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The B.S. in Health Sciences program addresses one of the most pressing challenges of the twenty-first century, that of providing adequate healthcare to the growing and aging population. The degree program builds upon a common foundation, consisting of general education and biology, chemistry and physics courses, and leads to tracks in exercise and fitness, and nutrition.
The programs pre-professional track also affords students flexibility, following completion of the foundation, to select an additional 30 semester hours in natural science and health science courses appropriate to their professional aspirations.
Program graduates will work in healthcare settings an the entry level, seek further professional training in a healthcare field, or seek further education in a related field.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of completing the B.S. in Health Sciences, graduates will be able to apply principles of health and wellness as a lifelong process of learning grounded in the study of basic sciences and the behavioral arts. The students will:
- Understand fundamental biological, chemical, and physical properties underlying life systems
- Be able to gather and analyze research data and make inferences based on the dat
- Be aware of professional, ethical, and privacy issues that are pertinent to careers in the health sciences
In addition:
- Exercise and Fitnessstudents will understand the relationship between exercise and wellness maintenance and be skilled at developing appropriate fitness programs for diverse populations.
- Nutrition students will understand principles of human nutrition and the relationship to health and wellness using evidence based strategies.
- Community health education students will understand principles to help people assume more responsibility for their health and well being through educational development, implementation and evaluation of community health programs.
- Pre-professional students will be broadly prepared to enter professional schools and to successfully meet school admissions criteria.
Employment Outlook
Health Services is a very large sector of the U.S. economy. For most positions in this area (exercise and fitness instructors, community health educators, and nutritionists), the U.S. Department of Labor predicts growth to be faster than average or much faster than average. The Universitys Health Sciences program broadly addresses this area of growth.
The Bureau summarizes growth in the health sector in the following terms:
Health care will generate 3 million new wage and salary jobs between 2006 and 2016, more than any other industry. Seven of the twenty fastest growing occupations are health care related. Job opportunities should be good in all employment settings.
Wage and salary employment in the health care industry is projected to increase 22 percent through 2016, compared with 11 percent for all industries combined (table 3). Employment growth is expected to account for about 3 million new wage and salary jobs-20 percent of all wage and salary jobs added to the economy over the 2006-16 period. Projected rates of employment growth for the various segments of the industry range from 13 percent in hospitals, the largest and slowest growing industry segment, to 55 percent in the much smaller home health care services."
Career areas broadly within the purview of the program are expected to grow. For example, the 2016 Statewide Occupational Forecast, developed by the Connecticut Department of Labor, predicts a 24.9 percent increase in jobs related to waste management and remediation services and a 12.8 percent increase in the education and health services sector.
A number of program graduates also will seek further professional education in healthcare. These areas are among the fastest growing in the overall economy.
Community Health Education
Community Health Education students will be prepared to understand overall wellness of a population as a whole. Students will learn principles to protect and promote the health of the public through health promotion, health education and diseased prevention activities.
Job Positions: Community Health Educator, Community Outreach Coordinator, Community Services Director, Health Advocate, Grant Writer, Health Education Specialist
Employment Locations: Health care facilities (non-profit, for profit, community health centers, hospitals, public health department, private companies, colleges)
Job Responsibilities: Work one-on-one with patients and their families; develop health programs and materials to encourage people to make healthy decisions to groups of people; offer health education classes to community and health personnel; administer public health campaigns on topics such as proper nutrition; grant writing; develop health policy; identify common health problems among employees and create programs to improve health.
Detailed Course Facts
Application deadline July 1 is the last date to apply for the Fall Semester which begins late August/early September;November 1 is the last date to apply for the Spring Semester which begins mid-January Tuition fee- USD 30965 Year (National)
- USD 30965 Year (International)
Languages Take an IELTS test
- English
Course Content
Exercise and Fitness students will be prepared to understand principles involved in exercise science and general fitness. Among the many available careers, graduates might manage a wellness center or work with the elderly in rehabilitation. Program graduates will understand the basics of kinesiology, body mechanics, exercise physiology, nutrition, and overall fitness.
Nutrition students will be prepared to understand and communicate evidence-based principles of nutrition science. They will understand metabolism and the role of nutrition in health, be able to identify and guide others towards healthy dietary and related life-style choices, and be adept in promoting overall wellness on both a personal and communal level.
