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The master's degree in Advanced Legal Studies is a university master's degree course offered by the University of Barcelona, one of the top 100 universities in the world according to the Shanghai ranking. It is designed for lawyers from Spain and abroad, including recent graduates and experienced professionals, who would like to receive additional research-oriented training and to refresh their knowledge of recent and innovative trends in law. It comprises 18 credits of core training in fundamental knowledge and methodology: in terms of knowledge, comprehensive, cross-disciplinary training in comparative law and the foundations of law; in terms of methodology, since the master's degree grants access to doctoral studies, the course teaches the skills required to complete a research project or doctoral thesis.
Additionally, 24 credits correspond to a specialization, which is chosen from among a number of key areas at the cutting edge of the discipline: Public Law, Private Law, European Law, International Law, Criminal Law, Procedural Law, and International Economic Law (taught in English).
Finally, 18 credits correspond to the final project, in the chosen specialization.
Teaching staff for the course meet the required levels of excellence, skill and expertise, and belong mainly to the University of Barcelona's Faculty of Law. The teaching methodology is both theoretical and practical. Classes are held in the afternoon where possible.
Matèria 1: Coneixements avançats del Dret contemporani
- Construcció històrica del dret contemporani
- Teories jurídiques contemporànies
- Tendències actuals del dret comparat
Matèria 2: Instruments per a la investigació
- Orientació a la investigació jurídica
Dret públic
- Reptes actuals del Dret Constitucional
- Sistemes jurídics multinivell
- Dret administratiu europeu i local
- Dret de la regulació econòmica i del medi ambient
Dret privat
- Dret de la persona, de la infància i de l’adolescència
- La diversitat de models familiars i el seu tractament jurídic
- Nous reptes del Dret de successions
- Dret patrimonial
Dret penal
- Teoria general del delicte
- Constitució i garanties penals
- Dret Penal internacional
- Temes actuals del Dret Penal
Dret internacional
- Reglamentació jurídica internacional de les relacions econòmiques
- L’individu davant l’ordenament jurídic internacional
- Cooperació internacional institucionalitzada
- Protecció jurídica dels interessos globals
Dret europeu
- Sistemes jurídics multinivell
- Dret administratiu europeu i local
- La cooperació judicial europea: interacció de fonts
- Qüestions actuals del Dret Europeu
Dret processal
- Tutela judicial efectiva i dret de defensa: estudi avançat
- Prova i probàtica judicial: teoria i pràctica dels mitjans de prova
- El judici jurisdiccional i la seva impugnació: l’elaboració de la resolució judicial i la seva crítica
- L’execució forçosa i tutela cautelar: la materialització de la tutela judicial
Dret econòmic internacional (línia en anglès)
- Història i fonaments
- Dret internacional del comerç de bens i serveis
- Dret internacional en els àmbits de les inversions i la competència
- Litigació internacional
- An official Spanish degree.
- A degree issued by a higher education institution within the European Higher Education Area framework that authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue.
- A qualification from outside the framework of the European Higher Education Area. In this case, the qualification should be recognized as equivalent to an official Spanish degree. If it is not recognized, the University of Barcelona shall verify that it corresponds to a level of education that is equivalent to official Spanish degrees and that it authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue. Admission shall not, in any case, imply that prior qualifications have been recognized as equivalent to a Spanish master's degree and does not confer recognition for any purposes other than that of admission to the master's degree course.
- The master's degree in Advanced Legal Studies is open to candidates who hold a bachelor's degree, pre-EHEA degree or diploma (or equivalent) in law, political and administrative sciences, public management and administration, labour relations, criminology, business administration and management, sociology or economics.
- Academic record for previous studies
- Statement of interest
- Curriculum vitae
- Students who are interested in taking the specialization in international economic law must have at least a B2 level of English, as this specialization is taught entirely in English.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
- General grant
- Mobility grant – Erasmus
- UB collaboration grant
- Departmental collaboration grant (MECD)
- MAEC-AECID grants
- Financial aid for participation in international mobility programs
- UB grants for exchanges with foreign universities
- UB grants for Els Juliols summer courses
- Drac Program grants
- Ajuts de matrícula per als estudiants amb circumstàncies personals sobrevingudes