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The Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) is a master course for laboratory managers and scientists who wish to implement and manage Quality Systems in analytical laboratories, or work in Quality System environments in accredited analytical laboratories.
After five years of running as an Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC), the EMQAL was once again evaluated and selected by the European Commission for Erasmus Mundus funding.
From 177 applications submitted in 2012, 30 EMMC were selected for their excellency for Erasmus Mundus funding. As a result, the EMQAL will be able to offer Erasmus Mundus grants to students and scholars for an additional period of 5 years, 2013-2018.
The second phase of EMQAL will be coordinated by the University of Barcelona.
The master is offered by a Consortium of five European universities and three non-EU universities:
* University of Barcelona (Spain, ES) - coordinator
* University of Algarve (Portugal, PT)
* University of Bergen (Norway, NO)
* University of Cadiz (Spain, ES)
* Gdansk University of Technology (Poland, PL)
* Central South University (China)
* Novosibirsk National Research State University (Russian Federation)
* University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
and ca. 30 Associate Partners, including Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (India), Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) and several companies, accredited laboratories and research centres in Spain, Portugal, Poland and Norway.
The programme duration is 24 months (120 ECTS), consisting of a 1 year (60 ECTS) taught course and a 1 year Project and Thesis (60 ECTS). The main language of instruction is English. Each university also offers an intensive language school prior to the programme, as well as the opportunity of local language training during the course.
In the first year, classes take place in the Host Institution, and are lectured by specialists from all the partner institutions. The Host university rotates among the European partners of the Consortium.
The EMQAL is an extremely flexible course. It is organized in three main disciplines that are crucial for a successful laboratory manager:
* Quality Management (QM)
* Analytical Methods (AM)
* Data Analysis (DA)
* And an optional discipline
Each discipline is made up of stand alone modules .
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the programme, graduates will have attained the following general competencies and learning outcomes: * design, implement and manage a Quality System in any given testing or calibration analytical laboratory;
* develop and evaluate a quality control scheme for any given type of measurement;
* fully understand, both at theoretical and practical level, a set of advanced analytical tecnhiques;
* research, develop and validate new techniques and methods of analysis;
* plan a validation program for a given method of analysis;
* identify critical aspects in a given method of analysis
* estimate the uncertainty for a given analytical result;
* develop Reference Materials;
* organize and evaluate Collaborative Studies;
* fully understand the current state of worldwide standardization and comparability of analytical results.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
Each year the European Commission provides a limited number of grants (ERASMUS MUNDUS studentships) for selected students after the selection process and ranking of the eligible candidates.
As a consequence of the implementation of the new Erasmus+ Programme the characteristics of the grants have changed (distinction between Cat A and Cat B grants is removed).
The EM student scholarships will include the students' participation costs (including the tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the students' participation in the course), a contribution to student travel and installation cost and a subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the study programme.