Architecture Design and Research

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Foreign:$ 83 k / Year(s) Deadline: Jan 15, 2026
22 place StudyQA ranking:5659 Duration:2 years

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Taubman College's Master of Science (MS) in Architecture Design and Research is an intensive 3 term (10 month) post-professional academic degree with a focus on design research. Master of Science Degree Concentrations include: Digital Technologies (MS_DT), Material Systems (MS_MS), and Design and Health (MS_DH).

The course of study allows for interdisciplinary skill-building and new knowledge integration in order to advance design expertise beyond the generalist education of a professional degree. With focused subject matter, the degree develops participants' dexterities in design thinking and entrepreneurial approaches to design practice. Grounded in theory, technical and social science research, the academic program culminates with a supervised independent research project that allows each participant to frame problems relevant to their area concentration.

In contrast to the professional Master of Architecture, the Master of Science in Architecture Design and Research is a non-professional, non-terminal degree. Those who hold only the M.S. are not eligible to apply for professional registration.

402.  Arch Design.  Required pre-requisite: Architecture Graduate  Advisory pre-requisite: Junior standing  (6 credits)

412.  Arch Design I.  Required pre-requisite: Architecture Graduate  Advisory pre-requisite: Junior standing  (6 credits)

413.  History.  Advisory pre-requisite: SEE BULLETIN  (3 credits)

416.  Design Fundamentals.  Advisory pre-requisite: SEE BULLETIN  (3 credits)

417.  Construction.  Advisory pre-requisite: Junior standing  (3 credits)

421.  Geometric Modeling.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 211 or permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

422.  Arch Design II.  Required pre-requisite: Architecture Graduate  Advisory pre-requisite: SEE BULLETIN  (6 credits)

443/UP 443.  Hist Urb Form.  (3 credits)

466.  Dimensions.  (1 to 3 credits)

476.  Modeling Space&Time.  (3 credits)

500.  Watercolor Presentn.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (2 to 3 credits)

503.  Spec Topc Arch Hist.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

504.  Spec Topic Structure.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 324  (3 credits)

505.  Spec Topics Env Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 425  (3 credits)

506.  Spec Topics Des Fund.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 326 or 416  (3 credits)

507.  Spec Topics Constr.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 417 or 417  (3 credits)

509.  Experimental Course.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing and permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

513.  Soc Chng&Architec.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

514.  Frame Structures.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 324  (3 credits)

515.  Sustainable Systems.  (3 credits)

516.  Arch Representation.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing  (3 credits)

517/UP 613.  Arch Pln DV.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (3 credits)

518.  Renaissance Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

519/UP 519.  Theories Urban Des.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (3 credits)

524.  Surface Structures.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 324  (3 credits)

525.  Comp Appl Env Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

526/UP 526.  Soc-Cul Iss Plan Arc.  Advisory pre-requisite: Enrollment in ARCH/UP/Landscape ARCH/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

527.  Integrative Systems.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 314, 315, 317  (3 credits)

528.  Baroque Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

529/UP 620.  Prn&Prc Des II.  Advisory pre-requisite: UP 519/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

531.  Networked Cities.  (3 credits)

533.  19th Century Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

534.  Reinfor Concr Struc.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 324  (3 credits)

535.  Case Stds Env Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 425  (3 credits)

536.  SUB.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (3 credits)

537.  Fabrication.  (3 credits)

543.  20th Century Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

544.  Wood Structures.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 324  (3 credits)

545.  Adv Lighting Des.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

546.  Outlooks: Dis Crit.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate or senior standing  (3 credits)

551.  Spatial Data Form.  (3 credits)

552.  Arch Design V.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing  (6 credits)

553.  American Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

554.  Steel Structures.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 324  (3 credits)

555.  Bld Sy&Ener Consvtn.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing  (3 credits)

557.  Arch of Objects.  (3 credits)

562.  Arch Design VI.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing  (6 credits)

563.  Col/Post-Col Arc&Urb.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

564.  Adv Material Struct.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 324  (3 credits)

565.  Res Environ Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing  (3 credits)

568.  Russian Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

571.  Adv Digital Fab.  Required pre-requisite: ARCH 537  (3 credits)

572.  Arch Theory&Crit.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

573.  Hist of the Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH323/P.I.  (3 credits)

575.  Building Ecology.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

577.  Des Devel Bldg Encl.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

581.  Comp Visualization.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 521/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

582.  Alternative Practice.  (3 credits)

583.  Professnl Pract.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing  (3 credits)

585.  Adv Building Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

588.  Hist Building Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 323/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

589.  Site Planning.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing  (3 credits)

591.  Design Computing.  Advisory pre-requisite: 3D Digital Modeling experience  (3 credits)

592.  Arch Design Abroad.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Standing  (3 to 6 credits)

593.  Tutrl Std Arch Hist.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor/approval of program Chair  (1 to 3 credits)

595/CEE 574.  Matl Sel Sus Des.  Advisory pre-requisite: CEE 212 or ARCH 324 or equivalent  (3 credits)

597.  Detailing.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

600.  Tutor Studies Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor/approval of program Chair  (1 to 3 credits)

601.  Tut Stdies Arch Grp.  (1 to 6 credits)

603.  Sem Arch History.  Advisory pre-requisite: 500 level Architectural History course/permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

