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The Moray House School of Education offers a range of programmes for people who wish to pursue their interest in the management of training, learning and development in organisations. Our taught postgraduate programmes include a Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and Master of Science degree in The Management of Training & Development. The programmes are designed to develop the critical understanding and knowledge of professionals involved in staff development and the management of organisational learning and change. The Programmes are validated by the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), and students can follow a path leading to qualification for graduate entry to the CIPD.
The programmes are aimed at practitioners with an interest in training, staff development and organisational learning. This includes human resource development and training officers; people in other positions who have responsibility for staff development, management development or organisational change programmes; or people who are interested in pursuing a career in this area. The programmes attract an international group of participants with experience gained in various sectors, including a wide range of commercial businesses sectors, public authorities (e.g. local authorities, the health service, social services, education and the armed forces), and voluntary organisations (e.g. the churches, welfare organisations).
The teaching and learning approach makes use of a wide variety of modes and methods with emphasis on student-centred and activity-based learning. There is an emphasis on relating theory to practice through the use of case methods and by means of visiting experts from the field.