The Master's programme places greater emphasis on research with students learning the academic skills needed to independently address questions of academic relevance. The programme therefore provides students with an excellent foundation for subsequent doctoral research work. However, students on the programme can equally choose a more applied approach in which they also acquire teaching and methodological skills that prepare them for work in non-school educational environments.
The research-oriented subject areas "German Literary Studies" and "German Linguistics" focus respectively on historical and systematic analyses of German literature, and on questions in the fields of language morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. In the more applied field of "German as a Foreign/Second Language" students are concerned with theories of second language acquisition and the factors that influence multilingualism. Students select one of these core subject areas and also take the interdepartmental module "Interdisciplinary Studies".
Students on the M.A. programme in German language and literature at Saarland University can choose to combine their main subject (i.e. their chosen core subject area) with a subsidiary subject that is also drawn from the field of German language and literary studies. Alternatively, the main subject can be combined with a subsidiary subject from another discipline, such as comparative linguistics and literary studies.
Das Studium des 2-Fächer-Masterstudiengangs umfasst insgesamt 120 CP. Davon entfallen:
* 71 CP auf das Hauptfach,
* 27 CP auf das Nebenfach und
* 22 CP auf die Masterarbeit im Hauptfach.
Studierende im Haupt- und Nebenfach wählen aus einem der folgenden Schwerpunkte:
* Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
* Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
* Sprechwissenschaft und Sprecherziehung
* Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Deutsch als Zweitsprache.
Die Kombination von zwei nicht-identischen germanistischen Schwerpunkten im Haupt- und Nebenfach ist möglich.