Political Governance and Public Policy

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: French Italian Spanish
Local:$ 2.7 k / Year(s) Foreign:$ 2.7 k / Year(s)  
401–500 place StudyQA ranking:3992 Duration:2 years

Photos of university / #spb_university

This educational program is aimed at the training of highly qualified translators working
with general and specialized terminology. They are ready to act as professionals and
managers at the translation market using up-to-date innovative technologies that are
actively applied in this field.

Program’s obligatory courses:
• History of Linguistics and Methods of Linguistic
• Communication Theory
• Epistemology
• Preparation of Master’s Thesis
• Research Practice
• Translation Practice
Program’s elective courses:
• Methods of Linguistic Analysis
• Translation
• Translation of Contract Documents
• Translation of Judicial Documents
• Literary Translation
• Translation of Advertising Texts

An application for Admission to
an educational program
2. Copy of an identity document with
the indication of nationality
3. Original educational credentials
(BA diploma or academic record)
or a copy thereof
4. Photographs 3 x 4 (4 pieces), made
during the calendar year
Applicants have to pass the written examination.
Foreign applicants on government-funded basis should
also submit a copy of the medical certificate on absence of
contraindication against studying and a copy of the medical
certificate on the absence of the H IV virus and AIDS
The admission rules, criteria for the tests assessment, and
a comprehensive list of documents to be submitted are
downloadable from the Admissions Office web page:

As specified in the Governmental decree of Russian Federation (October, 8 2013 № 891"On Fixing an Education Quota for Foreign Nationals and Stateless Citizens in the Russian Federation"), foreign citizens are provided an opportunity to take part in an Competition for state-funded educational places at Universities in Russian Federation, including SPbU (funded from the budget of Russian Federation). Information about order of admission will be available on this page in the terms defined by the Government of the Russian Federation. http://abiturient.spbu.ru/index.php/russkij/admissions-of-foreign-citizens/admissions-of-foreign-citizens/m-admission-procedure-gov

Submission period

For russian applicants:
June 20 – July 10
(online application from April 10)

For foreign applicants:
- on government-funded basis: April 10 – June 15
- on fee-paying basis:
April 10 – July 10 (for applicants requiring an entry visa)
April 10 – August 10 (for applicants not requiring an entry visa)

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