Supply Chain Management

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Foreign:$ 46.4 k / Year(s) Deadline: Apr 1, 2025
184 place StudyQA ranking:8841 Duration:4 years

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Supply chain managers coordinate the purchase of raw materials, the manufacturing and the transportation of materials across multiple vendors and multiple countries to provide the services and finished goods sitting on a local store shelf or available through an online retailer. It is a key reason that people can buy an ever-increasing variety of goods and services at remarkably low prices.

The supply chain management program provides W. P. Carey School of Business students with an in-depth knowledge of integrated supply chain management. The curriculum focuses on:

  • execution systems
  • logistics
  • negotiations
  • operations
  • planning
  • procurement
  • strategy development

Classes are small and use projects and case studies to bring the material to life.

This program is consistently ranked as one of the top supply chain programs in the world, providing students an opportunity to be recruited by many leading international companies in many different industries.

  • CIS 105: Computer Applications and Information Technology (CS)
  • MAT 210: Brief Calculus (MA)
  • WPC 101: Student Success in Business
  • ENG 101 or ENG 102: First-Year Composition OR 
  • ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition OR 
  • ENG 107 or ENG 108: First-Year Composition
  • SOC OR PSY course (SB)
  • Humanities, Arts and Design (HU)
  • MAT 211: Mathematics for Business Analysis
  • ECN 211: Macroeconomic Principles (SB) OR
  • ECN 212: Microeconomic Principles (SB)
  • COM 100: Introduction to Human Communication (SB) OR
  • COM 225: Public Speaking (L) OR
  • COM 230: Small Group Communication (SB) OR
  • COM 259: Communication in Business and the Professions
  • ACC 231: Uses of Accounting Information I
  • ECN 221: Business Statistics (CS)
  • Historical Awareness (H)
  • Natural Science - Quantitative (SQ)
  • ACC 241: Uses of Accounting Information II
  • SCM 300: Global Supply Operations
  • WPC 301: Business Forum
  • Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)
  • SCM 315: Business Decision Models
  • SCM 345: Logistics Management
  • MGT 300: Organization and Management Leadership
  • ENG 302: Business Writing (L)
  • SCM 355: Supply Management (L)
  • SCM 432: Planning and Control Systems for Supply Chain Management
  • SCM 463: Global Supply Chain Management (G) OR
  • Upper Division International Business Course AND
  • Global Awareness (G)
  • FIN 300: Fundamentals of Finance
  • SCM 455: Research and Negotiation
  • SCM 479: Supply Chain Strategy (L)
  • LES 305: Business Law and Ethics for Managers
  • MKT 300: Marketing and Business Performance
  • WPC 480: W. P. Carey Capstone Course (L)
  • Upper Division Elective OR
  • SCM 440: Quality Management/Measurement
  • Upper Division Humanities, Arts and Design (HU)
  • Upper Division Elective

Upper Division International Business Course- select one course (3 credit hours)

  • AGB 302: International Management and Agribusiness (G)
  • ECN 306: Survey of International Economics (SB & G)
  • MGT 302: Principles of International Business (G)
  • MKT 425: Global Marketing Management (G)
  • SCM 463: Global Supply Chain Management (G)

General Studies Electives

  • ARB 101: Elementary Arabic I
  • ARB 102: Elementary Arabic II
  • BIO 320: Fundamentals of Ecology
  • CHI 205: Chinese Calligraphy
  • COM 207: Introduction to Communication Inquiry
  • COM 259: Communication in Business and the Professions
  • COM 281: Communication Activities
  • COM 310: Relational Communication
  • COM 312: Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation
  • COM 317: Nonverbal Communication
  • COM 341: Social Contexts for Performance
  • COM 414: Crisis Communication
  • COM 430: Leadership in Group Communication
  • COM 453: Communication Training and Development
  • COM 465: Intercultural Communication Workshop
  • ENG 210: Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENG 213: Introduction to the Study of Language
  • ENG 310: Intermediate Creative Writing
  • ENG 314: Modern Grammar
  • ENG 345: Selected Authors or Issues
  • FAS 301: Introduction to Parenting
  • FRE 111: Fundamentals of French
  • FRE 472: Franco-Canadian Civilization
  • GCU 433: Geography of Southeast Asia
  • GER 101: Elementary German (G)
  • GER 102: Elementary German (G)
  • GER 111: Fundamentals of German
  • GRK 101: Elementary Ancient Greek
  • GRK 201: Intermediate Ancient Greek
  • HST 389: Japan Society and Values/Premod
  • IDN 101: Elementary Indonesian I
  • IDN 102: Elementary Indonesian II
  • ITA 420: Italian Cinema
  • JPN 206: Japanese Calligraphy
  • JPN 414: Introduction to Classical Japanese
  • KOR 101: First-Year Korean I
  • KOR 102: First-Year Korean II

