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Duration: The minimum period of study for full-time students is three (3) academic semesters and the maximum period of study is eight (8) academic semesters.
Teaching will take place at night or evening hours.
The postgraduate programmes of each department are supervised by a three-member Postgraduate Programmes Committee, chaired by a Postgraduate Programmes Coordinator.The Coordinator may be the chairperson of the department or a member of the academic staff appointed by the chairperson. The other members of the committee are appointed by the Departmental Board. The Committee is appointed for a two-year term.
For every student in the Postgraduate Programme, the department appoints an Academic Supervisor, whereas at the research stage of the Ph.D. a Research Supervisor is appointed. Candidate students select a member of the academic staff to act as their Research Supervisor. The student´s choice must be approved by the Postgraduate Programmes Coordinator. The Research Supervisor guides the students in their research and provides the necessary help and advice.
The programmes of study of the University of Cyprus are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). An ECTS normally corresponds to a 25-30 hours workload per semester. Full-time status requires a courseload of 21 ECTS per semester.Students carrying fewer ECTS are considered part-time.
The students must successfully complete 90 ECTS.
List of Courses
PHY 681 - Quantum Physics
PHY 682 - Problems in Classical Physics
PHY 683 - Modern Persception on Space, Time and Matter
PHY 684 - Natural Phenomena
PHY 685 - Physics Laboratory
PHY 686 - Electronics
PHY 687 - History of Physics
PHY 688 - Modern Physics Issues
PHY 689 - Presentation