Management Studies

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
StudyQA ranking:6193 Duration:12 months

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The Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS) Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management offers talented students from around the world the opportunity to enhance their expertise in a chosen management concentration. This rigorous program accepts top MBA or equivalent master’s degree students from non-U.S. business schools to study a specific field in depth while working alongside world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan faculty and students.

Participants in this program are able to customize their educational experience based on their academic and professional interests. Students enroll in either MIT Sloan elective classes or in electives offered in other Massachusetts Institute of Technology departments. Students may also cross register for electives at Harvard University. Carefully selected courses help students focus as they write their theses and foster career goals.
The specific concentration topic can combine courses in one of the following three MIT Sloan academic groups:
  • Behavioral and Policy Sciences, which offers courses in strategy, technological innovation & entrepreneurship, organization studies, and international management;
  • Economics, Finance, and Accounting, which offers courses in international economics, applied microeconomics, corporate finance, financial engineering, and managerial accounting, as well as other subjects; and
  • Management Science, which offers courses in operations management, operations research and statistics, information technology, and marketing.
RésuméEssaysLetters of RecommendationTranscripts from all courses that counted towards a degreeTest ScoresApplication Fee English Language Requirements TOEFL paper-based test score : 577 TOEFL iBT® test: 90
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