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The University of Porto (Universidade do Porto) is a Portuguese public university located in Porto, and founded on 22 March 1911. It is the largest Portuguese university by number of enrolled students and has one of the most noted research outputs in Portugal.
The University of Porto was founded by decree of March 22, 1911, issued by the Provisional Government of the First Portuguese Republic. While it is possible to point the university's predecessors as the Nautical Academy, established by King Joseph I in 1762, and the Drawing and Sketching Academy, created by Queen Mary I in 1779, the university was to be based primarily on higher education institutions created in the nineteenth century, namely the Polytechnic Academy and Medical-Surgical Academy of Porto.
The Polytechnic Academy's main purpose was the teaching of science and industrial engineering of all kinds, and professional specialties such as naval officers, merchants, farmers, factory directors and artists. Heir to the Royal Navy and Commerce Academy of Porto, which was established in 1803 by Prince Regent John (future King John VI), it arose as a result of reforms implemented by Passos Manuel, Minister of the Kingdom in the Government that came out of the Revolution of September. Under this reform, the name of the Academy was changed to the Royal Polytechnic Academy in 1837. However, the Royal Economic and Literary Academy, under the supervision of the Board of Directors of the General Company of Agriculture in the Alto Douro vineyards, was transferred to the Council of Lenses. Despite the great financial difficulties experienced during this period, the Polytechnic Academy of Porto underwent a time of great scientific activity, with eminent scientists such as Gomes Ferreira and Teixeira da Silva.
The students of the University of Porto organise several extra curricular events. In sports, those include the activities promoted within G.A.D.U.P. and C.D.U.P.. In culture and academic festivities, the events range from the Latada to the Queima das Fitas. This last event is organized in cooperation with FAP - Federação Académica do Porto and it is considered the biggest student festivity in Porto.
The University of Porto offers the academic community and those who visit it several high quality resources and services, including services provided by the Social Action Services of the University, in addition to information and communication technologies that are combined to provide the support and well-being they need to conduct their work at the University. The University is largely focused on knowing, developing and participating actively in the various innovative initiatives, in both Portugal and abroad, available in the various areas of intervention.
Internationalization is one of the main development vectors of the University of Porto, which is clear in the implementation of numerous international initiatives. This approach allows the university to develop the existing cooperation, to start and set up innovative cooperation initiatives through the establishment of cooperation protocols with universities around the world, to join various international inter-university cooperation networks and groups and to participate actively in a significant number of community programmes on education, training and research.