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MA in English (incorporates designated pathways inEnglish, and Creative Writing, as well as chronologically based and thematicpathways (eg Medieval & Renaissance, Nineteenth century Literature andCUlture , Modern and Contemporary Literature, Children's Literature, LiteraryHeritage, Visual Cultures)
The Department of English at Hullis offering a new MA programme from 2015/16.
The MA Programme offers anexciting range of pathways in Literary Studies and Creative Writing. You will be taught byspecialists in the field in dedicated option modules that contain intensiveresearch training that is specific to the subject of your choice. And you willmeet together as a whole group of MA students (MA by research and taught MA)for the one core module in Research,Creativity & Engagement.
This provides a range of research skills trainingand is assessed through the postgraduate conference which you will be involvedin organising as part of your degree. Your dissertation or writing portfoliowill be supervised on a one-to-one basis by the academic staff member(s) whose researchexpertise fits best with your subject interests
Credit Weightings
The taught MA comprises of 180credits 120 of which are taught (in 30 credit modules) and 60 credits of whic hare your dissertation
The MA by Research comprises 180credits, 60 of which are taught and 120 of which are your dissertation