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Computer Science is an exciting and rapidly developing subject that offers excellent employment prospects and well-paid careers.
At the University of Kent, we teach you the fundamentals of computer science as well as giving you the opportunity to choose from a broad range of options in areas such as computer security and cryptography, mobile computing and parallel computing.
Our degree programme can be studied as the Computer Science general degree, where a subject focus is decided during the course of your study, or as a themed degree, such as Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), where a specific focus is decided at the time of enrolment and named in the degree title.
Over half our students choose to do a year in industry. This gives you work experience, a salary and the possibility of a job with the same company after graduation. You can also work during your studies as a consultant at our Kent IT Clinic, earning credit towards your degree while providing computing support to local businesses.
The School of Computing is an internationally recognised Centre of Excellence for programming education, with 95% of our research judged to be of international quality. The School is also home to two National Teaching Fellows, authors of widely used textbooks and award-winning Java teaching systems such as BlueJ and Greenfoot.
Those students who choose to take the year in industry option, find the practical experience they gain gives them a real advantage in the graduate job market. In addition, the Kent It Clinic gives you the opportunity to take on consultancy work for local companies, giving you real-world experience and earning credits towards your academic studies. Our high graduate employment rate speaks for itself, with recent graduates going on to work at Accenture, BT, Cisco, GlaxoSmithKline, IBM, Intel, Lilly, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Oracle, Thomson Reuters, Siemens and T-Mobile.
Detailed Course Facts
Application deadline January 15 Tuition fee- GBP 9000 Year (EEA)
- GBP 14860 Year (Non-EEA)
Start date September 2015 Credits (ECTS) 240 ECTS
Credits Total Kent credits: 480
Duration full-time 48 months Languages Take an IELTS test
- English
Course Content
The course structure below gives a flavour of the modules that will be available to you and provides details of the content of this programme. This listing is based on the current curriculum and may change year to year in response to new curriculum developments and innovation. Most programmes will require you to study a combination of compulsory and optional modules, you may also have the option to take wild modules from other programmes offered by the University in order that you may customise your programme and explore other subject areas of interest to you or that may further enhance your employability.
Stage 1
Possible modules may include:
- CO520 - Further Object-Oriented Programming
This module builds on the foundation of object-oriented design and implementation found in module CO320 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming to provide a deeper understanding of and facility with object-oriented program design and implementation. More advanced features of object-orientation, such as inheritance, abstract classes, nested classes, graphical-user interfaces (GUIs), exceptions, input-output are covered. These allow an application-level view of design and implementation to be explored. Throughout the module the quality of application design and the need for a professional approach to software development is emphasized.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO320 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
This module provides an introduction to object-oriented software development. Software pervades many aspects of most professional fields and sciences, and an understanding of the development of software applications is useful as a basis for many disciplines. This module covers the development of simple software systems. Students will gain an understanding of the software development process, and learn to design and implement applications in a popular object-oriented programming language. Fundamentals of classes and objects are introduced, and key features of class descriptions: constructors, methods and fields. Method implementation through assignment, selection control structures, iterative control structures and other statements is introduced. Collection objects are also covered and the availability of library classes as building blocks. Throughout the course, the quality of class design and the need for a professional approach to software development is emphasized
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO322 - Foundations of Computing I
Mathematical reasoning underpins many aspects of computer science and this module aims to provide the skills needed for other modules on the degree programme; we are not teaching mathematics for its own sake.Topics will include algebra, reasoning and proof set theory, functions, statistics.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO323 - Databases and the Web
An introduction to databases and SQL, focussing on their use as a source for content for websites.
Creating static content for websites using HTML(5) and controlling their appearance using CSS.
Using PHP to integrate static and dynamic content for web sites.
Securing dynamic websites.
Using Javascript to improve interactivity and maintainability in web content.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO324 - Computer Systems
14. A synopsis of the curriculum
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental behaviour and components (hardware and software) of a typical computer system, and how they collaborate to manage resources and provide services. The module has two strands: Hardware Architecture and Operating Systems and Networks, which form around 35% and 65% of the material respectively. Both strands contain material which is of general interest to computer users; quite apart from their academic value, they will be useful to anyone using any modern computer system.
