Social Work is an umbrella term for a variety of activities related to helping people in difficult situation. Social Work is also an academic discipline, one of subdisciplines of Social Studies, which combines law, social justice, politics, psychology, sociology, statistics, healthcare, ethics and philosophy, education and psychotherapy. A degree in Social Work gives its graduates a strong academic background in all these disciplines.
If you love communicating with different people, want to help those who need help and have empathy and a humanitarian mindset - maybe a degree in Social Work is the best choice for you.
Why choose Social Work?
Social work is a very wide scope of activities, and everyone interested can find a job for their liking, but people who have chosen this field of activity should possess several important qualities: they should be emotionally stable and love other people and helping them.
Social work is not an occupation for everyone, nevertheless, in some sense, the whole society keeps together because of people as social workers.
Social work is a great activity for people with high civic responsibility, for people who want to change the world for the better.
Working in social sector is extremely challenging, but this job gives an experience a few other jobs can provide.
Career options for Social Work graduates
A degree in Social Work area opens a variety of opportunities for its graduates. They can start a career in clinics and non-profit healthcare organizations, start a consulting career or research or teaching activity after completing a PhD degree. Social Work study programs are usually highly practical, so graduates receive a right amount of skills to find a job in Social Work after completing an undergraduate degree.
Graduates holding a Bachelors degree in Social Work can also continue education in a variety of related fields, for example, psychology, social studies, health care and other.
Best Institutions
According to College choice Rankings, the best university hosting Social Work programs is the University of Pennsylvania. This university offers students a five-year BA/MSW program in Social Work, which allows its graduates to start a successful career in diverse fields of social work. The list of world leading universities holding Social Work study programs includes New York University, James Madison University, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin-Madison and others. These universities are located in the USA and applicants need to meet the USA special requirements for international students.
A Bachelor study program in Social Work usually lasts from three to five years. Admission the universities from this list is highly competitive, and applicants need to provide an excellent GPA results, English proficiency is always required.