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The Master programme in Civil Engineering emphasizes on fundamental principles that prepare young engineers concerned with the challenges of meeting society´s needs in a rapidly changing environment. CEE students undertake investigation, research, planning and design in an academic environment that is based on cooperation between faculty, students, industry, research and professional organisations. The students study in a dynamic environment and have the opportunity to work with and learn from research teams at the forefront of knowledge.
Graduate students at the Master level have the option to choose between two tracks of studies, leading to either a Master of Science degree (M.Sc.) or to a Master of Engineering degree (M.Eng.). A transfer between the two academic tracks is allowed only after an application by the student and approval by the Departmental Board. The Department also reserves the right to mandate a student transfer between the two academic tracks (fromM.Sc. to M.Eng.) if the student´s academic performance during the required M.Sc. research/thesis is unsatisfactory, and his/her advisor recommends it.
Duration: The minimum period of study for full-time students is three (3) academic semesters and the maximum period of study is eight (8) academic semesters.
The postgraduate programmes of each department are supervised by a three-member Postgraduate Programmes Committee, chaired by a Postgraduate Programmes Coordinator. The Coordinator may be the chairperson of the department or a member of the academic staff appointed by the chairperson. The other members of the committee are appointed by the Departmental Board. The Committee is appointed for a two-year term.
For every student in the Postgraduate Programme, the department appoints an Academic Supervisor, whereas at the research stage of the Ph.D. a Research Supervisor is appointed. Candidate students select a member of the academic staff to act as their Research Supervisor. The student´s choice must be approved by the Postgraduate Programmes Coordinator. The Research Supervisor guides the students in their research and provides the necessary help and advice.
Programme of Studies:
1st semester
3 graduate courses (3x8)
CEE 680 M.Sc. Research
2nd semester
2 graduate courses (2x8)
CEE 680 M.Sc. Research
CEE 680 M.Sc. Research
3rd semester
2 graduate courses (2x8)
CEE 610 Graduate Seminar
CEE 680 M.Sc. Research
Master of Science (M.Sc.) Thesis
The M.Sc. degree requires the successful completion of an original research study and associated thesis. Students select a research topic in consultation with their advisor. Students must submit a thesis proposal to the academic advisor at least 2 semesters before the intended date of thesis defence. Students must submit their thesis to the Defense Committee appointed at least two weeks prior to the intended date of graduation. The intellectualmerit of the thesis must be based on research findings by the M.Sc. candidate, distinguished clearly fromthe work of others, testifying to the candidate´s personal contribution, and acknowledging support by others in or outside the University.
1st semester
4 graduate courses (4x8)
2nd semester
3 graduate courses (3x8)
CEE 689 Research Project
3rd semester
3 graduate courses (3x8)
CEE 689 Research Project
Civil Engineering - Graduate Courses
CEE 500 Engineering Applications with Software Development
CEE 501 Computer-Aided Civil Engineering
CEE 510 Advanced Building Technology
CEE 511 Construction Management and Engineering
CEE 512 Risk Analysis in Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEE 513 Specifications and Conditions of Construction Contracts
CEE 515 Advanced Topics in Construction Management
CEE 520 Advanced Structural Analysis
CEE 521 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
CEE 526 Finite Element Analysis
CEE 530 Advanced Topics in Structural Engineering
CEE 531 Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Structures
CEE 532 Advanced Technology of Materials
CEE 533 Local and Traditional Building Materials
CEE 534 Liquid Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
CEE 535 Theory of Plasticity
CEE 540 Behavior and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
CEE 541 Reinforced Masonry Design
CEE 542 Timber Design
CEE 544 Prestressed Concrete Structures
CEE 545 Design of Steel Structures
CEE 550 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
CEE 553 Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics
CEE 555 Soil Dynamics and Technical Seismology
CEE 560 Advanced Transportation Engineering
CEE 575 Energy Efficiency of Buildings
CEE 579 Coastal and Maritime Engineering