Hardware Architecture
Data representation: Bits, bytes and words. Numeric and non-numeric data. Number representation.
Computer architecture: Fundamental building blocks (logic gates, flip-flops, counters, registers). The fetch/execute cycle. Instruction sets and types.
Data storage: Memory hierarchies and associated technologies. Physical and virtual memory.
Operating Systems and Networks
Operating systems principles. Abstractions. Processes and resources. Security. Application Program Interfaces.
Device interfaces: Handshaking, buffering, programmed and interrupt-driven i/o. Direct Memory Access.
File Systems: Physical structure. File and directory organisation, structure and contents. Naming hierarchies and access. Backup.
Background and history of networking and the Internet.
Networks and protocols: LANs and WANs, layered protocol design. The TCP/IP protocol stack; theory and practice. Connection-oriented and connectionless communication. Unicast, multicast and broadcast. Naming and addressing. Application protocols; worked examples: SMTP, HTTP).Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO325 - Foundations of Computing II
This module follows from CO322 and aims to provide students with more understanding of the theory behind the formal underpinnings of computing. It will build upon the abstract reasoning skills introduced in CO322. Matrices, vectors, differential calculus, probability and computer arithmetic will be introduced.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO328 - Human Computer Interaction
This module provides an introduction to human-computer interaction. Fundamental aspects of human physiology and psychology are introduced and key features of interaction and common interaction styles delineated. A variety of analysis and design methods are introduced (e.g. GOMS. heuristic evaluation, user-centred and contextual design techniques). Throughout the course, the quality of design and the need for a professional, integrated and user-centred approach to interface development is emphasised. Rapid and low-fidelity prototyping feature as one aspect of this.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO334 - People and Computing
Design and communication, what makes for good written communication, how people get and process information, Personal Development Project, effective spoken communication, how to work successfully in a group, doing academic research, about preparing and giving a presentation, history of computing and the history of communication, the effects of technology, Health and safety issues with computing, the Business of Computing, Employment in IT, software development and software engineering, preparing for examinations, designing for the web: web usability and web accessibility, the basics of IPR, relevant Laws applying to the use and development of computing, such as the Computer Misuse Act and the Data Protection Acts.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
Stage 2
Possible modules may include:
- CO522 - Algorithms, Data structures and Complexity
By the end of this module you will have gained: the ability to design and use linked data structures; the ability to analyse the time and space behaviour (efficiency) of algorithms; an understanding of known algorithms, in particular graph, text manipulation and geometric algorithms; an understanding of the computer representation and manipulation of numerical data along with a general appreciation of numerical calculation and approximate reasoning.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO526 - Distributed Systems and Networks
This module looks at the way distributed systems are modelled to contain and control the problems that naturally arise from distribution. It introduces the major techniques used to achieve coordinated and consistent use of distributed resources, both in terms of the construction of application components and the support of system-wide features such as support for security and management. It shows, by discussing the incorporation of multimedia information, how suitable use of abstractions can assist in requirements capture and system evolution.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO527 - Operating Systems and Architecture
This module aims to provide students with a more in-depth understanding of the fundamental behaviour and components (hardware and software) of a typical computer system, and how they collaborate to manage resources and provide services. It will consider systems other than the standard PC running Windows, in order to broaden students outlook. The module has two strands: Operating Systems and Architecture, which each form around 50% of the material.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO537 - Functional Programming
Expressions, values and types. Introduction to a Haskell system (sessions and scripts). Numbers, Booleans and characters. Function definitions, case analysis. Approaches to testing programs. Polymorphic types. Lists and common list processing functions. Tuples. Higher order functions and currying. Pattern matching, recursive function definitions. Library functions. Algebraic data types. Working with monads, monadic IO. The QuickCheck library.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO531 - Software Engineering Practice
Software systems are typically large and complex systems that require a disciplined and professional approach to their analysis, design and implementation. We show you how to deal with problems of scale and complexity combining software engineering and traditional systems methodologies.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO532 - Database Systems
This module provides an introduction to the theory and practice of database systems. It extends the study of information systems in Stage 1 by focusing on the design, implementation and use of database systems. Topics include database management systems architecture, data modelling and database design, query languages, recent developments and future prospects.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO534 - IT Consultancy Methods
The principal aim of this module is effectively to equip computing students to operate as IT consultants to small businesses. The module is designed to support students who wish to work in the Kent IT Clinic
but will also provide students with a general appreciation of the environment of IT consultancy.
