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Our Mission
With the consciousness of the duty expected by society and the reason of its existence, the mission of Bülent Ecevit University is “to educate inquiring, creative, productive, enterprising, competitive, socially improved and patriotic individuals who are in the line of Atatürkist thought and embrace contemporary and ethical values, believe in the supremacy of the law, and can contribute to science, technology, culture and art on both national and international levels”.
Basic Principles: The basic principles on which the mission and vision of Bülent Ecevit University rely on can be listed as follows:
• Virtuousness,
• Patriotism,
• Modernity,
• Student-orientedness,
• Honesty and reliability,
• Participation,
• Sharing,
• Responsibility,
• Excellence in searching for, gathering, producing and sharing knowledge,
• Universality.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is located in Zonguldak, situated on the coast of Black Sea. The faculty was established in 1992 and has been offering courses at the main campus since 1993 with the Departments of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, English Language and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature.The endeavors for the development of the academic staff of the Department of German Language and Literature, the Department of Psychology, the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Archeology, the Department of History continue. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences provides academic activities in two buildings of 14.700 m2closed area, with 20 classrooms, 30 laboratories, 4 computer laboratories, 2 seminar rooms, a teleconference room and 59 faculty offices. Also, each building has a cafeteria.
Faculty of Dentistry
The Faculty of Dentistry was established in 2008 and has 8 departments. These are the departments of: Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontology, Orthodontics, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry and Restorative Dentistry.
The teaching staff at the faculty is composed of 1 full professor, 1 associate professor, 23 assistant professors and 16 research assistants. There is also 29 administrative and technical staff.
The undergraduate education of our faculty is 5 years, except preparatory program. Language of instruction is Turkish for all our departments. After successful completion of one year of English Language Preparatory program or exemption exams, students are continued from first class. In the first three years, fundamental medical and dentistry lectures and preclinical educations are given to students. In 4. and 5. classes, education of the dentistry professional courses, clinical practice and internships are given to students.
Postgraduate education hasn’t started in all departments in our faculty but the associated PhD doctoral program with the Institute of Medical Sciences of Gazi University was started on 06.06.2013 in Endodontics and Prosthodontics departments. The studies to give postgraduate education for other departments are in progress.
For residency education program, our faculty accepts the students graduated from a dentistry faculty and succeeded in the Residency Examination for Dentistry (DUS).
The first priority of our faculty is to develop and encourage contemporary approaches to theoretical, clinical and preclinical studies for our students.
Economic and Administrative Sciences
Our faculty was established under the name of Zonguldak Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences in accordance with the law no 3389 dated 18.06.1987 and started education at Hacettepe Beytepe Campus in the academic year of 1987-1988.
The faculty changed as Çaycuma Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences within Zonguldak Karaelmas University by changing the name and link in accordance with Law No. 3837 dated 03.07.1992 that is the Additional Article 9 to law on establishment of the university.
Our faculty, continuing education between the years of 1987-1994 at Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus , started to give education at Zonguldak Karaelmas University Campus after academic year of 1994-1995.
The name of Çaycuma Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences was changed to Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences in accordance with the law no 2005/9691by the decision of Council of Ministry on 21.11.2005.
There are 3 professors, 7 associate professors, 32 research assistants and 2 teaching assistants as academic staff in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
There are 20 administrative personel comprising of 1 faculty secretary , 3 chiefs , 11 officers , 1 technician and 4 servants.
Our faculty comprises 6 departments as Business, Economics, Public Finance, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, International Trade and Business, Political Science and Public Administration. Departments of Business, Economics, Public Finance have regular and secondary programme on the other hand departments of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, International Trade and Business have only regular programmes . Since academic year of 2012-2013 Department of Political Science and Public Administration has begun education by registering 45 students for each of regular and secondary programme.
