Goethe University Frankfurt

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt, Germany
Website: www.uni-frankfurt.de Founded: 1914 year Type of University:Public StudyQA ranking: 3426 pts. No. Students: 46547 Frgn. Students: 7302 No. Staff: 636 Languages: German Phone: +49697980
Guesthouse Beethovenstraße 36 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Guesthouses Ditmarstraße and Frauenlobstraße (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
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Goethe University Frankfurt, founded in 1914, is one of Germany’s leading research universities. Located in Frankfurt am Main, it is named after the famous German writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The university is known for its strong emphasis on research, academic excellence, and international collaboration. It offers a wide range of programs across various disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, medicine, and economics.

With over 45,000 students, Goethe University is one of the largest universities in Germany. It operates across multiple campuses, with the Westend Campus being the most prominent, housing the faculties of social sciences, humanities, and economics. The Riedberg Campus is home to the natural sciences, while the Niederrad Campus hosts the medical faculty. The university also has a strong focus on interdisciplinary research, with numerous research centers and institutes dedicated to advancing knowledge in various fields.

Goethe University is recognized for its commitment to academic freedom and innovation. It follows a unique model as a "citizen’s university," meaning it was originally founded and funded by private citizens rather than the state. This tradition continues today, with strong ties to industry, business, and international institutions. The university is also part of several prestigious research networks and collaborates with institutions worldwide.

The university offers a diverse and international environment, attracting students and researchers from all over the world. Many programs are available in English, particularly at the graduate level, making it an attractive destination for international students. Additionally, Goethe University provides numerous scholarships and funding opportunities to support students in their academic pursuits.

Frankfurt itself is a major financial and cultural hub, offering students a dynamic and vibrant environment. The city is home to the European Central Bank, numerous multinational corporations, and a rich cultural scene, including museums, theaters, and music festivals. This makes Goethe University an excellent place for students looking to combine academic excellence with professional opportunities.

Overall, Goethe University Frankfurt stands out as a prestigious institution with a strong research focus, international outlook, and deep connections to industry and society. It continues to be a leading center for education and innovation in Germany and beyond.

  • Law

    The Frankfurter legal education distinguished within the constraints of the Hessian Legal Education Law. The program offers the ability to set priorities, to be determined by the challenges political-legal, socio-economic, technological and cultural processes of change to the law. These are formed from particularly evident in rising importance of transnational law (European law) and human rights, the right of information society (media, telecommunications and data protection law), the right of economic (corporate, financial, banking and insurance law, labor and social rights) and the ensuing new requirements of a modern criminal penalties and legal and not least in the specific represented European legal History and legal History.

    Students have the possibility to study six priority areas: 

    1. internationalization and Europeanization of law; 
    2. business and finance (Law and Finance);
    3. Fundamentals of Law;
    4. Constitution, management, regulatory;
    5. Labour, of life;
    6. Criminology.

  • Economics and Business Administration

    The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Goethe University owes its existence and identity to the link forged between business and academia. In 1901, the Academy for Social Science and Commerce was established by Wilhelm Merton, founder of the renowned German industrial organization Metallgesellschaft, as the commercial college for the city of Frankfurt. This college, the first faculty for economics and business administration of its kind in Germany, formed the nucleus of the Goethe University, established in 1914 by the citizens of Frankfurt. It was during this time that those features characteristic of the study of economics in Frankfurt emerged: a focus on theoretical analysis, the close connection between the disciplines of economics and business administration and the open approach towards a broad spectrum of theoretical, practical and policy-oriented issues.

    Today, the faculty is considered one of the most attractive economics and business administration faculties in Germany. This view is shared not only by the more than 5000 students enrolled, but also by the numerous national and international companies that regularly recruit our graduates. It was here that Ludwig Erhard wrote his doctorate, Erich Gutenberg lectured and Reinhard Selten, Germany's first Nobel Laureate in Economics, received his certificate of Habilitation.

  • Social Sciences

    The Department of Social Sciences at Goethe University is a long established department with a prestigious tradition (“Frankfurt School”), and at the same time one of the largest and best performing departments in social sciences in Germany.

    The faculty of 40 professors and more than 100 research and teaching assistants provides a wide range of courses for the approximately 9,500 students, among them 3,600 studying in major programs. Currently the department offers thirteen major and numerous minor study programs as well as courses for social science teachers.