605.  Env Des Simulation.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 5 standing/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

609/KINESLGY 505/SOC 580/RACKHAM 580/ENGLISH 528/WOMENSTD 590/PMR 580/EDUC 580/SW 572.  Disability Studies.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (1 to 3 credits)

613.  New Roots Des&Plan.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (3 credits)

623.  Sem Thresholds Thry.  Advisory pre-requisite: 500 level ARCH History course/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

633.  Sem Ren&Baroque.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 518/528/permisssion of instructor  (3 credits)

643.  Sem Modern Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 543/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

653.  Sem American Arch.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 553/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

660.  Thesis Res&Dev Sem.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 6 standing/permission of thesis committee.  (3 credits)

662.  Thesis Studio.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 660/permission of thesis committee  (6 credits)

663.  Russ Avant-Garde.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 543/568/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

672.  Arch Design VII.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 6 standing  (6 credits)

682.  Arch Design.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Standing  (3 to 6 credits)

692.  Architectural Desgn.  Advisory pre-requisite: Year 6 standing  (6 credits)

693.  Col Arch-Urbanism.  Advisory pre-requisite: ARCH 563/permission of instructor  (3 credits)

700.  MS Practicum.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in good standing. Open to other students by permission of instructor.  (6 credits)

701.  Theories in Dig Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_DT: Open to other students with permission of instrutor.  (3 credits)

702.  Material Engagemt DT.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_DT: Open to other students with permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

703.  Virtual Engagemt DT.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_DT: Open to other students with permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

706.  Theories Matrl Systm.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_MS: Open to other students with permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

707.  Physical Pursuits MS.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_MS: Open to other students with permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

708.  Technolog Process MS.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_MS: Open to other students with permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

710.  Tutorial Studies.  Advisory pre-requisite: MS ARCH student standing/permission of faculty advisor  (1 to 3 credits)

711.  MS Topic Seminar.  (1 to 3 credits)

712.  MS Topic Workshop.  Advisory pre-requisite: MS or PhD student standing/permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

713.  Adv Top in Arch HT.  Advisory pre-requisite: MS or PhD student standing/permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

714.  MS Proseminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students. Open to other students by permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

715.  Adv Top in Bldg Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: MS or PhD student or permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

716.  Theories Conservatn.  (3 credits)

717.  Documentation in Con.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_C: Open to other students with permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

718.  MS CIHP Seminar.  (3 credits)

719.  MS Supervised Resear.  Advisory pre-requisite: MS in ARCH/permission of advisor  (1 to 3 credits)

720.  MS_DR Seminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: M.S. student standing or permission of instructor.  (1 to 3 credits)

721.  MS Teaching Practicu.  Advisory pre-requisite: M.S. student of Ph.D. student standing or permission of instructor.  (1 to 3 credits)

722.  MS- AMS Seminar.  Required pre-requisite: Architecture Graduate  (3 credits)

724.  Adv Top in Des Stds.  Advisory pre-requisite: MS of PhD student standing/permission of instructor  (1 to 3 credits)

726.  Theories in Des Hlth.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_DH: Open to other students with permission of instructor  (3 credits)

727.  Hlth Ind Infrastruct.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_DH: Open to other students with permission of instructor  (3 credits)

728.  Hlth Civ Infrastruct.  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in MS_DH: Open to other students with permission of instructor  (3 credits)

739.  MS Capstone.  Required pre-requisite: ARCH 700  Advisory pre-requisite: Taubman College MS students in good standing; Open to other students by permission of instructor.  (6 credits)

741.  MS_DR Thesis Studio.  (3 to 6 credits)

  1. A professional degree in architecture (B.Arch or M.Arch) from an accredited institution
  2. A professional degree in engineering, urban planning, industrial design and other disciplines that can be described by the applicant as relevant to the degree concentration that the applicant is applying.
  3. Non-professional degree in an equivalent aligned field, (art/design, engineering, urban planning).
  4. Evidence of research, creative and professional work in the concentration area that the applicant is applying for is highly encouraged.
  5. Statement of Purpose; Two page statement of purpose should describe the research that you anticipate pursuing if admitted to the program including which area of concentration you plan to engage. The statement may also include ideas for the independent research project that is part of the degree requirements.
  6. Personal Statement; Concise, well-written statement about how your personal background and life experiences motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree.
  7. Examples of Work; Examples of work by the applicant may consist of a portfolio, published articles, papers or other documents which support the applicant’s statement of purpose and clearly demonstrate research and writing abilities.
  8. Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score report, required by all applicants.
  9. Letters of recommendation: Three (3) required.
  10. TOEFL language test: For foreign applicants whose native language is not English, the TOEFL language test with a score of 600 paper/220 computer/100 internet or better is required (international applicants who received degrees from U.S. institutions may waive this test).
  11. Thesis or Research Essay

Want to improve your English level for admission?

Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.

  • ✔️ Flexible study schedule
  • ✔️ Experienced teachers
  • ✔️ Certificate upon completion

📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.

Enroll in the course


  • Rackham International Student Fellowship
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