
Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Foreign:$ 83 k / Year(s) Deadline: Dec 1, 2024
22 place StudyQA ranking:4215 Duration:

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The Psychology Department offers a Ph.D. program in six areas of psychology. Students may prepare for careers in both academic and applied settings—for positions in colleges and universities, in governmental agencies, in industrial plants and unions, in research organizations, in clinics and in schools.

The general objectives of the Ph.D. program are to permit the student to achieve: 

  1. A general knowledge of the broad subject matter of psychology
  2. Mastery of a specialized field
  3. Competence in organizing, interpreting, and communicating effectively
  4. Competence in research skills and creative work
  5. Professional skills relevant to their field of specialization

At its best, graduate education requires an intensive and intimate form of instruction. Psychology department faculty members are very accessible to students and research opportunities are available in a wide variety of labs and projects. Although the department is one of the largest in the country, we have developed procedures that not only allow each student freedom in planning an individualized program of study but also permit collaborative work with a small group of staff members.

413.  History Modern Psych.  Required pre-requisite: Psychology or BBCS or BCN or Neuroscience Concentrators  (3 credits)

414/WOMENSTD 452.  Sexuality & Science.  Required pre-requisite: Any WOMENSTD course or PSYCH 111 or 112  (3 credits)

418/RELIGION 448.  Psy&Spir Dev.  Advisory pre-requisite: One of the following: PSYCH 111, 112, 114, or 115, and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

430.  Topics in Biopsych.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 230 or 335  (3 credits)

431.  Adv Topics Behav NS.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 230  (3 credits)

432.  AdvTop Evol&Comp Psy.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 335  (3 credits)

433.  Adv Topics Neurosci.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 225 or PSYCH 230  (3 credits)

434.  NS of Fear & Anxiety.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 230 and [PSYCH 330 or 332 or 333 or 334 or 335 or 336 or 337 or 338 or 339]  (3 credits)

435.  Neur Attn&Attn Disor.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 230  (3 credits)

441.  Neurosci & Society.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 240  (3 credits)

442.  Cog NS of Expertise.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 240  (3 credits)

443.  Creativity.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 240  (3 credits)

445/LING 447.  Psych of Language.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 240  (3 credits)

448.  Math Psych.  Required pre-requisite: Sophomore standing or above and [(2 Math courses except Math 105 or 110 or 127 or 128) or (2 STATS courses 200 level or above)]  (3 credits)

449.  Decision Processes.  Advisory pre-requisite: One of STATS 250 or STATS 280 or STATS 425 or MATH 425  (3 credits)

456.  Human Infancy.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 250.  (3 credits)

464.  Grp Behav-Organizat.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 111 or 112 or 114 or 115  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 260.  (3 credits)

465.  Organizational Syst.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 111 or 112 or 114 or 115  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 260.  (3 credits)

474.  Intro Behav Therapy.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 270  (3 credits)

479.  Intv Child Disorder.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 473  (3 credits)

491.  Human Motiv&Behav.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 111 or 112 or 114 or 115  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 290.  (3 credits)

492.  Personality Theory.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 111 or 112 or 114 or 115  (3 credits)

494/WOMENSTD 494.  Adolescent Sexuality.  (3 credits)

498/WOMENSTD 498.  Gender&Individual.  Required pre-requisite: (PSYCH 111 or 112 or 114 or 115) or One WOMENSTD Course  (3 credits)

506.  Prof Issues Psych.  (1 to 2 credits)

509.  Interm Stats Psych.  Required pre-requisite: STATS 250 and (PSYCH 303, 331, 332, 341, 342, 351, 361, 371, 381, 383, 391, 424, or 426)  Advisory pre-requisite: STATS 250  (4 credits)

513/SOC 561.  Surv Res Des.  Advisory pre-requisite: SOC,One elementary statistics course.  (2 to 3 credits)

514/SOC 562.  Sur Res Data.  Advisory pre-requisite: One elementary statistics course.  (2 to 3 credits)

519.  Supervised Research.  (3 credits)

530.  Adv Evol Comparative.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 335, 338/438  (3 credits)

531.  Topics Biopsych.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 230.  (3 credits)

532/ANATOMY 541/PHYSIOL 541.  Mammal Reprod Physio.  Required pre-requisite: MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351; (C or better)  Advisory pre-requisite: PHYSIOL 201 or PHYSIOL 502 or BIOL 225  (4 credits)

533/NEUROSCI 520.  Sleep Neurobiology.  Required pre-requisite: Senior or Above  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222, MCDB 422, or PSYCH 230; and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

534.  Animal Cognition.  Advisory pre-requisite: A course in Animal Behavior  (3 credits)

539/ANTHRBIO 569.  Grant-Writing.  (2 to 3 credits)

541.  Adv Topics CCN.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 240.  (3 credits)

547/LING 547.  Exper Language Proc.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (3 credits)

