Physical Geography

Study mode:On campus Languages: English
StudyQA ranking:5165 Duration:4 years

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Most of our courses deal directly with the study, science, and management of the natural environment and its resources, or in the study of the built environment and its impact on natural and human landscapes. Our faculty's research is diverse, yet also shares the connective element of considering environmental change, be it the impact of changing climates on food cultures or on how to plan informal settlements in east Africa, to how we model long-term climate change or how we manage and understand our cultural, political, and economic relationships with natural resource industries.UFV Geography and the Environment's small class sizes mean that almost all of our courses involve some element of field study, and our majors require completion of field study or internship courses in Canada or abroad. At the same time, our faculty members are actively engaged in community, applied, and peer-reviewed research at the local, regional and international level. Interested students are encouraged to seek out information and advice on the physical geography honours program from Geography faculty or a Science Advisor as early as possible in their coursework, and to apply to the physical geography honours program at the earliest possible entry date.

Field of study: Geography

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