A pervading theme is that students of this course (as well as students conducting projects for KITC) should be the primary players in developing KITCs quality plan, ensuring that quality issues are thoroughly understood by KITC participants, and that participants have a sense of ownership of the Clinics procedures.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO538 - Concurrency Design and Practice
The CSP model of concurrency is the core of this module, primarily presented through the occam-pi multiprocessing language and additionally using the JCSP library for Java. The following topics will be covered:
Parallel programming: processes, channels, alternation, barriers, CREW principle, types, variables and computation.
Building concurrent systems: components, layered networks and modularity.
Semantic aspects of concurrent programming: security-issues, race-hazards, deadlock, livelock, starvation and non-determinism.
Design methodologies for deadlock, livelock and starvation-free systems.
Performance of concurrent systems (including the efficient exploitation of multicore processors).
Applications of concurrency for: robotics, embedded-systems, networking, complex system modelling, graphics and hardware design.
Implementation of concurrent systems in natively sequential languages, comparing the use of specialised concurrency models (e.g. CSP) with a standard threads-and-locks model.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO529 - Human Computer Interaction
This module provides an introduction to human-computer interaction. Fundamental aspects of human physiology and psychology are introduced and key features of interaction and common interaction styles delineated. A variety of analysis and design methods are introduced (e.g. GOMS. heuristic evaluation, user-centred and contextual design techniques). Throughout the course, the quality of design and the need for a professional, integrated and user-centred approach to interface development is emphasised. Rapid and low-fidelity prototyping feature as one aspect of this.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO535 - IT Consultancy Practice 1
Students taking this module will undertake one or (typically) more assignments for the Kent IT Clinic (KITC). Each assignment will be of one of two types:
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO536 - Advanced Programming Techniques
This module takes a deeper look at advanced techniques in both low and high level programming languages. Topics include: Introduction to Unix; Low-level architecture; memory layout; pointers; C programming and debugging; pre-processing, compiling, linking and loading, including the use of dynamically linked libraries.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO525 - Dynamic Web
The World Wide Web has become one of the most significant and revolutionary technologies in its ability to deliver new forms for both business and personal communication. In order to be able to fully utilise the power of the Web a good understanding of several key technologies is required. In this module you will learn how to utilise XML to create new forms of Web based documents. You will find out how flexible Web pages can be created using stylesheets and client side scripting. You will also discover how to use server side scripting to support dynamic content and interaction with other applications
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO528 - Introduction to Intelligent Systems
This module covers the basic principles of machine learning and the kinds of problems that can be solved by such techniques. You learn about the philosophy of AI, how knowledge is represented and algorithms to search state spaces. The module also provides an introduction to both machine learning and biologically inspired computation.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
Year in industry
There are year in industry options on all our programmes. The School of Computings dedicated Placement Team help you to find a placement, and support you during the year. Students go to a wide range of large or small companies including IBM and Intel, or overseas to employers in locations including Amsterdam, Hong Kong and the USA.
Stage 3
Possible modules may include:
- CO650 - IT Consultancy Project
Students taking this module will undertake two or (typically) more assignments for the Kent IT Clinic (KITC). Each assignment will be of one of three types: .
Credits: 30 credits (15 ECTS credits).
- CO600 - Project
The project gives you the opportunity to follow and develop your particular technical interests, undertake a larger and less tightly specified piece of work than you have before (at university), and develop the project organisation, implementation and documentation techniques which you have learnt in other modules. The technical and professional aspects of project courses are seen as particularly important by both employers (who will often bring them up in interviews) and by professional bodies.
The project may be self-proposed or may be selected from a list of project proposals. Typically, a project will involve the specification, design, implementation, documentation and demonstration of a technical artefact. The project is supervised by a member of the academic staff, who holds weekly meetings with the group, during which s/he will give general advice and will assess the progress of the group and the contributions by individual students.