Faculty of Engineering
Bulent Ecevit University, Faculty of Engineering was established in 1992 as one of the seven faculties of Zonguldak Karaelmas University. The faculty has been offering courses in main campus with the departments Mining Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. The Faculty of Engineering provides academic activities with the help of 14 Professors, 19 Associate Professors, 38 Assistant Professors, 4 Instructors, 60 Research Assistants and 4 Specialists.
The mission of Faculty of Engineering is to graduate engineers who have job responsibility, respectful to ethical values, creative, productive, can work in team studies, can communicate interdisciplinary, have ability of reaching information and using that information for applications, optimizing resources for public benefit.
The Faculty of Engineering aims to be a faculty that is preferred in primarily, highly satisfies students and academic staff, is consulted for local problems, is respectable both national and international in terms of students, staff, education and academic studies and a faculty, whose graduated students are preferred.
Faculty of Education
The faculty of education was founded in 1997, March 18 in Kdz. Eregli, Zonguldak. Itwas consisted of seven departments;
Computer Education and Instructional Technologies,
Educational Sciences, Elementary Education,
Fine Arts Education,
Primary School Religion and Ethics Education,
Secondary Science and Mathematics Education,
Special Education,
AndTurkish LanguageTeachingEducation.
The teaching staff at the faculty is composed of 2 professors, 10 associate professors, 35 assistant professors, 16 research assistants and 4 lecturers. There are also 38 administrative and technical staffs.
Except for Computer Education and Instructional Technologies; Educational Sciences, Fine Arts Education, and Secondary Science and Mathematics Education departments are actively teaching daytime. In the departments of Elementary Education, Special Education, and Turkish Education students have evening education. Students’ teaching practice in public schools under the supervision of experienced teachers has taken into consideration very seriously. The language of instruction is Turkish for all our departments.
Fine Arts
The Faculty of Fine Arts was established through the Ministerial Board’s decision on 30.07.2008 with the Painting, Graphic Design and Sculpture departments later being added through the YÖK executive committee’s decision dated 07.05.2009. 47 students are currently studying in the Painting Department, which began enrolling students during the 2010-2011 academic year.
A total of three buildings, spanning an indoor area of 2902.5 m2, include 10 offices, 5 of which are for academic use, 6 studios, 1 classroom, 1 computer lab, 1 cafeteria, 1 dining hall and 1 storage space which are used in an educational and academic capacity.
Maritime Faculty
Turkey has traditional maritime interests emanating from its geopolitical position which dominates both land and sea routes between Europe and Asia. Maritime Faculty was founded as The School of Maritime Business and Management in 29.09.2005 in the body of the Bulent Ecevit University(formerly Zonguldak Karaelmas University).
There are 3 departments in our faculty: Department of Maritime Business Administration, Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering and Department of Marine Engineering Operations. However, only Department of Maritime Business Administration is active at the moment.
Our faculty is located in Ereğli, Zonguldak which is a seaside town in the west Black Sea region of Turkey. In Ereğli, our students have the opportunity to improve and practice the information they gain through our courses.Our lecturers are experts in maritime business; furthermore, specialist working in maritime industry also gives lectures in specific courses.Our curriculum is based on related majors in the USA, UK and Turkey, taking our vision and missions in consideration and when necessary it is updated to fit the recent changes. Our graduates can take part in the maritime industry effectively and have the opportunity to be employed internationally.
Undergraduate program covers 4 years of education and one year of optional foreign language (English) class. During the regular eight semester students have to succeed mandatory and elective courses which have a total 130 credits.
As university life is not just about formal academic study we encourage our students and staff to play a full part in the life of the city, through volunteer work and summer practices.
Our school has several social clubs so that our students and staff can not only gain new skills such as ship modelling or dip diving but also enjoy concerts, theater plays, field trips and sports activities.
The main objective of the Maritime Faculty is to assist the maritime interests of the country by providing education to those who will assume positions in the administrative, managerial and technical bodies of the national and international maritime institutions.
