Photos of university / #tukaiserslautern
Educational organisation
Courses / Examination / CPTheory 1 / oral or written, graded / 6
Theory 2 / oral or written, graded / 6
Theory 3 / oral or written, graded / 6
Theory 4 / oral or written, non-graded / 6
Courses of choice / oral or written, non-graded / 15
Advanced Practical 1 / oral, graded / 12
Advanced Practical 2 / oral, graded / 12
Advanced Practical 3 / oral, non-graded / 12
Research Practical / oral, graded / 15
Master's Thesis / written, graded / 30
Theory 1:
This basic lecture course "Molecules, Cells, and Tissues" will provide a broad and comparative overview on different aspects of molecular and cellular biology. It will bring students from different (Bachelor's) backgrounds up to a level that allows them to participate in the various practical and theoretical courses of our Master's programme. It will be team-taught by a group of specialised lecturers who will recapitulate the essence of their subjects and connect this knowledge to other fields.
Theory 2:
Cell Biology: this advanced course provides knowledge regarding cell structure and function. Various molecular and biochemical processes of eukaryotic cells are discussed, as are the structures that carry out these reactions. The major goals of this course are to provide students with a detailed knowledge of the cellular process, to train the reading and understanding of long and complex English texts and to extract the important messages. Permission of instructor required.
Neurobiology 1 is a two-week, full-time block course consisting of daily lectures and subsequent tutorial-style, supervised reading courses. Students are expected to review topics after class by using their class notes, the hand-outs provided, and recommended additional reading materials such as textbooks and articles.
Theory 3:
In Molecular Medicine, students acquire a deepened knowledge of theoretical contents and research topics of the molecular and cellular basis of different diseases and learn to evaluate them critically. They are able to work with English literature (textbooks, monographs, review articles, original research articles) to increase their knowledge about different fields and methods in medical research. They increase their ability to take part in scientific discussions and presentations.
Neurobiology 2 is a two-week block course consisting of daily lectures and subsequent tutorial-style, supervised reading courses. Students are expected to review topics after class by using their class notes, the hand-outs provided, and recommended additional reading materials such as textbooks and articles.
Theory 4:
Current topics in Molecular Cell Biology and Neurobiology, with an emphasis on the research topics covered by the groups engaged in this study programme.
Courses of choice:
Depending on the courses chosen, students acquire deepened and broadened practical and theoretical knowledge in various biological and non-biological directions. They are able to increase their knowledge in diverse fields of science and expertise.
Advanced Practicals 1-3:
Students acquire a deepened knowledge in experimental methods and selected research topics within the fields of Molecular Cell Biology and Neurobiology. They learn to perform, under supervision, the planning and execution of scientific experiments.
Research Practical:
Each student works individually over a period of 8-10 weeks in a laboratory of choice, most likely the laboratory in which the Master's thesis will be subsequently pursued (contact time). Experiments will be performed that are very closely associated with the topic of the Master's thesis.
Study abroad unit(s)
Participants may spend some time abroad; to be organised on an individual basis.Forms of assessment
Oral or writtenSee also educational organisation
Course objectives
Successful students will acquire an individual scientific profile and specific professional know-how. Degree holders will be capable of performing scientific work independently. They will be qualified to work in basic as well as applied science with a biological and biomedical orientation, including clinical research. Thanks to their training, degree holders will be able to cooperate with natural scientists from various disciplines. Operational areas comprise academic and corporate fields as well as public authorities.Language requirements
A good knowledge of English is required for admission to the Master's programme. Applicants need to prove their English language skills as follows:TOEFL Test: 550 points (paper-based test) / 213 points (computer-based test) / 80 points (Internet-based test)
IELTS: 6.0 points
Academic requirements
- Bachelor's degree in Biology
- Degrees in Physics, Physiology, Medicine will be accepted if they have laid the foundation for profound cell biological and neurobiological expertise
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
Enrolment fees
- Enrolment fee: approx. 200 EUR per semester, includes e.g.: free transportation in the area around Kaiserslautern (up to 100 km), more than 50 free university sports courses and more
- Assessment fee: 50 EUR single payment for the verification of foreign certificates
- Recommended: German Language & Orientation Course for international Master's students: 650 EUR single payment
Costs of living
High standards of living at low costs:Monthly costs: in total 650 EUR to cover all personal expenses; e.g.: accommodation approx.: 230 EUR; health insurance: 80 EUR; food: 200 EUR
Costs of living - a snapshot on regional prices
- Meal in refectory: 2.40 EUR
- Loaf of bread: 1.20 EUR
- Orange juice (1 litre): 1.00 EUR
- Rice (1kg): 0.90 EUR
Job opportunities
Student assistantships are available on a competitive basis. Excellent students have good chances of finding jobs in research projects, but these are not usually granted in advance. Support in finding a job as a student assistant is available through the International School for Graduate Studies (ISGS).Arrival support
International School for Graduate Studies (ISGS) at TU Kaiserslautern:Lending a hand in every phase of your stay
Before Your Arrival...
Effective pre-arrival communication helps you to regulate application, visa, residence permit and housing affairs. We supply any information and assistance needed to manage the application procedure and arrange accommodation on demand, and provide support on an individual basis by completing your documents for arrival.
Once You Are Here...
One major task of the ISGS team is to help the students settle into and become part of the university's community. The welcome-package includes pick-up from the train station and drop-off at the student's apartment as well as support with first shopping and highly individualised support in administrative and organisational issues, e.g. enrolment, registration with local authorities, opening a bank account and insurance matters.
Orientation Course - A prelude to German communication, academic culture & daily life. This course is offered twice a year prior to the start of the lecture period (6-8 weeks). It includes intensive language training, administrative support as well as cultural and social events. You will improve your knowledge of German and learn about our teaching styles and methods. In short, this course enhances orientation on campus, in town and in the student community. Once having established a foothold, you will have a clear mind for efficient studies or research!
Services and support for international students
The International School for Graduate Studies (ISGS) cares for international graduates & PhD candidates from the very decision of coming to Kaiserslautern until graduating or leaving the university. We lend a hand during every phase of your stay!Besides the individual support during the pre-arrival phase and warm welcome, we will provide you with continuing support that will enhance your learning:
Mentoring Your Studies and Research...
Whether during your studies or research, ISGS offers a variety of cultural and social events as well as extra-curricular activities enhancing your professional skills - such as workshops in academic culture or intercultural communication - which are supplementary and free. These are highly recommended for your personal development.
Jumpstart Your Career...
The ISGS offers professional development training on teamwork and leadership, time management and cross cultural training as well as specific language training with regard to job applications. To achieve outstanding success with regard to your thesis, the variety of our special offers for PhD students during the final period at university is permanently growing.
The ISGS establishes meetings with reputable contacts from science and industry within our Career-Services and sets up visits to factories, company headquarters and research institutes in order to help the students launch new careers.
The majority of our students live in residence halls located on or close to campus. Unlike in other countries, German dormitories are not owned or operated by the university, but by external institutions. The "Studierendenwerk" operates several large halls of residence in Kaiserslautern. Students submit housing applications directly to the Studierendenwerk, which typically have a waiting period. For international Master or PhD students, the International School for Graduate Studies (ISGS) at TU Kaiserslautern aims at arranging accommodation in these residence halls or in private accommodation within its pre-arrival service.The halls of residence have modern single, double or shared apartments with kitchenette, bathroom/WC, and modern facilities as well as internet access.
- Fully-furnished:
- Kitchenette: no plates & pots, etc.
- Bed & mattress (no blankets & pillows)
- Wardrobe
- Shelf, table, chair (no computer)
- Rent: 200-280 EUR