Project deliverables are:
- a technical report, in the style of an academic paper, describing the scientific/technical outcome of the project;
- a well-indexed corpus of material that supports the achievements claimed.
In addition, each individual prepares a report outlining his/her contributions to each of the various aspects of the project. This report should not be a repeat of other material delivered as part of the project, but an assessment of the progress of the project and reflections on what the individual has learnt from undertaking it. In particular, it should include a description of the particular activities and outcomes that individual has contributed to the project, and of how the group worked together. This report will be discussed at a viva voce examination which should include a short presentation/demonstration of the project.Credits: 30 credits (15 ECTS credits).
- CO620 - Research Project
The project gives you the opportunity to follow and develop your particular technical interests, undertake a larger and less tightly specified piece of work than you have before (at university), and develop the project organisation, implementation and documentation techniques which you have learnt in other modules. The technical and professional aspects of project courses are seen as particularly important by both employers (who will often bring them up in interviews) and by professional bodies.
The project may be self-proposed or may be selected from a list of project proposals. Typically, a project will involve the specification, design, implementation, documentation and demonstration of a technical artefact. The project is supervised by a member of the academic staff, who holds weekly meetings with the group, during which s/he will give general advice and will assess the progress of the group and the contributions by individual students.
Project deliverables are:
- a technical report, in the style of an academic paper, describing the scientific/technical outcome of the project;
- a well-indexed corpus of material that supports the achievements claimed.
In addition, each individual prepares a report outlining his/her contributions to each of the various aspects of the project. This report should not be a repeat of other material delivered as part of the project, but an assessment of the progress of the project and reflections on what the individual has learnt from undertaking it. In particular, it should include a description of the particular activities and outcomes that individual has contributed to the project, and of how the group worked together. This report will be discussed at a viva voce examination which should include a short presentation/demonstration of the project.Credits: 30 credits (15 ECTS credits).
- CO633 - Computer Networks and Communications
This modules contains two main components. It starts with a comprehensive and detailed study of current computer networks and communications technologies. You learn how the various hardware and software components are organised and how they actually work . A selection of key topics are then looked at in even greater depth to reveal the state-of-the-art and issues (problems) that remain to be solved.
Network Architectures and Protocols: This component provides a comprehensive study of network architecture and individual protocol layers, including details of the technologies, algorithms and protocols currently used.
The Advanced Topics component takes an in-depth look at a number of advanced topics in the area of computer communications, including details of the current practice and outstanding issues in a number of state-of-the-art areas.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO634 - Computer Security and Cryptography
Security has always been an important aspect of computing systems but its importance has increased greatly in recent years. In this module you learn about areas where security is of major importance and the techniques used to secure them. The areas you look at include computer operating systems (and increasingly, distributed operating systems), distributed applications (such as electronic commerce over the Internet) and embedded systems (ranging from smart cards and pay-TV to large industrial plant and telecommunications systems).
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO636 - Cognitive Neural Networks
In this module you learn what is meant by neural networks and how to explain the mathematical equations that underlie them. You also build neural networks using state of the art simulation technology and apply these networks to the solution of problems. In addition, the module discusses examples of computation applied to neurobiology and cognitive psychology.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO637 - Natural Computation
This module enables students to take ideas from the natural sciences and use them as inspiration for new computational techniques. You examine developments in biological-inspired computation and other areas such as bioinformatics. There is also a practical element to the module; you gain knowledge of a widely-used computing paradigm genetic algorithms (GA). Topic covered include evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence and artificial immune system
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO639 - Electronic Commerce
E-commerce is an increasingly important area for consumers, businesses and national economies. This module introduces what is meant by electronic commerce, and discusses its economic and social implications, its drivers and limitations. You will learn about the principal features of business-to-business and business-to-customer e-commerce and compare them with traditional forms of trading. The course also includes the chance to implement a simple end-to-end e-commerce system
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO641 - Computer Graphics and Animation
Digital Imaging and Video:
Human vision
Colour models
Images, video and 3D
Capture and display
Enhancement and conversion
Formats and compression (e.g. GIF, JPEG, MPEG)Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO643 - Computing Law and Professional Responsibility
Professional issues and professional organisations.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO645 - IT Consultancy Practice 2
Students taking this module will undertake one or (typically) more assignments for the Kent IT Clinic (KITC). Each assignment will be of one of three types:
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO645 - IT Consultancy Practice 2
Students taking this module will undertake one or (typically) more assignments for the Kent IT Clinic (KITC). Each assignment will be of one of three types:
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO646 - Computing in the Classroom
Students will spend one half-day per week for ten weeks in a school with a nominated teacher. They will observe sessions taught by their designated teacher and possibly other teachers. Later they will act somewhat in the role of a teaching assistant, by helping individual pupils who are having difficulties or by working with small groups. They may take hotspots: brief sessions with the whole class where they explain a technical topic or talk about aspects of university life. They must keep a weekly log of their activities. Each student must also devise a special project in consultation with the teacher and with the module convener. They must then implement and evaluate the project.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO652 - Computer Games Programming with C++
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO534 - IT Consultancy Methods
The principal aim of this module is effectively to equip computing students to operate as IT consultants to small businesses. The module is designed to support students who wish to work in the Kent IT Clinic
but will also provide students with a general appreciation of the environment of IT consultancy.