551.  Topics Dev Psych.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 250.  (3 credits)

561.  Topics Organiz Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 260.  (3 credits)

571.  Topics Clin Psych.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 270 and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

581.  Topics Social Psych.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 280.  (3 credits)

591.  Topic Personal Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 290.  (3 credits)

600.  Psyc Grad Prosem I.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint program and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

604.  Teaching Academy.  (1 credits)

605.  Prof Issues Psych.  (1 to 2 credits)

606.  Positive Psychology.  (3 credits)

609.  Psych Teach Academy.  (1 credits)

613.  Adv Stat Methods.  Advisory pre-requisite: One previous course in Statistics. Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (4 credits)

614.  Adv Stat Methods.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 613, Graduate standing, and permission of instructor.  (4 credits)

616/SOC 616/SURVMETH 681.  Anal Survey Data II.  Advisory pre-requisite: SOC,PSYCH 613/SOC 510 or PSYCH 684/SOC 614 or equivalent and statistics.  (4 credits)

618/SURVMETH 615/SOC 613.  Adv Meth Surv Samp.  Advisory pre-requisite: SOC 612/PSYCH 687/SURVMETH 612 and Graduate standing.  (3 credits)

619.  Supervised Research.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

627.  Total Survey Error.  (3 credits)

630/ANTHRBIO 668.  Primatology.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (2 to 3 credits)

631.  Prosem in Biopsych.  (3 credits)

634.  Human Neuropsych.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (4 credits)

643/EECS 643.  Thry Neurl Comp.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (2 to 4 credits)

644/EECS 644.  Comp Model Cogn.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (2 to 4 credits)

653.  P&SC Orientation.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (2 credits)

654.  CL&Mod Personlty.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

655/WOMENSTD 655.  Psych of Women.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

665.  Measurement Org Res.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

670.  Res Des&Eval Clin.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

672.  Interv&Clin Ethics.  (3 credits)

678.  Ethics&Professnl Iss.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 2 credits)

681.  Surv of Social Psyc.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (2 credits)

682/SOC 682.  Adv Soc Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

683/SOC 621/SURVMETH 616.  Wkshop Samp Techniq.  Advisory pre-requisite: SOC 612/PSYCH 687/SURVMETH 612 and/or concurrent enrollment in SOC 613/PSYCH 618/SURVMETH 615 and permission of instructor. Graduate standing.  (3 to 6 credits)

685.  Soc Psych Theories.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 682; Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (2 credits)

687/SURVMETH 625/SOC 612.  Applied Sampling.  Advisory pre-requisite: Two courses in statistics; and graduate standing  (3 credits)

688/SURVMETH 601/SOC 688.  Int to Surv Res Tech.  Advisory pre-requisite: Introductory psychology and statistics and permission of instructor.  (6 credits)

689/ANTHRCUL 760.  Culture&Cognition.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate student in Anthropology or Psychology or permission of instructor.  (2 to 3 credits)

691/ANTHRCUL 674/COMM 691/ENGLISH 691/LING 691/ROMLANG 691/EDUC 691.  Literacy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (3 credits)

703.  Cognition & Environ.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (3 credits)

706.  Tutorial Reading.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

707/EDUC 707.  Psychometric Theory.  Advisory pre-requisite: EDUC 795 or equivalent  (3 credits)

708/EDUC 708.  Cogn&Instr Classrm.  Required pre-requisite: Doctoral Level  Advisory pre-requisite: EDUC 606 or equivalent  (3 credits)

709/EDUC 709.  Motiv in the Schools.  Required pre-requisite: Doctoral Level  Advisory pre-requisite: EDUC 606 or equivalent  (3 credits)

710/SOC 719.  Cmp Anl Surv.  Advisory pre-requisite: Elementary knowledge of survey methods and basic statistics.  (3 credits)

711/SOC 711/SURVMETH 630.  Quest Design & Eval.  Advisory pre-requisite: An introductory course in survey research methods or equivalent experience.  (3 credits)

719.  Supervised Research.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (1 to 5 credits)

720/EDUC 720.  Soc/Per Psy of Educ.  Required pre-requisite: Doctoral Level  Advisory pre-requisite: EDUC 606 or equivalent.  (3 credits)

721.  Mathematical Psych.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

722.  Decision Processes.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

723/EDUC 721.  Hum Dev&Schooling.  Required pre-requisite: Doctoral Level  Advisory pre-requisite: EDUC 606 or equivalent  (3 credits)

726/SOC 726.  Multivari Anal.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 614; and graduate standing.  (2 to 3 credits)

730.  Sem in Biopsych.  (1 to 4 credits)

731.  Physiological Psych.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs.  (3 credits)

740/EECS 695.  Neural Models.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

