Check out the Sky TV for great sports events, use the WII, or unwind with some friends. There are even board games if you just want a quiet time. Look out for the special nights, and movie nights when films are projected onto the big screen.
Food is available in the Bar, including hot paninis, pana tasca (filled ciabatta bread) and tostatos (toasted sandwiches). There is also a great selection of cocktails and ‘mocktails’.
Opening hours (term time only)
Monday – Friday: 12:00 – 14:30, 17:30 – 23:00
(with extension for special events)
Saturday: 19:30 – 23:00
Sunday: 19:30 – 22:30
Food available; Hot Call Order Menu available Monday to Friday 12:00 – 14:30 and 17:00 – 21:00
There are many different types of housing agreements, but the most usual is a written shorthold tenancy for at least 6 months. Whatever agreement you are offered, make sure that you know what you are committing yourself to before signing any contract. Do not be rushed into signing or handing over money if there is anything you are concerned about or do not understand.
Remember, you are entirely responsible for any signed agreement with the landlord / landlady.
Look carefully at the terms and length of the lease.
Check whether gas appliances have been certified as safe in the last year. Have a look at Carbon monoxide kills to find out more.
Find out who is responsible for paying expenses like gas, electricity and water bills.
What is the rent during vacation periods?
An accurate written inventory of all the contents, together with a note of any wear and tear must be agreed, otherwise there may be difficulties with the return of deposits.
Remember, at the end of the lease, the premises should be clean and tidy since the cost of contract cleaners can easily wipe out the deposit.
Always ask for a written copy of the lease.
The Students’ Union
Located on the Hunter Street Campus, in the lovely converted Tanlaw Mill, theSU is the main social and recreational centre of the University. As well as organising lots of events and activities, the SU can help you form your own society. Take a look below at the facilities available and the varied societies that have been established by our unique mix of students. Finally, see what the SUOffice can do for you when you get here. Click on the image below for more information.
SU facilities on Campus
The main SU building, the Tanlaw Mill, is the recreational and social centre of the University.
Next to The Refectory, you’ll also find The Bar. A hive of activity, day and evening, you’ll come here to meet up with friends, make new ones, dance the night away, watch a Sky TV sporting fixture, or borrow cards, dominoes or even Scrabble from behind the bar!
On the Verney Park campus, you’ll find common rooms in the Students’ Union Cellars.
The SU Committee
The SU Executive Committee hold office for a period of 6 months and are elected via a secret ballot in the Spring and Autumn terms.
The duty of the Committee is to uphold the Constitution of the Union, which includes the power to establish Clubs and Societies. In the past, SU Executive Committees have made donations to a variety of charities, including SOSChildren’s Villages; The Medical Foundation for the care of Victims of Torture and The Red Cross.
The SU Office
The Students’ Union Office organises events through out the year, these include the Annual Buckingham Duck Race, the Graduation Ball and coach trips to places of interest during the vacations. The office can also help things such as sending faxes and document /assignment binding.
NUS Extra card
The Students Union is affiliated to the NUS (National Union of Students) and Buckingham students can apply for a NUS Extra card which entitles the holder to discounts on travel, entertainment, shopping and eating out etc. Click on the button below for more information (external link): Please note you may only apply for a card once you are a registered Buckingham student
Annual and Special Events
A number of special events, organised by a variety of Departments within the University, happen every year at Buckingham.
The Swan Ball is the highpoint of the year, following the Graduation Ceremonies. It is held in a beautiful marquee on Beloff Lawn and is organised by the Student Union. There are always a variety of “live” groups playing a range of music. The evening ends with breakfast and the survivors photograph at 05:30.
Rag Week is organised during our Summer Term and is an opportunity for all of our students, including the freshers, to let their hair down and raise some money for charity. It is always great fun with the Rag Police imposing fines on anyone who doesn’t get into the spirit of things.
The Alumni summer party organised by Publicity is usually held in London during late June. Venues in previous years have included London Zoo and the London Regalia, moored by London Bridge on the Thames. It is very well attended with students from the early days of the University right up to recent graduates attending.
Sporting tournaments often happen year after year, too. One of the most popular is the Chancellor’s Cup, a fiercely contested event with a range of sporting competitions between the Schools. The School of Science & Medicine also holds an annual sports day and barbecue.
The University’s Sport and Fitness programme offers students of all abilities the chance to compete or simply have fun with sport. As members of British Universities & Colleges Sport, there are also opportunities for individuals to compete at varsity level in a variety of championships throughout the year. Opportunities exist to participate in a number of team sports, both on and off campus. However, if team sports aren’t for you then you might prefer to work out in our fully-equipped gym or take an exercise class, have a game of squash or badminton, or any of over a dozen other sporting activities that we offer. The University’s sports field is equipped with a floodlit training area, sports pavilion and changing facilities. There is also access to an all-weather pitch for all-year round activities.
Varsity Sports Competition
Chancellor’s Cup
Sports for pleasure
Fitness & instructional classes
Participative sports
SU Societies
A wide range of student societies are affiliated to the SU. On the academic side this includes the Law Society which invites prominent speakers to lecture on a regular basis and organises trips and events of interest to its members.