A pervading theme is that students of this course (as well as students conducting projects for KITC) should be the primary players in developing KITCs quality plan, ensuring that quality issues are thoroughly understood by KITC participants, and that participants have a sense of ownership of the Clinics procedures.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO528 - Introduction to Intelligent Systems
This module covers the basic principles of machine learning and the kinds of problems that can be solved by such techniques. You learn about the philosophy of AI, how knowledge is represented and algorithms to search state spaces. The module also provides an introduction to both machine learning and biologically inspired computation.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CB612 - New Enterprise Startup
The module will examine the characteristics required of a business to succeed and the reasons for business failure, risks and uncertainties, skills requirements for business ownership, & sources of advice and support for businesses. It will look at the new business planning process,developing and evaluating the business idea, & producing a business plan for potential lenders and investors. It will cover the financial aspects, market research & planning, quality standards, legal issues, staff and physical resources, and the overall planning and implementation of the business plan.
This module is closely linked with Network612, a small business, graduate entrepreneurship and business support services forum. There are six network events during the year.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO519 - Theory of Computing
You look at the topic of theoretical
computing, building on the logic that
was covered in Foundations of
Computing modules in Stage 1. The
topics covered include logic, model
checking, complexibility and
decidability, grammars and finite
automata and regular expressionsCredits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- CO831 - Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
In this module you discuss the characteristics and limitations of hardware devices, communication and software infrastructures and environments used on small devices and in mobile and ubiquitous computing contexts. You look at the current practice in mobile and ubiquitous computing contexts, and deal with a range of professional and ethical issues, particularly those relating to security and privacy in mobile and ubiquitous computing.
Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- EL561 - Image Analysis & Applications
Introduction to the module. Scope, philosophy and range of relevant applications. Vision as a physiological, psychological and computational process. Image representation, spatial and amplitude digitisation, resolution, colour in images, and computational implications. Array tessellation, connectivity, object representation, binarisation and thresholding. Image histograms and properties, image quality. Image enhancement processing and filtering. Histogram modification techniques and contrast enhancement. Image subtraction, simple motion detection, skeletonisation. Image segmentation, edge-based and region-based methods, multi-attribute segmentation, the Hough transform and its generalisation. Shape descriptors and feature measurement. Morphological operators for image processing. Principles of simple image coding and implications. Case studies.
Principles of image analysis and understanding. Representation of objects and scenes. The concept of formalised pattern recognition. Pattern descriptors and pattern classes, preprocessing and normalisation. Feature extraction and imager characterisation. Texture analysis as an example of object description texture descriptors, analysis using co-occurrence matrices. Basic decision theory and the Bayesian classifier. Cost and risk, minimum risk and minimum error-rate classification, rejection margins and error-rate trade-off, canonical descriptions of classifier structure. Implementation considerations and approaches to estimation of class-conditional feature distributions. Minimum distance classifiers. Alternative classification strategies. Case studies.