General Studies Electives Continued

  • LAT 101: Elementary Latin
  • LAT 102: Elementary Latin
  • MAT 242: Elementary Linear Algebra
  • MAT 243: Discrete Mathematical Structures
  • MAT 310: Introduction to Geometry
  • MAT 342: Linear Algebra
  • MAT 362: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
  • MAT 370: Intermediate Calculus
  • MAT 371: Advanced Calculus I
  • MAT 372: Advanced Calculus II
  • MAT 410: Introduction to General Topology
  • MAT 415: Introduction to Combinatorics
  • MAT 416: Introduction to Graph Theory
  • MAT 442: Advanced Linear Algebra
  • MAT 443: Introduction to Abstract Algebra
  • MAT 444: Intermediate Abstract Algebra
  • MAT 445: Theory of Numbers
  • MAT 460: Vector Calculus
  • MAT 461: Applied Complex Analysis
  • MAT 462: Applied Partial Differential Equations
  • MAT 472: Intermediate Real Analysis I
  • MAT 475: Differential Equations
  • MAT 485: History of Mathematics
  • POR 101: Elementary Portuguese
  • ROM 101: Elementary Romanian
  • ROM 201: Intermediate Romanian
  • ROM 313: Romanian Composition and Conversation
  • ROM 314: Romanian Composition and Conversation
  • RUS 101: Elementary Russian
  • RUS 102: Elementary Russian
  • SHS 101: American Sign Language I
  • SHS 102: American Sign Language II
  • SHS 201: American Sign Language III
  • SHS 202: American Sign Language IV
  • SPA 101: Elementary Spanish
  • SPA 102: Elementary Spanish
  • SPA 111: Fundamentals of Spanish
  • SPA 315: Spanish Conversation and Composition for Bilinguals (C)
  • SPA 316: Spanish Conversation and Composition for Bilinguals (L & C)
  • SPA 434: Drama of the Golden Age
  • SPA 454: 19th-Century Spanish American Narrative
  • SPA 456: 20th-Century Spanish American Fiction
  • SPA 486: Mexican American Novel
  • SPA 487: Chicano/a Drama: Pachucos, Vendidos y Cerezitas
  • THA 101: Elementary Thai I
  • THA 102: Elementary Thai II
  • Freshmen admission requirements: 1160 (prior to March 2016) or 1230 SAT Reasoning (after March 2016) OR 25 ACT score, OR graduated in the top eight percent of high school class, OR an overall high school GPA of 3.60 in ASU competency courses (scale is 4.00 = "A").
  • Freshmen should select an additional major when applying for admission. Additional choices may include any of the W. P. Carey business BA programs or any other degree program outside of the W. P. Carey School of Business. Students who are not admissible to a W. P. Carey business BS major and who did not select a second major or are not admissible to their second major choice will be placed in a business BA program in the W. P. Carey School of Business.
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
  • All international students on F-1 or J-1 visas must provide a Financial Guarantee to show evidence of sufficient funds available for their students before their SEVIS Form I-20 can be issued. 


ASU offers a limited number of merit-based scholarships for highly qualified international freshman students who are non-immigrant, nonresident and degree seeking. To be considered for this competitive scholarship, you must submit your application for admission by April 1, 2017. There is no separate scholarship application to complete. 

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