Risk and Safety Management

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Foreign:$ 14.5 k / Year(s)  
201–250 place StudyQA ranking:5468 Duration:24 months

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Would you like to counsel companies in the field of risk and safety management? With a Master’s degree in Risk and Safety Management you will be able to help both public and private companies to create an overview of their safety and risks and to help them reach their goals within these fields. You learn to identify critical situations and to work out plans for managing this.

Become a risk and safety expert

During the Master’s programme you will gain knowledge about basic probability theory and collection of data within risk analysis and the social conditions that are relevant to risk control. Furthermore, you will be presented with the theoretical methods and strategies that are used in risk perception and -communication.

During your studies, you will learn how to apply risk analysis and simulations to identify the crisis situations and risks that can occur when a project is carried out in a company. You will learn to work out plans to handle projects and to gain insight into implementation methods, ways to carry out routine tests and reporting.

As an expert in risk and safety management, you could help companies to prevent and manage different risk scenarios such as

  • the collapse of a building or a bridge

  • an oil leak

  • fire on a drilling rig

  • a chemical accident in the pharmaceutical production

  • accident during discharging and installation of parts for wind turbine generators in wind parks

Risk and Safety Management is a two-year Master’s programme which gives you 120 ECTS credits.

During the programme, you will work with engineering subjects within risk and safety management. Among other things, you will work with probability calculation, risk assessment analysis, simulation, and management of emergency situations and safety and health at workplaces. Each semester consists of a number of courses and a project. In the projects, you will go into depth with complex and often interdisciplinary problems. Usually, the projects are carried out in close collaboration with companies within different sectors such as offshore, energy, transportation, and structural and civil engineering.

The study programme is structured as outlined below:

1st semester

1st semester is about the legislation the project is subject to, and the different industry standards that are in force in the given area. Through the project work, you will work with how the different statutory requirements have influence on the project, including the possibilities and restrictions they cause. Moreover, you follow courses in applied statistics and probability theory, risk assessment, and systems engineering.

2nd semester

During the 2nd semester, you work with analysis of risk and safety management. Through the courses, you learn about risk management and decision-making. In addition to that, there is an opportunity to choose courses in maintenance planning and risk communication. The content of the courses are integrated into the project work. For instance, based on risk analysis, you can work with how you outline and choose between alternatives to a current solution.

3rd semester

During the 3rd semester, the operative part of risk management in connection with projects will be in focus. Through the project work, you will work with how you can use risk management to prevent and handle
the emergencies that can occur in connection with carrying out a project. Besides that, you also follow courses within simulation and handling of emergency situations. Additionally, you have the opportunity to choose between the courses risk and safety of constructions and health and safety management.

4th semester

You will finish the study programme with a final academic thesis – the Master’s thesis. This project is larger than the projects you have carried out so far. When carrying out the thesis, you have the opportunity to combine all the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout the study programme. The Master’s thesis can be in nature of industrial development, further development of a project, or actual research.

Admission to the Master of Science and Technology in Risk and Safety Management presupposes one of the following:BSc degree in ChemistryBSc in Structural and Civil EngineeringBSc in Mechanical EngineeringBSc in Public Health ScienceBachelor’s degree in Business EconomicsBachelor of Architechtural Technology and Cosntruction ManagementAll applicants are evaluated individually. Students with another Bachelor’s degree may be admitted following an academic assessment if the applicant is considered to have comparable educational prerequistes.In order to apply you must document basic written and spoken English. The official language requirements for international students applying to Aalborg University are:IELTS (academic test): 6.5TOEFL (paper-based): 550TOEFL (computer-based): 230TOEFL (internet-based): 80Cambridge ESOL: C1 English Language Requirements IELTS band: 6.5 TOEFL paper-based test score : 550 TOEFL iBT® test: 80
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