Introduction to security issues. Alternative approaches to personal identification, access control and data security, and applications in industrial, media, commercial and other related scenarios. Fundamentals of biometrics, biometric modalities, user requirements and user acceptability, template construction. Physiological and behavioural features, static and dynamic analyses, error sources and performance measures. False acceptance and false rejection measures, equal error rate, ROC descriptions. Variability and stability of biometric data, template ageing and related issues in enrolment and deployment. Characterisation of typical common modalities: face recognition, fingerprint processing, iris recognition, and automatic signature verification, and their underlying technologies. Usability issues, the human interface, system integration. Testing and evaluation of biometric systems. Revocable biometrics. Applications of biometric systems. Case studies.
NEURAL NETWORK PROCESSING The concept of neural networks as architectures for image analysis. Exploration of techniques for automated learning and generalisation with artificial neural networks. Fundamentals of neural network design, basic design philosophy and application of neural networks to practical problems. Example: perceptrons and the perceptron learning algorithm.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- EL667 - Embedded Computer Systems
This module introduces the theory and practice of employing computers as the control and organisational
centre of an electronic or mechanical system, and examines issues related to time critical systems. It also
provides exposure to practical embedded systems design through practical work, with one assignment
exploring the ideas of real-time operating systems introduced in the lectures and a second using a
microcomputer programmed in 'C' to control the ignition timing of a simulated car petrol engine.Credits: 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits).
- PL583 - Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
The cognitive sciences include disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, anthropology, neurology, computer sciences, artificial intelligence, and philosophy of mind. They are united in their attempt to discover the nature of cognition: what is it to be intelligent, to have the capacity for rational thought, to have the ability to form concepts? An underlying assumption of classical approaches to the cognitive sciences is the idea that intelligent creatures have mental representations and that they manipulate these representations by rule-governed processes. This is challenged by non-classical approaches. The nature of cognitive science, A.I and the philosophical assumptions that ground traditional approaches in the cognitive sciences will be the main focus of this module. Readings will be announced at the beginning of class.
Julia Tanney is the author of several articles, such as How to Resist Mental Representations, Ryles Regress and the Philosophy of Cognitive Science, and Conceptual Analysis, Theory Construction, and Philosophical Elucidation in the Philosophy of Mind, (re)printed in Rules, Reason, and Self-Knowledge (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2012), which criticise the key assumption of the cognitive sciences. This is the idea that in thinking, reasoning, and deliberating, we are processing information in accordance with systematic rules. This course looks carefully at the philosophical rationale for positing mental representations and construing our cognitive abilities by analogy with the syntactic structures of computational devices. In the course of the module, we consider the vexed question whether machines process representations and whether they can be construed as intelligent. Both philosophy and computing students are welcome.Credits: 30 credits (15 ECTS credits).
- CO790 - Sandwich Year Assessment
English Language Requirements
IELTS band : 6.5 CAE score : 60(Grade C)
To study at this university, you have to speak English. We advice you to
take an IELTS test.Requirements
The University will consider applications from students offering a wide range of qualifications, typical requirements are listed below, students offering alternative qualifications should contact the Admissions Office for further advice. It is not possible to offer places to all students who meet this typical offer/minimum requirement.
Typical offer/minimum requirement
A level: ABB
GCSE: Mathematics grade C
Access to HE Diploma: The University of Kent will not necessarily make conditional offers to all access candidates but will continue to assess them on an individual basis. If an offer is made candidates will be required to obtain/pass the overall Access to Higher Education Diploma and may also be required to obtain a proportion of the total level 3 credits and/or credits in particular subjects at merit grade or above.
BTEC Level 5 HND: Distinction for direct entry to Stage 2
International Baccalaureate: 34 points overall or 16 at HL including Mathematics 5 at HL or SL (Mathematics Studies 6 at SL)
Work Experience
No work experience is required.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
Related Scholarships*
- Academic Excellence Scholarship
"The Academic Excellence Scholarship can provide up to a 50 % reduction in tuition per semester. These scholarships will be renewed if the student maintains superior academic performance during each semester of their 3-year Bachelor programme. The scholarship will be directly applied to the student’s tuition fees."
- Access Bursary
Bursary for UK students all subjects where the variable tuition fee rate is payable.
- Alumni Bursary
Alumni Bursary for UK Undergraduate students
* The scholarships shown on this page are suggestions first and foremost. They could be offered by other organisations than University of Kent.