Our multi-national student community has formed a number of overseas clubs, which promote cultural events and provide a fascinating insight into their various life styles. Why not set up your own when you come here? Contact the Student Union Office for more details.
Africa Society
Amnesty International Society
Asia Society
BATS (Buckingham Arts & Theatre Society)
Business Enterprise Society
Caribbean Society
Chinese Society
Christian Union
Debating Society
Dream Centre Campus
Economics Society
Film Society
Gaming Society
Helping Hands Society
Iraqi Students Society
Islamic Society
Kings Court Chapel
Language Society
Law Society
Medical Society
Model United Nations
Mountaineering Society
Music Society
Nigerian Society
North Atlantic Society
Open Circle Philosophical Society
Pakistani Society
Photography Society
Poker Society
Psychology Society
Satellite Fellowship Centre
UNICEF Society
During your time at Buckingham, you can use the resources of the Careers Service to plan your career. There is an extensive Careers Library and career advisors to help you make a decision about your future. There are workshops to develop your job-search skills and events to attend, all this, right through from your very first term, to graduation and beyond.
Language Resources
Whatever language you are trying to learn, good language learning facilities will make a difference to your progression. The Language Centre is housed in the spacious and newly renovated Chandos Road Building. It provides a purpose-built environment offering the best in language learning and teaching facilities including:-
two audio-active language laboratories
audio library with listening facilities
computer assisted language learning room, fully equipped with networked computers and CD -ROM
satellite TV room
TV viewing lounge
seminar room equipped with multi-standard television and video, for group work and seminar
Varsity jackets, hoodies, T-shirts and bone china mugs are available from theUniversity Bookshop. If you are not based in Buckingham but would like to purchase official University merchandise you can do so online via our partner,Campus Clothing. Please follow the links below.
Varsity Jacket
Hoodies and t-shirts
Pewter gifts
Crystal gifts
Graduation garments
Graduation mugs
Registry’s main functions are:
Preparing letters , transcripts and uCards
Please contact Registry if you require any assistance with these items.
One of Registry’s main functions is the maintenance of all student records. It is therefore essential that all information provided by you is up-to-date. You must keep Registry informed of any changes in your registration details, which include: contact address, telephone number, and next of kin etc.
Examination results are released by Registry following examination board meetings. Emails and letters are sent to students.
When you graduate, you will receive a Graduation Certificate showing your result. Make sure you keep this safe, as a replacement costs £50 and is issued at the discretion of the Registry Manager.
Preparing letters
Letters you can request from Registry include
Bank letters
Student status letters
Visa letters
National Insurance Number letters
Graduate letters
Please give at least three working days notice if you require a letter.
When you have completed your studies, Registry will send you your results with an academic transcript. This shows all the marks obtained for all the modules throughout your course. Once you have left the university, you can request more copies of your transcript for applications for jobs, or other universities. These are currently priced at £10 for the first copy and £5 for any additional copies requested in the same transaction. There are additional costs for faxing and sending by courier.
The Student Post Room is so well-frequented that it has become a focal point for students, for meeting and socialising – the place where they come in the morning to collect their mail and catch up on the day’s news.
The Post Room is based on Station Road, adjacent to the Chandos Road Building (Hunter Street Campus). All letter post, internal and external is delivered here and students can take their letters and packets there for posting. The Post Room staff are also there to help with postal queries and they quickly become familiar with student names, so you can be assured of a smiling face and warm welcome.
Post to students should be addressed as follows:
<Student Name>
Student Post Room
The University of Buckingham
Hunter Street
MK18 1EG
United Kingdom
Fax messages can be sent from the Student Union office during office hours. Any faxes received for you, day or night, will be sent to the student Post Room for you to collect along with your other mail. There is no charge for the first 3 pages of any fax received.
Microsoft Outlook is the email program supplied in student computer rooms. This is an easy to use, fully featured client that allows you to send and receive both internal and external email. Additionally, you can access your University email account from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection using Outlook Web Access . So there’s no excuse for not keeping in touch!
There are pay phones in the Tanlaw Mill and dotted around campus, from where you can make your calls.
Student Welfare
Student Welfare provides personal and individual learning and welfare support to all students throughout their time at Buckingham. If a student is unhappy or worried, there is always someone who will listen and give support. We aim to ensure that our students’ years at University are happy, fulfilling and successful.
The department consists of a Welfare Adviser, Counsellor, Learning Support Adviser / Disability Officer, Assistant Learning Support Adviser, Family Welfare Adviser and two Student Support staff. The team works closely with all the University departments including Personal Tutors and the Schools of Study.
The NSS provides all final-year undergraduate students in UK higher education institutions and further education colleges with the opportunity to express their opinions on what they liked during their time at university.
University of Buckingham Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Alistair Alcock said: “We are delighted to be leading the NSS this year once again for the ninth year running. Our philosophy is to put students first and these results show that students appreciate this personal attention.”