    Both study and teaching focus on the two BA programs “Sociology” and “Political Science”, and the research oriented MA programs “Sociology”, “Political Science”, “Political Theory”, and “International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research”. Moreover, the Department of Social Sciences participates in two interdisciplinary MA programs, “Environmental Sciences” and “East Asian Studies”.

    The department is currently organized in two institutes: the “Institute for Political Science”, the “Institute for Sociology”. The latter comprises the field of social psychology.

    The department offers special support to postgraduate students via the GraduateCenter of Social Sciences (GRASOC) and houses the International PhD-program “Democracy, Knowledge, and Gender in a Transnational World” (IPP Transnational).

  • Educational Sciences

  • Psychology and Sports Sciences

    The Department consists of the Department of Psychology and the Institute of Sports Sciences and the Center for University Sports on Campus Ginnheim.

    We offer five separate courses at (B.A. Sport Sciences, B.Sc. Psychology, M.A. Sports Medical Training & Clinical Exercise Physiology, M.A. Social Sciences of Sports, M.Sc. Psychology) and are involved in teacher training. Research institutes are linked with many other faculties and institutions in and outside Frankfurt and we have intensive international contacts.

    The Center for Recreational Sports offers an extensive sports program for all students and Operating Teten Goethe University, in which it comes to take care of a healthy balance for university studies and professional life. The sports offer includes almost 300 courses per week in over 60 sports.

  • Protestant Theology

    The Department studies Protestant Theology and teaches denominational theology within the horizon of contemporary culture(s).

    The denominational perspective reflects the specific contribution of Protestant theology in a globalized world and that is especially with regard to the contribution of faith, Church and religions to the cultural formation of companies.

  • Roman Catholic Theology

    Frankfurt is a city of money - many skyscrapers dominate the skyline. The city offers contrasts; Traditions coexist with newer cultural developments, new emerges ...

    Theology, the question of God - here and now!

    How can we speak of God in the face of contrasts of "arm" and "kingdom"? What perspectives opened faith in interpreting a complex reality? How does Christianity relate to other religions and beliefs?

    On a department where students are welcome with their different interests and abilities and learn competent support, we do theology with open eyes: history aware contextually, clever and creative. And we invite you to do this with us!

  • Philosophy and History

    The Department includes four scientific areas: The Historical Seminar with the Department of Ancient History, the Institute of Ethnology, the Institute of Philosophy and the Department of didactics of history.

    In order to support the variety of research activities of young scientists in the humanities, the department maintains its own doctoral program.

    The Department strives to operate independently of all today's demands, research and teaching at the highest level.

  • Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures, and Arts

  • Modern Languages

  • Geosciences and Geography

    The Department of Geosciences and Geography, like no other department, offers a broad variety of study paths for students and scientists.

    Interdisciplinary research, not only within the faculty, but also in close cooperation with other departments, is an outstanding quality of the Geosciences at Frankfurt University.

    The main research areas are the structures and dynamics of the Earth´s interior and surface. A close look at the history of our planet, the evolution of landscapes as well as of lifeforms and the analysis of their habitats in a global view is part of the scientific and educational work. The complex and versatile interactions and connections between figure, composition and dynamics of the environment and life and evolution of mankind is a major aspect in geoscientific and geographical research.

  • Computer Science and Mathematics

    With 43 professors, over 150 academic and administrative staff and more than 4.000 students, the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics is one of Goethe University`s largest faculties. Its range of study programmes encompasses the disciplines of Mathematics (BSc., MSc., teaching degrees (Lehramt)), Computer Science (BSc., MSc., teaching degrees), Bioinformatics (BSc., MSc.) and Business Informatics (MSc.).

    The appointment of a large number of professors has meant that the institutes of Computer Science, Mathematics and Mathematics and Computer Science Education have been able to expand their areas of specialization in recent years. For example, “Algorithms for Big Data”, a Priority Programme of the German Research Foundation, is coordinated by the chair for Theoretical Computer Science. Technical Computer Science plays a leading role at international level in the development of efficient high-performance computers. It was possible to call to the chair EU prize winners (ERC Starting Grants) in the specialist fields of Algebra and Geometry as well as Discrete Mathematics. Our Mathematics Education is integrated in the university`s priority area of “Empirical Education Research”, our Bioinformatics in the “Macromolecular Complexes” excellence cluster, our Stochastics in biomathematics and neuroscience Priority Programmes (“Probabilistic Studies in Evolution” and “Neuronal Networks in the Mammalian Brain”) of the German Research Foundation. Frankfurt offers excellent professional prospects for our graduates in the specialist fields of Financial Mathematics and Business Information Systems.

    Students can get together in learning groups in our Computer Science Learning Centre or the Mathematics Learning Centre or the Didactics of Mathematics Study Room where they can also find tutors to supervise them. Master programme students and doctoral researchers are closely involved in the research work undertaken by our working groups.

    The Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics is centrally located right next to the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt-Bockenheim and easily reached by public transport. There are plans to build new premises on Riedberg Campus (the natural sciences campus) of Goethe University.

  • Physics

    At the Department of Physics at the Goethe University are currently about 1,300 students enrolled. The curriculum of the Department includes two accredited Bachelor and Master courses (Physics and Biophysics) and lectures and internships for students of the magisterium and to the formation in physics as a minor subject for scientists and physicians. In addition, the Department of Physics coordinates the interdisciplinary master program Computational Science.

  • Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy

    In the faculty of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, 38 professors are involved in research and teaching. They are supported by 215 permanent members of staff and teach more than 1.900 undergraduate and 500 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows in three different disciplines: Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biochemistry.

    The department is located at the Riedberg Campus of the Goethe-University in the North of Frankfurt, in the direct neighbourhood of the faculties of Biological Sciences (German), Physics (German), Geosciences (German), the Cluster of Excellence Frankfurt Macromolecular Complexes, the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) and the Max-Planck-Institutes for Biophysics and Brain research. In addition, a biotechnology think-tank, the near-by Frankfurter Innovationszentrum (FIZ) supports the knowledge transfer between basic research and new business.

  • Biological Sciences

    The Department of Biological Sciences consists of the departments of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity (Institute 1), Cell Biology and Neuroscience (Department 2) Molecular Biosciences (Institute 3) and the Department of Didactics of life sciences. Overall, the department currently has 38 professors; that he is one of the largest biological disciplines in Germany.
    Our research focuses on the areas of ecology and biodiversity, cell biology and neurobiology, molecular biology and biotechnology.

  • Medical Science

    The Frankfurt Faculty of Medicine has made in recent years great efforts to achieve a leading position in research and teaching.

    The Faculty of Medicine now has a high international reputation for its research priorities, especially in the field of cardiovascular medicine and neuroscience.

  • The Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM)

    The Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM) – based in the House of Finance at Goethe University Frankfurt – constitutes an alliance between Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Technische Universität Darmstadt. Operating in Continental Europe's primary center for financial markets and central banking, GSEFM aims to realize the three universities' joint vision to establish a premier European center for quantitative and research-oriented graduate-level education in economics, finance, and management.

    GSEFM offers a rich palette of programs, with all programs featuring the structure of premier anglo-saxon research-oriented graduate programs, and at the same time adding the interdisciplinary and inter-institutional wealth of Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Technische Universität Darmstadt.

    Some of GSEFM's strengths include:

    • Ph.D. Program in Economics

    • Ph.D. Program in Finance

    • Doctorate / Ph.D. Program in Law and Economics

    • Ph.D. Program in Management

    • Ph.D. Program in Marketing

    • MSQ Programs

Goethe University Frankfurt was founded in 1914 as a unique "citizens' university," financed by wealthy citizens of Frankfurt rather than the state. This model of private funding was unusual in Germany at the time and allowed the university to develop independently. The university was named after the famous German writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1932, reflecting its strong connection to the intellectual and cultural traditions of Frankfurt.

During the early years, Goethe University quickly became a center for research and academic excellence, attracting renowned scholars in various fields, including philosophy, social sciences, and natural sciences. The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, founded in the 1920s, became one of the most influential intellectual movements of the 20th century, with figures such as Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Jürgen Habermas contributing significantly to philosophy and sociology.

However, the university faced challenges during the Nazi era (1933–1945), when many Jewish and politically dissident professors were dismissed or forced into exile. After World War II, Goethe University underwent a process of denazification and reconstruction, regaining its reputation as a leading academic institution.

In the post-war period, the university expanded significantly, both in terms of student numbers and research output. It became a hub for economic and financial studies, benefiting from Frankfurt’s status as a major financial center. The university also played a key role in the development of modern theoretical physics and chemistry.

In 2008, Goethe University transitioned into a foundation university, granting it greater financial and administrative autonomy. This change allowed the university to attract more private funding and strengthen its position as a leading research institution. Today, Goethe University Frankfurt is one of Germany’s largest and most prestigious universities, with a strong international reputation in various academic disciplines.

Goethe University Frankfurt is one of Germany's leading universities, offering a wide range of programs for both domestic and international students. The admission requirements vary depending on the level of study (bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programs) and the applicant’s educational background.

For undergraduate programs, international students must have a qualification equivalent to the German Abitur. If the applicant’s secondary school diploma is not recognized as equivalent, they may need to complete a Studienkolleg (preparatory course) and pass the Feststellungsprüfung (assessment test). Additionally, proof of German language proficiency is required for most programs, typically at the DSH-2 or TestDaF level (minimum TDN 4 in all sections). Some programs may also accept other language certificates such as Goethe-Zertifikat C2 or Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule.

For master’s programs, applicants must hold a recognized bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Some programs are taught in English, in which case proof of English proficiency (such as TOEFL or IELTS) may be required. Admission to certain programs may also involve additional requirements, such as a minimum GPA, letters of motivation, recommendation letters, or entrance exams.

Doctoral applicants must have a relevant master’s degree and typically need to find a supervisor at the university before applying. The application process may involve submitting a research proposal, academic transcripts, and proof of language proficiency.

The application process for international students is usually conducted through the uni-assist platform or directly via the university’s online portal. Deadlines vary depending on the program and whether the applicant is from an EU or non-EU country. Generally, applications for the winter semester are due by July 15, while applications for the summer semester are due by January 15. However, some programs may have different deadlines.

In addition to academic qualifications, some programs may require entrance exams, interviews, or additional documents such as CVs and portfolios. It is important for applicants to check the specific requirements for their chosen program on the university’s official website.

Goethe University Frankfurt offers various support services for international students, including orientation programs, language courses, and academic advising. The university also provides information on visa requirements, health insurance, and accommodation options to help students transition smoothly to life in Germany.

Goethe University Frankfurt is a prestigious public research university located in Frankfurt, Germany. It is officially recognized and accredited by the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts (HMWK). As a public institution, Goethe University adheres to the academic and administrative regulations set by the German higher education system, ensuring high standards of education and research.

The university is a member of several national and international academic organizations, which further attest to its accreditation and reputation. It is part of the German U15 group, a coalition of leading research-intensive universities in Germany. Additionally, Goethe University is affiliated with the European University Association (EUA), which promotes collaboration and quality assurance among European higher education institutions.

In terms of program accreditation, many of Goethe University's degree programs are accredited by recognized accreditation agencies in Germany. These agencies operate under the German Accreditation Council (Akkreditierungsrat), which ensures that academic programs meet rigorous quality standards. Accreditation is particularly relevant for professional and specialized programs, such as business, law, and engineering, where external validation is necessary to maintain academic excellence.

Goethe University Frankfurt is also well-regarded in international rankings, which further reflects its academic credibility. It consistently ranks among the top universities in Germany and is recognized globally for its research output, faculty expertise, and student satisfaction. The university collaborates with numerous international institutions, enhancing its global standing and providing students with opportunities for exchange programs and joint research initiatives.

Furthermore, Goethe University participates in the Bologna Process, which standardizes higher education qualifications across Europe. This ensures that degrees awarded by the university are recognized across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), facilitating student mobility and international career opportunities.

Overall, Goethe University Frankfurt maintains a strong academic reputation through its official accreditation, membership in prestigious academic organizations, and adherence to international education standards. Its commitment to quality education and research makes it a highly respected institution both in Germany and worldwide.

Goethe University Frankfurt offers a vibrant student life with numerous opportunities for academic, social, and cultural engagement. The university has a diverse student body, with people from different backgrounds and nationalities, creating an international atmosphere.

The university provides various student organizations, clubs, and societies that cater to different interests, including academic groups, cultural associations, and sports clubs. These organizations help students connect with like-minded peers and develop new skills outside the classroom.

The campus life at Goethe University is dynamic, with events such as lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities. The university also hosts cultural festivals, music performances, and exhibitions, allowing students to experience different cultures and traditions.

For students who enjoy sports and physical activities, the university offers a range of sports facilities and programs, including fitness classes, team sports, and outdoor activities. The university's sports center provides opportunities for students to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Goethe University also has a strong support system for students, including academic advising, career counseling, and mental health services. The university's libraries and study spaces provide a conducive environment for learning and research.

The city of Frankfurt itself enhances student life with its vibrant cultural scene, nightlife, and numerous cafes and restaurants. Students can explore museums, theaters, and parks, making their university experience even more enriching.

Overall, student life at Goethe University Frankfurt is dynamic and diverse, offering students a well-rounded experience that combines academics, extracurricular activities, and social engagement.

Goethe University Frankfurt offers a wide range of services and facilities to support students in their academic and personal lives. The university provides extensive library services, including the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg, which offers access to numerous books, journals, and digital resources. Study spaces and computer labs are available across campuses to facilitate research and learning.

The university also has student counseling services, offering academic advising, psychological support, and career counseling. The Career Service helps students with job applications, internships, and career planning. Additionally, the International Office provides support for international students, including visa assistance, orientation programs, and language courses.

For health and well-being, Goethe University has a student health service and sports facilities, including gyms, sports fields, and organized sports activities. The university also offers affordable dining options through its cafeterias and canteens, which serve a variety of meals.

Student life is enriched by numerous student organizations, cultural events, and networking opportunities. The university hosts lectures, workshops, and social events to foster a vibrant academic community. Housing services assist students in finding accommodation, whether in university dormitories or private housing.

Overall, Goethe University Frankfurt provides a comprehensive range of services and facilities to ensure students have a supportive and enriching university experience.

Goethe University Frankfurt is one of Germany’s leading research universities, offering a diverse and dynamic academic environment. Founded in 1914, the university is known for its strong emphasis on research, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration. It is located in Frankfurt, one of Europe’s major financial and cultural hubs, providing students with excellent career opportunities and networking possibilities.

One of the key reasons to choose Goethe University is its strong academic reputation. The university consistently ranks among the top institutions in Germany and Europe, particularly in fields such as economics, business, law, social sciences, and natural sciences. It is home to renowned research institutes and collaborates with international organizations, ensuring that students receive a high-quality education.

Another advantage of studying at Goethe University is its modern infrastructure. The university has several campuses, including the state-of-the-art Westend Campus, which is known for its impressive architecture and excellent facilities. Students have access to well-equipped libraries, research centers, and modern lecture halls, creating an ideal learning environment.

Goethe University also offers a strong international focus. With a diverse student body and numerous exchange programs, students have the opportunity to engage with peers from around the world. The university maintains partnerships with leading institutions globally, allowing students to participate in international research projects and study abroad programs.

Additionally, the university provides a wide range of degree programs, many of which are taught in English, making it an attractive choice for international students. The interdisciplinary approach to education encourages students to explore different fields and develop a broad skill set.

Frankfurt itself is another reason to choose Goethe University. As a global financial center, the city offers numerous internship and job opportunities, particularly for students in business, finance, and economics. The city is also known for its cultural diversity, vibrant arts scene, and excellent public transportation system, making it a great place to live and study.

Overall, Goethe University Frankfurt combines academic excellence, modern facilities, international opportunities, and a prime location, making it an excellent choice for students seeking a high-quality education in Germany.

Goethe University Frankfurt on map:
Study programs at :
Local: $ 19.6 k / год
Foreign: $ 19.6 k / год
Duration: 12 months
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Part-time
StudyQA ranking: 10004
Local: $ 763 / год
Foreign: $ 763 / год
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 4198
Local: $ 763 / год
Foreign: $ 763 / год
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 10914
Local: $ 780 / год
Foreign: $ 780 / год
Deadline: Jan 31, 2026
Duration: 3 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 16429
Local: $ 780 / год
Foreign: $ 780 / год
Deadline: Jan 31, 2026
Duration: 3 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 12520
Deadline: Mar 15, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 5153
Deadline: May 1, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 7702
Deadline: Aug 31, 2025
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: German, English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 5205
Deadline: Jul 15, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 6186