Study programs (3)
You may be interested in:

Levels of study at university
There are 3 main levels if study and today we will talk about them in detail.
Jan 25, 2022

6 countries where you can get a free higher education in English
Not everyone can afford to study abroad, and despite the abundance of scholarships, it is not always possible to get them. But in some countries it is possible to study for free, and today we will tell you about these countries.
Feb 8, 2022

Royal University of Technology (KTH) Undergraduate Scholarship
The Royal University of Technology Stockholm provides up to thirty scholarships to international undergraduates. The scholarship fully covers the cost of the first and second year of study at the University.
Apr 12, 2022

Masters Scholarships from Lund University, Sweden
Lund University is providing several Masters Scholarships in connection with its 350th anniversary. The scholarship covers over 100 master's programs.
Apr 18, 2022

Scholarships for Masters Students from Mälardalen University, Sweden
Each year, Mälardalen University provides a limited number of scholarships for students entering the Master's program. The scholarship covers university tuition fees.
Apr 18, 2022

Free education in Sweden
This article is useful for those who want to enter Sweden.We talk about the higher education system, the admission process and scholarships.
Apr 5, 2022

Scholarship Guide: Visby Scholarship
Visby Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship from the Swedish Institute that extends to many programs and universities in Sweden. We invite you to learn more about this program and the requirements for applicants.
Apr 15, 2022

Chalmers University of Technology Scholarship (Sweden)
Chalmers University of Technology Scholarship (Sweden). The University provides scholarships for all graduate programs for new students.The scholarship covers up to 85% of the tuition fees. Deadline: January 15
Apr 12, 2022

Why study in Scandinavian countries
If you are planning to study in Europe, you should pay attention to Scandinavian universities. It is worth going to Scandinavia not only for the unique northern nature, but also for quality education. The countries of this region are highly developed economically, the life here is not cheap, but higher education is completely free. In our article you will learn why it is worth studying in the Nordic countries.
Feb 11, 2022

Dream job in Sweden
An island caretaker in Australia, a penguin flipper at a polar station in Antarctica ... You will not find many vacancies on the Internet! The rating of the most unusual offers was supplemented by one more. Sweden is planning to hire a participant in the art object. Salary $ 2300 per month, annual paid leave, decent pension. There is only one main responsibility. Which one? You will learn about this from the article!
Mar 8, 2022

Higher education in Sweden
Sweden is a popular country for foreign students: every year their number in the country is growing. Why is Sweden so attractive? The reason is the level of education in the country with top universities - Sweden ranks fifth in the world in the ranking of national higher education systems U21. Another reason, of course, is Sweden's seventh-highest level of happiness among all countries in the world according to the latest UN World Happiness Report!
Feb 7, 2022

Opportunities with deadlines in December 2020
Today we have a list of scholarships, grants, and competitions with deadlines for next month. Don't miss your opportunity to study abroad!
Jan 31, 2022