Community Health Education students will be prepared to understand overall wellness of a population as a whole. Students will learn principles to protect and promote the health of the public through health promotion, health education and diseased prevention activities. Upon successful completion of the program requirements, graduates are eligible to apply for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam.
In addition, a Pre-professional advisement sequence will allow students to select 30 semester credit hours from among Health Sciences courses in order to prepare for admission to a Health Sciences graduate program. Students in the pre-professional track will complete the program core and general education courses common to all Health Sciences students.
Nutrition Curriculum General Education (63 credits)
- English Composition 3
- First Year Seminar 3
- Biology Study Skills 3
- Intermediate Algebra 3
- Social Science 3
- Humanities 3
- Fine Arts 3
- Healthcare Ethics 3
- Introduction to Psychology 3
- Biostatistics 4
- Principles of Accounting 3
- Anatomy and Physiology I (w/lab) 4
- Anatomy and Physiology II (w/lab) 4
- Capstone Seminar 3
- Cellular Molecular Biology I (w/lab) 3
- General Chemistry I (w/lab) 4
- General Chemistry II (w/lab) 4
- Introduction to Microbiology (w/lab) 4
- Research 3
Nutrition Track (57)
- Medical Terminology 1
- Seminar in Health Care Professions 1
- Current Topics in Health Sciences 1
- Fundamentals of Nutrition 3
- Vitamins and Minerals 3
- Food Service Management 3
- Comparative Diet Strategy 3
- Fitness & Wellness Program Development 3
- Clinical Herbology and Botany 3
- Health Sciences Information Literature 3
- Food Safety and Sanitation 3
- Introduction to Community Health Education 3
- Introduction to Exercise Science 3
- Epidemiology 3
- Community Nutrition 3
- Nutrition Internship 3
Electives 15
Total 120
English Language Requirements
IELTS band : 6 TOEFL paper-based test score : 500 TOEFL iBT® test : 61
To study at this university, you have to speak English. We advice you to
take an IELTS test.Requirements
You can demonstrate proof of English Language competency by meeting any one of the criteria listed below:
1. A letter certifying completion of level 6 at the Universitys English Language Institute (ELI).
Attainment of a satisfactory score on the University of Bridgeports English Language Assessment Battery (ELAB).
2. A minimum TOEFL score of 500 (PBT), 173 (CBT), or 61 (IBT) for undergraduates and a minimum score of 550 (PBT), 213 (CBT), or 80 (IBT) for graduates (post-graduates).
3. A minimum IELTS (Cambridge Testing) Band score of 6.0 for Undergraduates and a minimum Band score of 6.5 for graduates (post-graduates).
4. A transcript from an accredited American university indicating a grade of C or better in one semester of college English Composition.
5. Critical Reading SAT score of 400 or above; or ACT English score of 19 or above.
6.An official letter certifying completion of ELS (English Language Service) through level 112.
7.An official letter certifying completion of CSE (The Center for English Studies) through level 7.5.
8. A Michigan English Assessment Battery (MELAB) score of 69 or above for undergraduates and score of 77 or above for graduates.
9. A Prueba de Aptitud Academica (PAA) English achievement score of 500 or above.
10. A level of Advanced on the English Language Proficiency Test of the College Board.
11. An official O level or A level Certificate indicating a grade of C or better in English.
12. An EIKEN score of Grade 2A or above for undergraduates and a score of Grade Pre-1 or above for graduates.
13. A score of 4 or better on the English A Higher Level examination in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.
14. WAEC, WASSE, CXC, etc. Score of C or better on English Language exam.
15. A minimum Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) score of 44 for undergraduates and a minimum PTE Academic score of 53 for graduates (post-graduates).
You must demonstrate English language competency in one of the ways listed above. If you dont demonstrate English language competency in one of these ways prior to registration, you will be given the University English Language Assessment Battery (ELAB) test upon arrival. If you pass at a satisfactory level, you may begin classes.
Work Experience
No work experience is required.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
Related Scholarships*
- Academic Excellence Scholarship
"The Academic Excellence Scholarship can provide up to a 50 % reduction in tuition per semester. These scholarships will be renewed if the student maintains superior academic performance during each semester of their 3-year Bachelor programme. The scholarship will be directly applied to the student’s tuition fees."
- Alumni Study Travel Fund
Scholarships for students who are already attending the University of Reading.
- Amsterdam Merit Scholarships
The University of Amsterdam aims to attract the world’s brightest students to its international classrooms. Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area can apply for an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship.