Optoelectronics and Photonics Engineering (Thesis and Non-Thesis Programs)

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
401–500 place StudyQA ranking:6098 Duration:24 months

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Graduate education in Optoelectronic and Photonic Engineering (OEPE) at Koç University is offered through an interdisciplinary program with the objective of giving the students the fundamental physical scientific and applied engineering knowledge required for the design, simulation, realization, and characterization of OEPE materials, devices, systems, and applications.

The OEPE program has both theoretical and experimental research activities. The graduates of the OEPE program will work at frontiers of technology with a broad spectrum of application areas: from automotive and home lighting to information and communications, from life sciences and health to displays, from remote sensing to nondestructive diagnostics, and from material processing to photovoltaics.

Individuals with B.S. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering, optics, optoelectronics, physics, and related science and engineering disciplines should apply for graduate study in the OEPE Program.

Research Areas

* 2D/3D displays and imaging systems

* Advanced signal processing

* Femtosecond lasers

* Metamaterials

* Microwaves

* Nano-optics

* Optical communication

* Optical MEMS

* Plasma physics

* Plasmonics

* Quantum communication

* Quantum optics

* Remote sensing

* Silicon photonics

* Solid state lasers

Course Descriptions
Required Courses

OEPE 501 Introduction to Photonics (3 credits)

Electromagnetic waves, interaction of waves with material, waveguides, resonators, photonic atoms, photonic crystals, metamaterials, optical devices.

OEPE 502 Classical Electrodynamics I (3 credits)

Electrostatics. Boundary value problems. Multipoles. Dielectric materials. Magnetostatics. Maxwell equations. Conservation laws. Plane electromagnetic waves. (Also PHYS 502)

OEPE 590 Seminar (0 credits)

A series of lectures given by faculty or outside speakers. Participating students must also make presentations during the semester.

OEPE 595 M.S. Thesis (0 credits)

Independent research

ENGL 500 Graduate Writing (0 credits)

This is a writing course specifically designed to improve academic writing skills as well as critical reading and thinking. The course objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class. Student performance will be assessed and graded by Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

TEAC 500 Teaching Experience (0 credits)

Provides hands-on teaching experience to graduate students in undergraduate courses. Reinforces students' understanding of basic concepts and allows them to communicate and apply their knowledge of the subject matter.

Elective Courses

OEPE 505 Quantum Electronics (3 credits)

Quantum mechanics, Schrödinger equation, lattice vibrations, quantization of electromagnetic waves, propagation of optical waves in homogenous media, interaction of electromagnetic waves with materials. (Also ECOE 533 / PHYS 533)

OEPE 506 Quantum Optics (3 credits)

Einstein rate equations, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission, laser emission, nonlinear optics, bosonic properties of light, guided wave optics, optical resonators.

OEPE 521 Biophotonics Biomedical Photonics (3 credits)

advanced light microscopy, cell and tissue imaging, laser based techniques, nanoparticles as optical biolabels, biosensors, research techniques in bioscience and medical applications.

OEPE 522 Nonlinear Optics (3 credits)

Maxwell-Bloch equations, nonlinear wave interactions and propagation, nonlinear materials. Solitons, applications to lasers, optical bistability, self-induced transparency, and stimulated light scattering.

OEPE 523 Photonic Materials (3 credits)

Theory, design, fabrication and applications of photonic materials: crystals, semiconductors, dielectrics and polymers, physics of light-matter interactions, photonics crystals, metamaterials.

OEPE 524 Displays (3 credits)

Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), liquid crystal, plasma, inorganic LED, organic LED, laser displays, microdisplays, 3D displays.

OEPE 525 Guided Wave Optics (3 credits)

Waveguides, rectangular waveguides, ridge waveguides, cylindrical waveguides, optical fibers, properties of optical fibers, microresonators, add-drop filters.

OEPE 526 Nanophotonics (3 credits)

Propagation and focusing of optical fields; spatial resolution and position accuracy; techniques used for nanoscale optical microscopy; light emission and optical interactions in nanoscale environments; quantum emitters; quantum photonics; dipole emission near planar interfaces; optical resonators; surface plasmons; forces in confined fields; fluctuation-induced interactions.

OEPE 527 Optical Networks (3 credits)

Layered networks, physical layers, WDM Systems, optical switching, network topologies and components, network traffic and routing, survey of existing networks.

OEPE 528 Plasma Physics (3 credits)

Motion of charged particles in static and time varying electric and magnetic fields, plasmas as charged fluids, magnetohydrodynamics, waves in plasmas, plasma heating with radio waves.

OEPE 529 Integrated Photonics (3 credits)

Planar lightwave circuits, microphotonic integrated circuits, long haul transmission, applications in telecommunication and data communication systems.

OEPE 530 Semiconductor Device Photonics (3 credits)

Design, fabrication, and characterization of semiconductor devices, silicon, germanium, III-V devices, semiconductor lasers and amplifiers, Bragg gratings, DFB lasers, coupled waveguides and beam-splitters, Mach-Zehnder interferometers.

OEPE 531 Computational Electromagnetics and Optics (3 credits)

Maxwells equations, light confinement and propagation in complex photonic structures, envelope/paraxial approaches, Beam Propagation Method (BPM).

OEPE 532 Finite Element Methods in Photonics (3 credits)

Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and finite element (FEM) methods for optical system design, analysis and characterization, material modeling.

OEPE 533 Experiments in Photonics (3 credits)

Experiments in photonics: Radio frequency (RF), patch antennas, microwaves, infrared optical fiber communication, and visible laser interference in space and time, advanced optical microscopy.

OEPE 580 Special Topics in Theoretical Optoelectronic and Photonic Engineering (3 credits)

OEPE 581 Special Topics in Applied Optoelectronic and Photonic Engineering (3 credits)

CHBI 511 Sustainable energy (3 credits)

Examination of the technologies, environmental impacts and economics of main energy sources of today and tomorrow including fossil fuels, nuclear power, biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower, wind energy, and solar energy. Comparison of different energy systems within the context of sustainability.

ECOE 511 Digital Communication (3 credits)

Characterization of communication signals & systems, digital modulation schemes, optimum reception for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, signal design for band-limited channels, Nyquist criterion, intersymbol interference (ISI), optimum reception for channels with ISI and AWGN, linear equalization, decision feedback equalization, adaptive equalization, channel capacity & coding, linear block codes, convolutional codes, multichannel and multicarrier systems, spread spectrum signals for digital communications, multiuser communications. Design oriented exercises using computer aids.

ECOE 514 Wireless Communication (3 credits)

The cellular concept, channel assignment strategies, frequency reuse, handoff strategies, interference sources, mobile radio propagation, large-scale path loss, small-scale fading and multipath, modulation techniques for mobile radio, diversity combining, transmit and receive antennas for wireless communication systems, multiple access techniques in wireless, wireless system design for delay intolerant services, wireless system design for delay tolerant services, error correction coding and ARQ schemes, wireless networking, wireless systems & standards: GSM, IS-95, cdma2000, W-CDMA, 3GPP2 1xEV-DO, 3GPP2 1xEV-DV, fourth generation wireless system proposals. Design oriented exercises using computer aids.

ECOE 518 Numerical Analysis of Circuits and Systems (3 credits)

Introduction to mathematical formulations and computational techniques for the analysis and numerical simulation of circuits and systems. Applications are drawn from the time-frequency domain and noise analysis of electronic circuits at the transistor level; electromagnetic analysis for interconnect in VLSI circuits; analysis of wave propagation in integrated optics and optical fibers; simulation of communication systems; circuit and system macro-modeling. Topics include sparse direct and iterative matrix-implicit solution techniques for linear systems of equations, solution of eigenvalue problems, Newton methods for nonlinear problems, numerical methods for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, reduced-order modeling.

ECOE 521 / PHYS 521 Photonics and Lasers (3 credits)

Review of electromagnetism; electromagnetic nature of light, radiation, geometrical optics, Gaussian beams, transformation of Gaussian beams; electromagnetic modes of an optical resonator, interaction of light with matter, classical theory of absorption and dispersion, broadening processes, Rayleigh scattering, quantum theory of spontaneous and stimulated emission, optical amplification, theory of laser oscillation, examples of laser systems, Q switching and mode locking of lasers.

ECOE 522 Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanic Systems (3 credits)

Introduction to microsystems and micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) and their integration with optics; microfabrication and process integration; MEMS modeling and design; actuator and sensor design; mechanical structure design; optical system design basics; packaging; optical MEMS application case studies; scanning systems (Retinal Scanning Displays, Barcode scanners); projection display systems (DMD and GLV); infrared imaging cameras; optical switching for telecommunications.

ECOE 523 Optical Information Processing (3 credits)

Review of 2-D linear system theory and 2-D Fourier transforms. Integral transforms used in optical signal processing; fundamentals of physical optics and diffraction theory; Fourier and imaging properties of optical systems; coherent and incoherent optical image processing; electro-optical and acousto-optical devices; fundamental architectures for correlation and spectrum analysis; interferometry; selected applications in machine vision, pattern recognition, radar signal processing; discrete analog optical processors; holography.

ECOE 524 Optical Fiber Communication (3 credits)

Introduction to optical fiber communication systems. Transmission properties of optical fibers. Optical amplifiers. Lasers and photo-detectors. Analog and digital modulation schemes. Modulator, transmitter and receiver design. Dense and ultra-dense wavelength division multiplexing. Transmission impairments, noise, nonlinearities, dispersion compensation and management, modeling and simulation. Optical fiber communication networks, optical interconnect for high speed VLSI.

ECOE 525 / PHYS 525 Photonic Materials and Devices (3 credits)

Survey of the properties and applications of photonic materials and devices; semiconductors; photon detectors, light emitting diodes, noise in light detection systems; light propagation in anisotropic media, Pockels and Kerr effects, light modulators, electromagnetic wave propagation in dielectric waveguides, waveguide dispersion; nonlinear optical materials, second harmonic generation, Raman converters.

ECOE 527 Antennas and Propagation (3 credits)

Applications of Maxwells equations. Electrostatic versus electrodynamic phenomena, and concept of electromagnetic radiation; radiation from a moving point charge; definitions of some radiation parameters like the input impedance, gain and radiation patterns of antennas; radiation from Thin-Wire Antennas and their electrical characteristics; concept of arrays and their applications; microstrip antennas and their roles in emerging telecommunication systems; Propagation for wireless communications systems; cellular network design based on propagation studies.

ECOE 533 / PHYS 533 Quantum Electronics (3 credits)

Quantum description of light-matter interactions and advanced photonic devices; review of Quantum mechanics, Schrödinger and Heisenberg representations, harmonic oscillator, operator formalism, Fermis golden rule, semiclassical theory of stimulated emission, quantization of the electromagnetic field, blackbody radiation, quantum theory of spontaneous emission, Rabi oscillations; Selected topics in semiconductor lasers, photonic waveguides, noise, and light modulators.

MASE 501 Structural and Physical Properties of Materials (3 credits)

Crystal structure, reciprocal lattice, determination of crystal structure by x-ray diffraction, energy levels of a periodic potential, Bloch theorem, band theory of solids, crystal defects, lattice vibrations and phonons; electrical conductivity, metals, dielectrics, and semiconductors; magnetic effects, paramagnets, diamagnets, ferromagnets, and superconductors; optical properties of materials, refractive index, dispersion, absorption and emission of light, nonlinear optical materials, high harmonic generation, Raman effect.

MASE 504 Thermomechanic Properties of Materials (3 credits)

Thermal and mechanical properties of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites in relation to their structure & morphology; change in microstructural mechanisms and macroscopic behavior with temperature; crystallization, melting & glass transition, stress-strain behavior; elastic deformation, yielding, plastic flow; viscoelasticity; strengthening mechanisms, fracture, fatigue, creep

MASE 506 Synthesis, Characterization & Processing of Materials I (3 credits)

Experimental projects in the laboratory including topics from polymer chemistry, solid state chemistry, thin films, mechanical properties of materials, material processing, infrared spectroscopy of materials.

MASE 508 Synthesis, Characterization & Processing of Materials II (3 credits)

Experimental projects in the laboratory including nano scale materials, solid state physics, composite materials fabrication methods, computer aided design an manufacturing, computer aided data acquisition and control, electronic propertied of materials, optical spectroscopy of materials.

MASE 535 Applied Spectroscopy (3 credits)

Group theory for chemistry; theory, instrumentation and bio/materials applications of rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy; electron spectroscopies for material science; supported by hands-on applications of Excel to spectroscopy problems.

MASE 540 Surface & Interface Properties of Materials (3 credits)

Fundamental physico-chemical concepts of surface and interface science; interaction forces in interfacial systems; surface thermodynamics, structure and composition, physisorption and chemisorption; fluid interfaces; colloids; amphiphilic systems; interfaces in polymeric systems & polymer composites; liquid coating processes.

MASE 542 Biomaterials (3 credits)

Materials for biomedical applications; synthetic polymers, metals and composite materials as biomaterials; biopolymers, dendrimers, hydrogels, polyelectrolytes, drug delivery systems, implants, tissue grafts, dental materials, ophthalmic materials, surgical materials, imaging materials.

MASE 550 / PHYS 508 Optical and Laser Spectroscopy (3 credits)

Atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Rotations. Vibrations. Non-linear optics. Intensity dependent refractive index. Spontaneous light scattering. Stimulated light scattering. Raman scattering. Brillouin scattering. Electrooptics and photorefractive effects.

MASE 570/MECH 562 Micro and Nanofabrication (3 credits)

Fabrication and characterization techniques for micro and nano electro mechanical systems, MEMS & NEMS (including: microlithography; wet & dry etching techniques; physical & chemical vapor deposition processes; electroplating; bonding; focused ion beams; top-down approaches - electron-beam lithography, SPM, soft lithography - ; bottom-up techniques based on self-assembly). Semiconductor nanotechnology. Nanotubes & nanowires. Biological systems. Molecular electronics.

MATH 503 / PHYS513 Applied Mathematics I (3 credits)

Linear algebra: Vector and inner product spaces, linear operators, eigenvalue problems; Vector calculus: Review of differential and integral calculus, divergence and Stokes' theorems. Ordinary differential equations: Linear equations, Sturm-Liouville theory and orthogonal functions, system of linear equations; Methods of mathematics for science and engineering students.

MATH 504 Numerical Methods I (3 credits)

Linear Algebra Review, Linear Vector Spaces, Orthogonal Matrices, Matrix and Vector Norms, SVD, Projectors, QR Factorization Algorithms, Least Squares, Condition Numbers, Floating Point Number Representation, Stability, Condition and Stability Analysis for Least Squares Problem

MATH 505 / PHYS514 Applied Mathematics II (3 credits)

Calculus of variations; Partial differential equations: First order linear equations and the method of characteristics; Solution of Laplace, wave, and diffusion equations; Special functions; Integral equations.

MATH 506 Numerical Methods II (3 credits)

Numerical Solution of Functional Equations, the Cauchy Problem and Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations. Introduction to the Approximation Theory of One Variable Functions. Finite - difference Methods for Elementary Partial Differential Equations. Monte Carlo Method and Applications.

PHYS 505 Classical Electrodynamics II (3 credits)

Electromagnetic wave propagation in metallic and dielectric waveguides; resonant cavities; diffraction theory; Special theory of relativity; radiation by moving charges.

PHYS509 Condensed Matter Physics I (3 credits)

Free electron theory of metals. Crystal lattices. Reciprocal lattice. Classification of Bravais lattices. X-ray diffraction and the determination of crystal structures. Electrons in a periodic potential. Tight binding method. Band structures. Semi-classical theory of conduction in metals. Fermi surface. Surface effects.

PHYS510 Condensed Matter Physics II (3 credits)

Classification of solids. Theory of harmonic crystals. Phonons and phonon dispersion relations. Anharmonic effects in crystals. Phonons in metals. Dielectric properties of insulators. Semiconductors. Diamagnetism and paramagnetism. Electron interactions and magnetic structure. Magnetic ordering. Superconductivity.

PHYS 520 Optical Microcavities (3 credits)

Optical microresonators, Fabry Perot resonator, quality factor, finesse, free-spectral range, mode volume, whispering gallery modes, coupling, photonic molecules, glasses, crystals, and metamaterials.

PHYS 522 Atom Optics (3 credits)

Atomic Models, Spectroscopy, Quantum Theory of atom, Radiative transitions, Light-atom interaction, Atom-atom interactions, magnetic interactions in atom, Molecular structure, Many electron systems, Ion and atom trapping, Atom optics, Bose-Einstein condensates, atom chips, Matter waves, Quantum computations with trapped ions.

PHYS 523 Introduction to Quantum Communication & Information Physics (3 credits)

Quantum Theory of Light, Nonclassical states of light, Quantum coherence and decoherence, Quantum Interferometry, Quantum Measurements, Interaction of light with matter, cavity quantum electrodynamics, Quantum entanglement and quantum teleportation, nonlinear optics, photonic band gaps. Quantum communication and computation.

PHYS 524 Single Molecule Optics (3 credits)

Principles of an optical microscope, microscopy methods, photophysics of dye molecules, excitation and detection of fluorescence, dipole emission near planar interfaces, photon-counting analyses, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), optical spectroscopy at low temperatures, semiconductor nanocrystals, metal nano-particles.

PHYS 526 Femtosecond Optics and Lasers (3 credits)

Survey of the techniques for the generation of picosecond and femtosecond pulses from lasers; active and passive mode locking, saturable absorbers, master equation, theory of Kerr lens mode locking; propagation of ultrashort pulses in nonlinear and dispersive media; Measurement and characterization of ultrashort pulses; applications of femtosecond lasers in spectroscopy, medicine, and industry.

* Personal and Educational Background Information (CV) * Recommendation Letters (2 for MSc, 3 for Ph.D) (3 for MS in Molecular Biology and Genetics) * (Recommendation Letters for Electrical and Electronics Engineering should be sent directly from referee with signature through e-mail. ) * TOEFL , IELTS or UDS&KPDS&YDS Requirement (for those whose native language is not English) - New Internet Based: Minimum Score 80 - Computer Based: Minimum Score 213 - Paper Based: Minimum Score 550 - IELTS: Minimum Score 6,5 - UDS / KPDS / YDS: 87 * ALES scores (required for all Turkish nationals) * GRE scores (required from Foreign students; optional for Turkish students) * Official transcripts from all the universities attended * Statement of Purpose English Language Requirements IELTS band: 6.5 TOEFL paper-based test score : 550 TOEFL iBT® test: 80

Financial Aid
The students who get the KU full-scholarship, will be supported with one of thepackages below;

For MS Students (Thesis Programs):
* Students admitted with a BS/BA degree will have the folowfing offer: * Tuition waiver (33,500 TL/year) plus 1,150 TL monthly stipend, housing.

For PhD Students:
* Students admitted with a BS/BA degree will have the following offer: * Tuition waiver (33,500 TL/year) plus 1,150 TL monthly stipend, housing. The monthly stipend increases to 1,600 TL after the student passes the PhD qualifier.

* Students admitted with a MS/MA degree will have the following offer: * Tuition waiver (33,500 TL/year) plus 1, 400 TL monthly stipend. The monthly stipend increases to 1,600 TL after the student passes the PhD qualifier

Additional Benefits:
* All students receive a laptop computer and private health insurance.
* Students with successful standing receive travel funds to attend scientific conferences and meetings.
* PhD students with higher GPA degrees may be offered super scholarship up to 2,500 TL .
* Students who receive their stipend from other sources (like TÜBITAK scholarships or externally funded research grants and projects) are eligible for the following benefits provided by the university:

* Research Award: 1,300 TL
* Free Housing: This includes all costs except telephone expenses.
* Research Award for PhD students: 2,000 TL/year after they pass the qualifier.

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