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The discipline connects informatics profession with multidisciplinary overview of domains which help to offer information service and service based on utilization of information technology, namely knowledge intensive service. Currently this is recognized to be a very important in business practice.
This discipline is intended for students that want to extend the specific informatics knowledge from the bachelor level into both, the basic multidiscipline overview in managerial skills and service economy understanding, and the deep insight into informatics fundamentals of service system construction and service systems operation in a business practice.
The discipline offers the student knowledge of management, marketing, law, presentation skills, conceptual modeling, project, program, and portfolio management in such a way that the student will have a complete knowledge of service systems and will be able to co-operate in teams, to work with customers, and to work effectively and efficiently in situations of many agents co-creating added value for customers.
Students will be introduced to the shift of the classical product paradigm in economy to a new paradigm, a service paradigm. They obtain knowledge and practical skills of service systems design, construction, operation, and evolution.
The emphasis will be on aspects of service economy understanding and value co-creation between service customer and service provider. For that reason students have to work on real projects in practice during their magister studying program. Those projects are developed and executed by business partner organizations that are contracted by faculty for this purpose. The projects have to be service or service system oriented.
Business partners support the training of their possible future employees, to be useful in practical situations, in this way. The interim project which is performed in a business partner organization together with master thesis--the assignment of which arises from cooperation with business partner, too--both together take 30 percent of the whole studying program.
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples
The graduates of this program will have basic knowledge of management, selected parts of economy, namely of marketing, practical skills in selected parts from psychology, sociology, and law, and basic knowledge of informatics disciplines, together with a deep knowledge of those informatics domains, which are connected to service providing and with service system design, service system construction and operation and service system evolutionary development.
The graduates can enter junior manager positions or they acquit themselves well in design and development of service systems or they assert themselves in positions requiring smart orientation in a problem together with wide view not only in ICT domain.
The basic unit of studies is a course. The amount of study necessary to complete a course is expressed in the assigned number of credits (henceforth credit value). The credit value of each course or group of courses or stage of studies is determined in line with the ECTS principles.
A condition for completion of study in each of the programmes, fields of study or specialisations is the acquisition of credits awarded for completing the courses within a prescribed plan, the overall count of which reaches at least the minimum credit value of studies that is set at thirty times the standard length of studies in a programme expressed in semesters. For the programmes that combine multiple fields of study the minimum credit value is set as weighted average value calculated for each field of study. The weight of the value calculated for the field of study, is defined by the recommended number of credits that represents the field of study in the combination, or is determined in the programme. The credits received during studies in programmes including the lifelong learning programmes held at MU are included into all concurrently studied programmes.
For the purposes of these Rules, courses and groups of courses that are parts of the programmes held at MU, at the MU faculties or at other institutions of higher education, are classified as required, selective, or elective. Required courses are those whose completion as well as the prescribed manner of completion is mandatory. Selective courses are those included in a required group of courses. Required groups of courses are sets of courses from which it is mandatory to complete a certain number of them, including the prescribed manner of completion, or a minimum number of credits. Other courses are elective in relation to the study.
For the purposes of study credit value, only credits for courses the content of which is not identical or substantially overlapping may be recognized. For particular elective courses for which the content of study activities is substantially different each time the course is offered, the Dean of the faculty holding the programme may allow repeating the course more than once during the period of studies, and the accumulation of credits thus acquired.
Graduates of this program will have a solid knowledge of management, marketing and some practical skills in relevant areas of psychology, sociology and law. In addition the program will provide thorough training in those informatics domains which are connected to service provision and service system design, service system construction and operation, and service system evolutionary development. They gain knowledge and practical skills in service systems' design, construction, operation and evolution. On succesful completion of the SSME program student will be able to:
- understand fundamental principles of service economy
- apply knowledge management approach to development and operating of knowledge intensive service systems
- evaluate service provision process and assess the value co-creation between parties in service system.
- understand principles of service systems functioning, their structures, their behavior, their fundamental inner and outer elements
- analyze behavior and structure of service systems
- aply value co-creation principles within service system design, namely within stakeholders management in programs and portfolios
- evaluate existing services, services offering, services description, and services provision
- formulate value propositions in various business situations
- design new services
- perform business negotiations, presentations
Completion of a course means meeting its requirements in a manner of the following:
The due dates of completion of courses are made public by the Examiner or the examination board Chairperson or another academic staff member appointed by the Dean in IS MU at least two weeks prior to the beginning of examination period. The number of dates of course completion must comply the type and form of course completion, number of enrolled students and course characteristic resulting from the requirements for course completion.