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School of Medicine
Bülent Ecevit University which is located in the Western Black Sea Region was founded in 1992. After its foundation, necessary initiatives were started to establish the Faculty of Medicine and the Practice and Research Hospital within the body of our university based on the needs of the region and the Faculty of Medicine was established in 03.07.1992 under the law no 3837.
The Faculty of Medicine in the Health Sciences Campus and Bülent Ecevit University Practice and Research Hospital are located on the 8th km of Ereğli highway in Esenköy, Kozlu. The construction work for the University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine was started on an area of 1.154.105 m2 in 14.04.1996 and was completed in 2010.In order to meet the need for faculty members of the Faculty of Medicine, 28 research assistants commenced their specialty training in Gazi University according to the article 33 of the law no 2547 in 1993. In December 1997, the structuring of our faculty was accelerated with the appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and our faculty actively commenced its academic activities in the former rectorate building in the Central Campus. The Practice and Research Hospital with several active departments was also activated in October 2000. With the approval of the Board of Higher Education, student education with 25 students per semester and specialty training in medicine in several departments have been initiated, considering the quality of education in the 2000-2001 academic year.
Academic members having completed their specialty training in October 2000 returned to our Faculty of Medicine and, in the meantime, the construction of two blocks of the hospital including outpatient clinics, laboratories and 210-bed clinics were completed. The bed capacity of our hospital was increased from 70 beds in a closed area of 5000 m2 in 23.10.2000 to a total of 527 beds with 458 normal and 69 intensive care beds in a closed area of 48.000 m2 at the end of 2009.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Bülent Ecevit University Faculty of Pharmacy was founded by the law numbered 28332 and dated 23.06.2012 publised on the Official Journal of Republic of Turkey. Our faculty is the first and only faculty of pharmacy located in the western Black Sea region.
Mission / Vision
Our mission is to train pharmacists contributing to the improvement of public health, having qualities to undertake effective responsibilities and duties in every stage of drug research and development, contributing to science with the research they conduct and serving the knowlegde acquired for the benefit of the public having universal science and technology on the base and taking part in the processing of the services adressed to health.
Our vision is to be a faculty whose competency is approved worldwide, training pioneer pharmacists who are qualified to serve internationally, pioneering in the creation and application of modern education and research strategies.
Our Basic Values
Bülent Ecevit University has attained:
Social responsibility
Scientific ethics
Academic thinking and freedom of expression
Faculty of Theology
Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Islamic History and Arts and Religion and Ethics in the field of education and scientific principles to the original generating knowledge through research in the framework of universal validity; the information produced by individuals and society and promoting peace and prosperity in line with the historical development of our cultural accumulation; review to respond to the needs of the age of religious values; Turkey and recognized in the world, is to be a school of choice in the first place.
The University was established as “Zonguldak Karaelmas University” accordance with the Law no. 3837 issued on July 11th 1992 and was later named as as “Bülent Ecevit University” on April 11th 2012 with law no. 6287.
In order to exploit the coalmines in the Black Sea basin by a technically educated staff, a School of Mine Engineering was established in 1924 in Zonguldak, however, it was closed after a period of time and was replaced by a Vocational School of Mining and Mine Foremen which then became Technical School of Mining in 1949. This institution was moved to Istanbul in 1961. With the Law no.165 “Law for Opening a New Technical School in Zonguldak” issued in 1962, this technical school was converted into The State Academy of Engineering and Architecture” with Law no.1184, while buildings were under construction.
The Academy, which consisted of Mining, Mechanics, Electricity and Construction departments in accordance with the Law no.1184, became The Faculty of Engineering which consisted of Mine Engineering and Mechanical Engineering departments in accordance with the Statutory Decree no.41 issued in 1981, and then merged with Hacettepe University under the name of Zonguldak Faculty of Engineering on June 20th, 1982. With the foundation of Bülent Ecevit University in accordance with Law no.3837, this Faculty which forms the basis of the University, Zonguldak Vocational School, Alaplı Vocational School and Hacettepe University Zonguldak Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences under the name of “Çaycuma Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences” merged with the University. Then the name Çaycuma Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences was altered as Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences on December 13th, 2005.