741.  Proc Cog&Cog Neuro.  (3 credits)

742.  Complex Cognition.  (3 credits)

743.  Human Learn-Memory.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

744.  Perception.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs.  (3 credits)

745.  Psych of Language.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs.  (3 credits)

746.  Atten & Cog Control.  (3 credits)

747.  Models of Thinking.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs.  (3 to 4 credits)

749.  Cognitive Functng.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs.  (3 credits)

751.  Cognitive Developmt.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs. Permission of the instructor is required for persons who are not Graduate students in Psychology or one of its combined or interdisciplinary programs.  (3 credits)

756/LING 756.  Lang&Comm Skil.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

757.  Social Development.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

758.  Dev Neurosci Hum Beh.  (3 credits)

759.  Developmental Psych.  Advisory pre-requisite: The course is intended for first year Graduate students in the developmental area; other students interested in the course should seek permission of instructor. Student must register for both Fall and Winter semesters to receive a grade.  (2 credits)

760.  Prob Orgnized Behav.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved combined programs and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

764.  Psem Org Psych I.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

765.  Psem Org Psych II.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

770.  Family Therapy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

771.  Top Clin Sci & Pract.  (1 credits)

773/SW 831.  Eval Soc Prg.  Advisory pre-requisite: Doctoral Standing, one grad level stats course, and a basic understanding of bivariate analysis, including correlation, or permission of instructor. Also recommended is a rudimentary understanding of instrument construction and data collection procedures  (3 credits)

775.  Psych Assessment I.  (4 credits)

776.  Clin Sci Hist&Cult.  (3 credits)

778.  Psych Assessment II.  (4 credits)

779.  Integrated Pract Sem.  (1 to 3 credits)

781/SOC 781.  Socialization.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

782.  Cultural Psychology.  (3 credits)

785/SOC 785.  Group Processes.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (3 credits)

786/SOC 786.  Res Des-Soc Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Open to approved applicants for the Ph.D. in Social Psychology; others by permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

787.  Emotion & Motivation.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (3 credits)

788.  Attitude&Soc Judge.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

793.  Emotional Developmt.  (3 credits)

794.  Dev,Psy&Mentl Hlth.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

795.  Sem Dev&Mentl Hlth.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 2 credits)

796.  Development-Infancy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

797.  Develop-Adolescence.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

798.  Psychol of Aging.  Advisory pre-requisite: P.I./PSYC G.  (3 credits)

803.  Community Psychology.  (3 credits)

804/EDUC 803.  Struc Eq Model(SEM).  (3 credits)

805.  Adv Pro Issues Psy.  (1 to 2 credits)

808.  Special Seminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

809/HMP 809.  Logic&Meth Res.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (3 credits)

817/EDUC 817/SOC 810/STATS 817.  Sem Soc Sci Meth.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing, and Graduate-level course in STATS at the level of STAT 500 and 501.  (1 credits)

819.  Supervised Research.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

831.  Physiological.  Advisory pre-requisite: PSYCH 731, Graduate standing, and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

833.  Adv Sem Neuroscience.  (1 to 4 credits)

840.  Intro Functional MRI.  Advisory pre-requisite: Advanced statistics course and experience with Matlab  (3 credits)

841.  Des&anly fMRI exper.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 840  (3 credits)

842.  DecisionConsort.  (1 to 3 credits)

854.  Prsnlty:Res Techniq.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

855.  Res Meth:Personality.  (3 credits)

858.  Current Iss Dev Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or approved joint programs and permission of instructor.  (2 to 4 credits)

861/EDBEHAVR 800.  Sem Ed Psych.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

862/EDBEHAVR 801.  Sem Ed Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

872.  Psychotherapy Lab I.  (3 credits)

873.  Psychotherapy Lab II.  Required pre-requisite: PSYCH 872  (3 credits)

874.  Intro Psycho Adults.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

875.  Intro Child Therapy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

876.  Pract Clinical Psych.  (2 credits)

877.  Psychopth Lifesp I.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

878.  Psychopth Lifesp II.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)

879.  Internship Clin Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Open only to clinical psychology students, permission of practicum supervisor also required.  (2 credits)

897.  DPMH Comm Pract.  (1 to 4 credits)

908.  Special Seminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

948.  Special Seminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in Psychology.  (1 to 4 credits)

958.  Special Sem Developm.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

978.  Special Seminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)

988/SOC 988.  Sem Soc Psy.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 5 credits)

990.  Diss-Precand.  Advisory pre-requisite: Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted as a Candidate.  (1 to 8 credits)

995.  Diss-Cand.  Required pre-requisite: Candidate  (4 or 8 credits)

  • GRE general required,
  • GRE subject test optional.
  • Applicants whose native language is not English should also submit TOEFL score (or score from other English proficiency test such as ECPE, IELTS, or MELAB).
  • Three letters of recommendation required. 
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