Immunobiology — From Molecules to Integrative Systems

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Deadline: Apr 30, 2025
114 place StudyQA ranking:5691 Duration:2 years

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The Master's programme Immunobiology - From Molecules to Integrative Systems combines an in-depth education in immunology with systems biology, including crucial aspects such as genomics and epigenetics and their analysis using bioinformatics.
The programme is research-oriented and is taught completely in English. Apart from an in-depth education of scientific knowledge in the mentioned areas, it is characterised by a high proportion of individual research projects in which students are integrated at an early stage into the highly competitive and interdisciplinary research groups of the LIMES institute. Alternatively, all students have the possibility to perform such research projects in other universities or abroad during the course of their Master's studies. Additionally, students are trained in a large variety of methods and techniques applied in life sciences and gain first contact with representatives of life science industries. Finally, a mentoring system helps the students to study efficiently, to plan their career in a more focused manner, and to become independent.

Educational organisation

The Master's programme comprises lectures, practical courses, workshops, excursions, and independent research projects. It is an interdisciplinary hands-on training programme that prepares students to solve scientific problems independently. 

Lectures are given by the faculty of the programme throughout the first three semesters of the Master's programme. They are intended to give a detailed overview of a particular topic in the life sciences that lie within the research area of the participating faculty. Lectures may also include tutorials and seminars, in which examples of the relevant topics are highlighted and the latest publications in that particular field are presented and discussed. 
Topics of the lectures are
  • methods in life sciences and statistics
  • introduction to experimental animal techniques and bioethics
  • Immunology I and II
  • genomics and epigenetics
  • systems biology, bioinformatics and big data science
  • the immune system in barrier organs and immune regulation

Elective lectures
These provide a detailed overview of a particular field and are intended to give the students the opportunity to overcome a lack of knowledge in that field.
Students should attend at least two of the following lectures:
  • biochemistry and organic chemistry
  • cell biology and immunology
  • genetics and molecular biology
  • inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry
These lectures are not graded.

Method Course I and II
All students participate in two introductory methods courses. In these practical courses, students are able to learn and become familiar with fundamental techniques applied in current research. The methods courses comprise eight weeks of experimental work in total.

Lab rotations
Every student conducts two individual research projects (lab rotations) in the participating departments or in another university in Germany or abroad. Each project is individually supervised. It involves seven weeks of experimental work, followed by one week of data analysis and a written lab report in the format of a scientific research publication.

Oral examination immunology
This oral examination will cover all topics from the lectures in immunology, systems biology, genomics, and epigenetics. Such an examination gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate a broad understanding of the different subjects and the ability to recognise interdisciplinary correlations between different topics.

Insights into the workflow of life science companies
In this module, students will become familiar with activities and the workflow of companies from different fields of life sciences and will gain first experiences in industry. Students will be able to participate in one-day workshops with representatives from different scientific companies. Alternatively, students can visit such companies or related institutions in one-day excursions. These excursions can be organised either by the LIMES institute or by the students themselves. Each student should take part in two workshops, two excursions, or one workshop and one excursion.

Master's thesis
The Master programme is completed by a six-month Master's thesis, which is carried out in the research groups of the LIMES institute or at another university in Germany or abroad. The thesis project involves experimental work under the supervision of a faculty member of the Master's programme.

Study abroad unit(s)

The students benefit from the school's international research connections. Thanks to collaborations with LIMES partner institutions, participants may also complete part of their lab rotations and MSc thesis work abroad.

Forms of assessment

The Master's degree in Immunobiology - From Molecules to Integrative Systems is conferred if and when the candidate has obtained the required credits for the first segment of the programme, has passed the examinations at the end of the first segment, and has successfully completed the Master's thesis. The degree is awarded by the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Bonn (Division of Molecular Biomedicine).
Excellent students who have passed the Master's phase of the programme can be selected to enter the doctoral phase at the LIMES institute.

Course objectives

The intensive, research-oriented education qualifies students for professional work in the fields of immunology, bioinformatics, systems biology, and life science research and contributes to bridging the educational gap between immunology and systems biology.

Language requirements

Applicants who are not native speakers of English should demonstrate adequate competence of the English language by acceptable results on an internationally recognised test. Minimum language requirements are met by achieving the following test scores:
TOEFL paper-based test: 550
TOEFL computer-based test: 213
TOEFL internet-based test: 87-109
IELTS: 6.0

Applicants who took English courses at a German "Gymnasium" until their final examinations (Abitur) or wrote their Bachelor's thesis in English do not need the abovementioned tests.
Basic command of the German language is recommended.

Academic requirements

The principal admission requirement for the MSc programme is a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in molecular biomedicine, immunology, biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics or a related fields. Applicants must have conducted an experimental Bachelor's thesis or a thesis in the field of bioinformatics.
All courses are held in English. Applicants who are not native speakers of English should demonstrate adequate competence of the English language by acceptable results on an internationally recognised test. Minimum language requirements are met by achieving the following test scores:
TOEFL paper-based test: 550
TOEFL computer-based test: 213
TOEFL Internet-based test: 87-109
IELTS: 6.0

In addition, the certificates APIEL and CPE meet the requirements of English proficiency. Applicants who took English courses at a German "Gymnasium" until their final examinations (Abitur) or wrote their Bachelor's thesis in English do not need the above-mentioned tests.

Enrolment fees

Students must pay a social fee of approx. 270 EUR per semester ("Sozialbeitrag") to the Student Union, which is used to support student activities and provides free public transport in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Costs of living

We recommend a budget of around 800 EUR per month for accommodation, cost of living, health insurance, books, and miscellaneous expenses.

Job opportunities

Job opportunities for some students are available (e.g. help in preparing teaching and lab courses).
With its strong focus on biomedical research, the University of Bonn and the University Hospital offer several interesting opportunities to work closely with experimental researchers. In addition, the ABCD region (Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf) is home to many prospective employers, including global players such as Bayer.

Arrival support

Special emphasis is placed on an all-round advisory service in both academic and extracurricular activities. The Coordination Office of the LIMES institute is closely connected with the supportive infrastructure of the International Office at the University of Bonn. This includes extensive pre-departure information as well as assistance and advice for managing day-to-day life in Bonn.

Services and support for international students

A mentoring system helps the students to study efficiently, to plan their careers in a more focused manner, and to become independent.


Housing is available from 200 to 400 EUR. Housing is widely available. There are some student housing facilities. For more information, please contact the "Studentenwerk" (Student Union). See:
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