Ereğli Faculty of Education established on January 18th, 1995, Zonguldak School of Health Services established on November 2nd, 1996 and Fethi Toker Faculty of Fine Arts and Design The School of Maritime Business and Management was established on October 12th, 2005 and then it was altered into Maritime Faculty on 10th November 2013.
The State Conservatory was established in accordance with the decision taken in The meeting of the Council of Higher Education on March 5th, 2004 and Gökçebey Mithat-Mehmet Çanakçı Vocational School established accordance with the decision taken in meeting on May 5th, 2006 was opened.
Bülent Ecevit University continued to expand at an amazing rate wih new faculties and schools. Faculty of Dentistry was established on February 13th, 2008, Faculty of Fine Arts was established on August 26th 2008. Faculty of Communication and School of Physical Education and sports were established on November 15th, 2010.
The immense growth rate of Bulent Ecevit University continued with the establishment of Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Theology on June 23rd 2012.
With the establishment of Ereğli Vocational School on September 26th 2012 and Schoolf of Foreign Languages on July 24th 2013 there are 11 Faculties, 3 Schools, 7 Vocational Schools and a State Conservatory in Bülent Ecevit University.
Received accreditation from MÜDEK until September 30, 2014. It also won the right to receive the current EUR-ACE label until 2014. Was given by the European Network for Accreditation of ENGINERING Education.
The university has facilities on 11 different campuses and a library is established on each campus. The library on the main campus, which was opened in 1993, occupies an area of 1,875 square metres. The library on the main campus is open for 24 hours, for seven days a week. Other libraries are open between 08:30 a.m. and 17:30 p.m. on weekdays. The library consists of books, printed materials, audio-visual and electronic sources mostly on mechanical engineering, mining, geodesy, geology, arts and sciences, electric, construction, architecture, medicine, economics, business, accounting, fine arts, music and foreign languages in addition to materials on various disciplines. There are 61,878 books in total in Bülent Ecevit University’s libraries, of which 10,274 are in foreign languages and 51,604 in Turkish. In addition, there are 10,669 periodicals 9,228 of which are in Turkish and 1,441 are in foreign languages. Besides, there are 2,026 theses and 4,378,670 electronic sources available
The collection can be searched via OPAC 24 hours a day. Via the International Library Loan system, it is possible to benefit from the collections of other universities. Moreover, 36 electronic databases are reachable via the library web page. A computer network is available on all of the campuses to provide electronic use of library catalogues and to enhance library facilities. There is wireless internet access on all floors of the main library.
Digital Campus
Our curriculum educates our students in a computer assisted atmosphere containing not only the traditional teaching materials like classroom activities and books but laboratories, study booklets and various evaluation materials provided via computer.
On the main campus there is a network with approximately 5000 meters fiber optic, and 15,000 meters category-6 cabling. By means of this network, 150 Mbit/sec mb internet speed is reachable via Ulakbim. Since the faculties and vocational schools have their own computer laboratories, students obtain free computer and internet access.
The Student Automation Programme prepared by the Data Automation Centre is available on the computers on the main campus and other campuses. This program eases the process of accessing student records, updating student data and producing student statistics.
With the help of the Data Automation Centre, the academic staff can record each student’s grades on the network. Students can also register for their courses via the network at the beginning of each semester.
With the renewal of the web server, an established web provider enables remote access and is easy to control.
Efficient Webmail service is provided for both the university staff and the students with the renewal of the mail server.
A spam assassin server is established to avoid spam email and as a result of this 80% of unwanted advertisement email is prevented.
Social and Cultural Services
Social, cultural and sport facilities are organised according to the interests and abilities of the students in order to enable them to spend spare time efficiently. The students identify the activities they want to be involved in by filling in a form during registration and in turn, are provided with opportunities related to their interests and abilities.
