Photos of university / #brandonuni
Physics is the study of the fundamental laws of nature that govern the structure and behaviour of matter and energy from subatomic fundamental particles to stars, galaxies and the entire universe. It also provides the foundation on which rests much of the technological innovation in the modern world, from microwave ovens to computers, from airplanes to rocketry and space flight, from pocket cameras to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Physicists today make important contributions using both classical physics (computer simulation of pharmaceuticals, detection of planets around distant stars, gravitometric sensing of mineral resources) and modern physics (quantum computing, precise calibration of GPS systems, materials development, search for new fundamental particles) in theory and applications that affect our daily lives and shape the evolution of technology on which society depends.Departmental facilities include a research-grade astronomical telescope, a well-developed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance laboratory and a 54 processor computing cluster. Most faculty members in the Department hold external research grants. The Department also supports a fully- equipped, open-source student computer lab.
Field of study: Physics, General