Sociology Program

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Local:$ 7 k / Year(s) Foreign:$ 7 k / Year(s)  
StudyQA ranking:5825 Duration:4 years

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İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Sociology differs greatly in terms of both the content of its curriculum and its goals concerning the qualifications a graduate student should have. Without neglecting the theoretical courses, the sense of “applied sociology” that modern sociology departments give particular importance stands out in curriculum preparation. Therefore, the courses concerning statistics and research methods and theoretical courses are balanced, and it is aimed to enable graduating students to develop skills for planning, applying, analyzing, and reporting sociologic research projects. In the Project Course, which has to be completed for graduation and that will last two semesters in the last year, a comprehensive sociology project will be planned and implemented by the students under the supervision of the lecturer.

The Elective Courses of the department have been added to the curriculum by considering the social problem topics that modern sociology deals with in terms of both theoretical and applied sociology and wants to contribute to their solution; thus, the students will be more equipped in terms of their personal areas of interests, and the topics they can study and their job alternatives will increase after graduation.


To see the course details (such as objectives, learning outcomes, content, assessment and ECTS workload), click the relevant Course Code given in the table below.

1. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
SOC 105   Fundamentals of Philosophy 2 2 3 5
SFL 1013   Second Foreign Languages I 2 2 3 3
IUE 100   Academic and Social Orientation 0 2 1 1
HUM 103   Principles of Social Sciences I 3 0 3 4
ENG 101   Academic Skills in English I 2 2 3 3
SOC 101   Introduction to Sociology I 3 0 3 6
MATH 111   Fundamentals of Mathematics 3 0 3 4
SOC 100   Reading and Writing in Sociology 2 2 3 4
Total : 30
1. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
SOC 106   Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences 2 2 3 6
ECON 100   Principles of Economics 3 0 3 4
SFL 1024   Second Foreign Languages II 2 2 3 3
HUM 104   Principles of Social Sciences II 3 0 3 4
SOC 104   Cultural Anthropology 3 0 3 5
SOC 102   Introduction to Sociology II 3 0 3 5
ENG 102   Academic Skills in English II 2 2 3 3
Total : 30
2. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
SOC 203   Demography 3 0 3 4
SFL 201   Second Foreign Languages III 2 2 3 3
SOC 201   Classical Theories of Sociology 3 0 3 5
ECON 203   Economic History 3 0 3 7
BA 100   Fundamentals of Law 3 0 3 4
TURK 201   Turkish I 2 0 2 1
SOC 211   Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences 2 2 3 6
Total : 30
2. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
SOC 202   Contemporary Theories of Sociology 3 0 3 6
SOC 208   Political Sociology 3 0 3 4
TURK 202   Turkish II 2 0 2 1
SOC 206   Sociology of Crime 3 0 3 4
SOC 212   Qualitative Methods for Social Sciences 2 2 3 7
SOC 204   Social Stratification 3 0 3 5
SFL 202   Second Foreign Languages IV 2 2 3 3
Total : 30
3. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
ELEC 002   Elective Course II 3 0 3 5
ELEC 001   Elective Course I 3 0 3 5
HIST 201   Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution I 2 0 2 1
BA 207   Organizations 3 0 3 5
SFL 301   Second Foreign Languages V 2 2 3 3
SOC 303   Social Change 3 0 3 6
ELEC 003   Elective Course III 3 0 3 5
Total : 30
3. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
MMC 304   Sociology of Communication 3 0 3 5
HIST 202   Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution II 2 0 2 1
SOC 306   Sociology of Family 3 0 3 5
SOC 308   Urban sociology 3 0 3 6
SFL 302   Second Foreign Languages VI 2 2 3 3
ELEC 005   Elective Course V 3 0 3 5
ELEC 004   Elective Course IV 3 0 3 5
Total : 30
4. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
SOC 497   Sociology Project I 2 4 4 5
SOC 451   Workshop 1 0 2 1 2
SOC 403   Formation of Public Opinion and Opinion Polls Research 3 0 3 5
ST 310   Summer Training 0 0 0 6
SFL 401   Second Foreign Languages VII 2 2 3 3
ELEC 006   Elective Course VI 3 0 3 5
SOC 401   Sociological Studies in Turkey 3 0 3 4
Total : 30
4. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
ELEC 009   Elective Course IX 3 0 3 5
SOC 452   Workshop 2 0 2 1 2
ELEC 008   Elective Course VIII 3 0 3 5
SFL 402   Second Foreign Languages VIII 2 2 3 3
ELEC 007   Elective Course VII 3 0 3 5
ELEC 010   Elective Course X 3 0 3 5
SOC 498   Sociology Project II 2 4 4 5
Total : 30
Elective Courses
Code Pre. Course Name Theory Application/Laboratory Local Credits ECTS
HUM 101   History of Civilization I 3 0 3 5
HUM 102   History of Civilization II 3 0 3 5
SOC 300   Social Deviance and Control 3 0 3 5
SOC 315   History of Revolutions 3 0 3 5
SOC 320   Aging Society 3 0 3 5
SOC 330   Work and Occupations in Modern Society 3 0 3 5
SOC 340   Environmental Sociology 3 0 3 5
SOC 350   Technology and Changing Society 3 0 3 5
SOC 360   Sociology of Religion 3 0 3 5
SOC 390   Sociology of Ethnicity and Race 3 0 3 5
SOC 400   Status, Power and Welfare 3 0 3 5
SOC 410   Myths, Beliefs and Thoughts in History 3 0 3 5
SOC 420   Cyber World, the Internet and Social Change 3 0 3 5
SOC 430   Gender and Social Change 3 0 3 5
SOC 440   Sociology of Art 3 0 3 5
SOC 450   Sociology of Body 3 0 3 5
SOC 460   Selected Topics in Social Theory 3 0 3 5
SOC 480   Modernity, Space and Culture 3 0 3 5
SOC 490   Social Investigations on İzmir 3 0 3 5
SOC 322   Historical Sociology 3 0 3 5

In the framework of the regulations set by Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK), student admission for this undergraduate program is made through a university entrance examination called ÖSYS. Following the submission of students’ academic program preferences, Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) places the students to the relevant program according to the score they get from ÖSYS.

International students are accepted to this undergraduate program according to the score of one of the international exams they take such as SAT,ACT etc. or according to their high school diploma score.

Exchange student admission is made according to the requirements determined by bilateral agreements signed by IUE and the partner university.

Visiting students can enroll for the courses offered in this program upon the confirmation of the related academic unit. Additionally, they need to prove their English language level since the medium of instruction at IUE is English.

The students studying in this undergraduate program are required to have a Cumulative Grade Points Average (Cum.GPA) of not less than 2.00/4.00 and have completed all the courses with at least a letter grade of DD/S in the program in order to graduate. The minimum number of ECTS credits required for graduation is 240. It is also mandatory for the students to complete their compulsory internship in a specified duration and quality.




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