The students are presented opportunities to play basketball, volleyball, football, do taekwondo, and road race. The teams chosen in the selections that take place on the main campus participate in annual competitions against other universities.
Food Services
There are cooking and dining hall facilities on the main campus and other campuses of our university which provide healthy, nutritious meals to the students. In addition, there are dining halls where students can spend their free time comfortably.
The dining halls serve from 8:30 to 23:00. Our dining halls are located in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences on the main campus. The other dining halls are located at faculties and vocational schools’ buildings at the other campuses.
Sports Facilities
There are five sports centres, eleven volleyball courts, basketball courts, and open sports centres in total on the main campus and other campuses for students to use in their spare time. Also, students are able to participate on school teams. There is a fitness centre and portable swimming-pool available for our students. There are also billiards and table tennis facilities in the sports centres.
Student Transactions
The registration, exam and evaluation processes of the students are implemented according to the Decisions and Regulations of the Council of Higher Education and the Council of Higher Education Law numbered 2547. A compilation of these laws and regulations are given to students in a booklet during enrolment
TÖMER(Turkish Teaching Center)
TÖMER, the Turkish and Foreign Languages Research and Application Centre, was established with the objective of teaching Turkish to foreigners in Turkey and conducting research about the Turkish language. The Centre has been teaching Turkish to foreign students coming to Turkey to study or to live for many years. TÖMER centres, whose numbers are increasing throughout cities in Turkey, are involved in activities such as textbooks, courses, seminars, journals and various field visits and are reaching more and more people. With such activities, TÖMER is realising an important function with its services and publications, meeting the needs greatly needed in its area of work.
At Karaelmas TÖMER, Turkish preparatory courses are taught by qualified instructors in classes of 10-18 students. Our classes are specially designed for modern language teaching, enabling students’ one-to-one interaction with their instructors.
At Karaelmas TÖMER, Turkish teaching is carried out adhering to the Common European Framework. The teaching process is organised in six levels as: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. At the end of each level, four examinations, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing which aim to assess students’ language skill levels are held.
In classes, language teaching is supported by TV sets, DVDs, projectors and audio-visual materials.
Students who attend and successfully complete the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels are given certificates by TÖMER management. The certificates granted by Karaelmas TÖMER are considered eligible by public and private organizations.
At Karaelmas TÖMER, foreign language courses for certain areas of specialization and Turkish courses for special purposes are also available.
Student Affairs Office
Student Affairs Head Office is one of the main administrative departments of the university and serves all students in cooperation with student affairs offices in all faculties and schools. It is the duty of the Student Affairs Head office is to collect legal documents, follow placement procedures of Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM), keep academic records, conduct graduation processes in a time-saving, efficient and student-friendly way.
Student Affairs Head Office considers providing administrative assistance in fulfilling the University’s missions of offering education and training services in national and international levels, conducting scientific research and supplying mankind with science, technology and cultural values as its primary duty. Thus, Student Affairs Head Office has a singificant mission to help the Univesity become one of the most preferred universities with high quality administrative, education, training and technological services in the area of national and international higher education.
Students whose parents are working are under the health security of their families and these students can get any health service free of charge.
They are insured against all accidents related or non-related with education. All the health expenditure of foreign students benefiting from Governmental financial support is covered by the Health, Culture and Sports unit of our university. It is recommended that international students and visitors should have a valid health insurance issued in their countries.
At Bülent Ecevit University, our main objective is to prepare our students for life by empowering them with a contemporary and up-to-date education. Keeping in mind our responsibility in preparing our students for today’s and tomorrow’s competitive environment, we give utmost importance to not only providing our students with theoretical knowledge, but also instilling in them characteristics which will further their professional lives.
Bülent Ecevit University welcomes students who believe in the importance of scientific research and knowledge with the aim of forging their future with firm steps. Our university unites its strong roots of more than a quarter of a century’s experience with qualified academic staff and a dynamic student body.